report(s) found: 10000

Air pollution dispersion and prediction model for Shuaiba Industrial Area


KISR Report

Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Zannetti, P.

Subject(s):  Air Quality. Mathematical dispersion. Mathematical prediction. Pollution. Meteorology.

Project(s):  Air Pollution Dispersion & Prediction Model for Shuaiba Industrial Area

Project code:  EES 45

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Combined field and laboratory experiments to enhance the understanding of 210Po and 210Pb transfer in marine food webs


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Behbehani, Montaha

Subject(s):  Climate ,  Climate ,  Seafood ,  Seafood ,  الأنسجة الصالحة للأكل ,  الفضلات ,  الرخويات ,  الطحالب الكبيرة ,  الأسماك ,  التوافر البيولوجي ,  Edible tissue ,  fecal matter ,  molluscs ,  Macroalgae

Project(s):  Combined field and laboratory experiments to enhance the understanding of 210Po and 210Pb transfer in marine food WEBS

Project code:  EM 111C

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Air pollution dispersion and prediction model for Shuaiba Industrial Area


KISR Report

Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Zannetti, P.

Subject(s):  Air Quality. Mathematical dispersion. Mathematical prediction. Pollution. Meteorology.

Project(s):  Air Pollution Dispersion & Prediction Model for Shuaiba Industrial Area

Project code:  EES 45

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Rehabilitation of poltry (layer & broilers) research farm at KISR station for research and innovation


KISR Report

Technical Report No.5

Contributor(s):  Al Khalaifa, Hanan.

Subject(s):  Poultry ,  Poultry ,  Food supply ,  Food supply ,  government initiative ,  Poultry ,  Tender ,  تحليل ,  بيض ,  لحم ,  دواجن

Project(s):  Rehabilitation of Poltry (Layer & Broilers) Research Farm at KISR Station for Research and Innovation

Project code:  P-KISR-06-07

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Air pollution dispersion and prediction model for Shuaiba Industrial Area. Volume IV, Software user's manuals


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Zannetti, P.

Subject(s):  Air pollution. Computer modelling.

Project(s):  Air Pollution Dispersion & Prediction Model for Shuaiba Industrial Area

Project code:  EES 45

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Managing the hazards of Aeolian, Fluvial, and coastal Erosion in Gudhi Area-Northern Kuwait bay, Phase 1


KISR Report

Progress Report No.1

Contributor(s):  Al Dousari, A. M.

Subject(s):  Coast changes ,  Coast changes ,  shore protection ,  Shore protection ,  تراكم الرمال ,  النباتات الفطرية ,  المسح الميداني ,  تحليل العينات ,  sand accumulation native plants ,  Field survey ,  sample analysis

Project(s):  Managing the Hazards of Aeolian, Fluvial, and Coastal Erosion in Gudhi Area-Northern Kuwait Bay

Project code:  EC 117C

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Development of laser fluorosensor techniques for remote detection, identification and quantification of oil spills in the marine environment. Phase ll


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Quinn, M. F.

Subject(s):  Laser. Fluorosensor. Remote sensing.

Project(s):  Development of Laser Fluorosensor Techniques for Remote Detection, Identification & Quantification of Oil Spills in the Marine Environment - Phase ll

Project code:  EL 23

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Combined field and laboratory experiments to enhance the understanding of 210Po and 210Pb transfer in marine food webs


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Behbehani, Montaha

Subject(s):  Climate ,  seafood ,  Organisms ,  Absorption ,  Aerosol ,  Bioaerosol ,  Enhanced radioactivity ,  Bioconcentration ,  210PO ,  210Pb ,  الهباء الجوي ,  النشاط الإشعاعي المعزز ,  التركيز الحيوي ,  البولونيوم 210 ,  الرصاص210

Project(s):  Combined Field and Laboratory Experiments to Enhance the Understanding of 210Po and 210Pb Transfer in Marine Food Webs

Project code:  EM 111C

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Air pollution dispersion and prediction model for Shuaiba Industrial Area


KISR Report

Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Zannetti, P.

Subject(s):  Air Quality. Mathematical dispersion. Mathematical prediction. Pollution. Meteorology.

Project(s):  Air Pollution Dispersion & Prediction Model for Shuaiba Industrial Area

Project code:  EES 45

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Using marine Algae as poultry feed


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Khalaifah, H.

Subject(s):  Poultry ,  Meat ,  Production ,  Quality ,  Algae. ,  Broilers. ,  Antioxidative Status. ,  Immune response. ,  Meat quality. ,  Production performance. ,  الدجاج اللاحم. ,  نوعية اللحم. ,  أداء الأنتاج. ,  أوميغا 3 الطحالب. ,  حالة الأكسدة. ,  الأستجابة المناعية. ,  نوعية اللحم.

Project(s):  Using Marine Algae as Poultry Feed

Project code:  FA 127C

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Development study for the optimal utilization of the marine environment


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al-Yamani, F.

Subject(s):  Coastal zone management. ,  Examples from other countries. ,  Application to Kuwait.

Project(s):  Development Study for the Optimal Utilization of the Marine Environment

Project code:  FM 004C

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Genetic characterization of naeemi breed and investigations of their lifetime performance


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Abbas, S.

Subject(s):  Milk ,  Economic ,  Livestock ,  Production ,  Dna. ,  Fertility. ,  Milk yield. ,  Carcass. ,  Economic assessment. ,  الحمض النووي. ,  الأنتاج. ,  الحليب المنتج. ,  الذبيحة. ,  التقييم الأقتصادي.

Project(s):  Genetic characterization of naeemi breed and investigations of their lifetime performance

Project code:  FA 131C

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