report(s) found: 10000

Development of a novel hydrodesulfurization catalyst based on shape selection and Hydrogen spillover for producing clean diesel.


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Jassem, Fatma.

Subject(s):  Catalysts ,  Hydrogen ,  Sulfur ,  Petroleum refining ,  عملية ازالة الكبريت بأستخدام الهيدروجين ,  تطوير المادة الحفازة ,  الديزل ذو الكبريت فائق الانخفاض ,  Hydrodesulfurization. ,  Catalyst development. ,  Ultra low sulfur diesel.

Project(s):  Development of a Novel Hydrodesulfurization Catalyst Based on Shape Selection and Hydrogen Spillover for Producing Clean Diesel

Project code:  PF 062K

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Sustainability of Industrial Wastewater treatment using microbial fuel cell


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Almatouq, Abdullah

Subject(s):  Wastewater treatment ,  Wastewater treatment ,  معالجة مياة الصرف ,  مصانع الالبان ,  الكهرباء ,  مصافي البترول ,  Wastewater treatment ,  Dairy factories ,  Electricity ,  Refineries

Project(s):  Sustainability of Industrial Wastewater treatment using microbial fuel cell

Project code:  WT 066C

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Developing a novel method for the determination of metal retention capacity of heavy oil upgrading catalyst


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Alfadhli, J

Subject(s):  Metal retention ,  Metal retention ,  Catalyst ,  Maximum metal on catalyst (MMOC). ,  Ku crude. ,  الكمية القصوى المترسبة من الفلزات على سطح الحفز. ,  لقيم ذو محتوى فلزى عالى.

Project(s):  Developing a Novel Method for the Determination of Metal Retention Capacity of Heavy Oil Upgrading Catalyst

Project code:  PF 061K

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Maintenance and operation of the coastal engineering laboratory facilities


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Alkhaldi, M.S.

Subject(s):  Concrete ,  Concrete ,  Industry ,  Industry ,  Glass flume ,  Concrete flume ,  Wave basin ,  Wave makers ,  Lab and field instruments

Project(s):  Maintenance and operation of the coastal engineering laboratory facilities

Project code:  EC 006O

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Abdali dump flooding coreflood and compatibility assessment


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Joma, Mohammad Ali.

Subject(s):  Oil Reservoirs ,  Deposits ,  Water ,  Rocks ,  Water compatibility. ,  Burgan. ,  Ratawi. ,  Upper and lower zubair. ,  مكامن نفطية ,  برقان ,  رطاوي ,  الزبير العلويوالسفلي ,  الحقن الفيضي

Project(s):  Abdali Dump Flooding Coreflood and Compatibility Assessment

Project code:  PP 057C

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Using Marine Algae as Poltry feed


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 13

Contributor(s):  Al Khalaifa, H.

Subject(s):  Poultry ,  Poultry ,  Omega 3 ,  Omega 3 ,  Broilers ,  Algae ,  serum proteins

Project(s):  Using Marine Algae as Poltry feed

Project code:  FA 127C

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Development of a novel isomerization catalyst


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension 'A.

Contributor(s):  Jassem, F.

Subject(s):  Isomerization. ,  Catalysts. ,  Deactivation behavior.

Project(s):  Development of a Novel Isomerization Catalyst

Project code:  PF 021C

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Group type characterization of Kuwaiti atmospheric residue using new SARA methodology


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Rabiah, Hassan.

Subject(s):  Oil ,  distillation ,  Atmospheric pressure ,  Crude Oil ,  SARA ,  TLC ,  TLC- FID ,  Cyclograph ,  Asphaltene ,  Maltene ,  resin ,  Saturates ,  مشبعة ,  عطرية ,  وراتنجينيه ,  وأسفلتينة ,  كروماتوغرافيا الطبقة الرقيقة مع كاشف تأين اللهب ,  كروماتوغرافيا الطبقة الرقيقة المسرعة بقوة الطرد المركزي ,  الفصل الكروماتوغرافي باستخدام العمود المفتوح

Project(s):  Group Type Characterization of Kuwaiti Atmospheric Residue Using New SARA Methodology

Project code:  PF 080K

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Quality control and conformity testing of construction and building materials according to local and international standard specifications (service without contract)


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Arbeed, A.

Subject(s):  Building materials ,  Building materials ,  Construction industry ,  Construction industry ,  conformity testing ,  Building materials ,  standard specifications ,  الكلمات الرئيسية ,  اختبار المطابقة ,  مواد البناء ,  المواصفات القياسية

Project(s):  Quality control and conformity testing of construction and building materials according to local and international standard specifications (service without contract)

Project code:  EU 001O

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Development of knowledge management for Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research


KISR Report

Proposal Amendment A

Contributor(s):  Al Sudairawi, Mane.

Subject(s):  Management ,  Knowledge ,  System ,  Platform

Project(s):  Development of knowledge management for Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research

Project code:  P-KISR-06-12

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Quantitative prediction of HDS reactivity of various middle distillates and their blends for production of clean diesel


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Ma, Xiaoliang

Subject(s):  Renewable Energy ,  Renewable energy ,  clean energy ,  clean energy ,  Environmental protection ,  clean diesel ,  Hydrodesulfurization ,  Modeling ,  reactivity prediction ,  حماية البيئة ,  الديزل اللنظيف ,  ازالة الكبريت بالمعالجة الهيدروجينية

Project(s):  Quantitative prediction of HDS reactivity of various middle distillates and their blends for production of clean diesel

Project code:  PF 089K

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Gas injection flow assurance study for EOR pilot


KISR Report

Annual Report

Contributor(s):  Mukadam, S.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Water ,  Petroleum waste ,  Petroleum waste ,  Zubair formation ,  Produced water ,  flow assurance risks ,  Emulsion ,  مكمن الزبير ,  المياة المصاحبة للإنتاج ,  مخاطر ضمان التدفق ,  مستحلب

Project(s):  Gas injection flow assurance study for EOR pilot

Project code:  PP 162S

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