report(s) found: 10000

Development of seawater pretreatment applications using zeeweed membranes


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  El-Sayed, E.

Subject(s):  Ultrafiltration ,  Reverse osmosis ,  Submerged membranes ,  Membrane fouling ,  Desalination

Project(s):  Development of Seawater Pretreatment Applications Using ZeeWeed Membranes

Project code:  WT 006C

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Development, analysis and integration of the hydrogeological data in Kuwait


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Mukhopadhyay, A.

Subject(s):  Database ,  Map preparation ,  Kuwait group aquifer ,  Dammam formation aquifer

Project(s):  Development, Analysis and Integration of Hydrogeological Data in Kuwait

Project code:  WM 010C

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Forward osmosis process:


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Ahmed, Mansour.

Subject(s):  Osmosis ,  Saline water conversion ,  Revers Osmosis ,  Seawater ,  Desalination. ,  Draw solution. ,  Osmotic pressure. ,  Internal concentration polarization. ,  تحلية المياه ,  محاليل ساحبة ,  ضغط أسموزي ,  تراكيز استقطابية

Project(s):  Forward Osmosis Process: Bench-scale Laboratory Investigation - Phase 1

Project code:  WT 034K

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Design of a national groundwater monitoring network in Kuwait


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Akbar, A

Subject(s):  Water ,  Aquifer ,  Quality ,  chemical constituents ,  Microbial contamination ,  جمع العينات ,  نوعية ,  منسوب ,  قاعدة بيانات ,  تحليل ,  نظام المعلومات الجغرافي ,  مكمن ,  Sampling. ,  Quality. ,  Level. ,  Database. ,  Analysis. ,  GIS. ,  Aquifer.

Project(s):  Design of a National Groundwater Monitoring Network for Kuwait

Project code:  WM 036C

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Selection of suitable sites for the implementation of artificial recharge in Kuwaitusing GIS technology,


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Mukhopadhyay, Amitabha.

Subject(s):  Groundwater ,  Groundwater ,  Hydrogeology ,  Hydrogeology ,  Aquifers ,  Aquifers ,  المعايير الهيدروجيولوجية ,  المعاير التشغيلية ,  ARCGIS ,  ARCCATALOC ,  ARCMAP ,  MS-ACCESS ,  Hydrogeological criteria ,  Operational criteria ,  Query formulation

Project(s):  Selection of Suitable Sites for Implementation of Artificial Recharge in Kuwait Using GIS Technology

Project code:  WM 006G

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Development of decision support maps for groundwater protection in Kuwait,


KISR Report

Revised Final Report

Contributor(s):  Fadlelmawla, A.

Subject(s):  Hydrogeology ,  Groundwater--quality ,  groundwater value, groundwater vulnerability, risk assessment, risk management, geographic information system ,  قيمة المياه الجوفية; قابلية المياة الجوفية للتلوث; تقييم المحاطر; إدارة المحاطر; نظام المعلومات الجغرافي

Project(s):  Development of Decision Support Maps for Groundwater Protection in Kuwait

Project code:  WM 014C

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The Effect of using the Ro-treated wastewater on the soil and groundwater at Al Abdally farms


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Qallaf, Habeeb

Subject(s):  Irrigation ,  Irrigation ,  Ground water ,  Ground water ,  اختبارات التربة ,  نوعية المياه ,  بكتيريا ,  المبيدات الحشرية ,  الخرائط ,  مياه الري ,  خزانات ,  Soil tests ,  Water quality ,  Bacteria ,  Pesticides ,  Maps ,  Irrigation water ,  Storage tanks

Project(s):  The Effect of Using the RO Treated Wastewater on the Soil and Groundwater at Al-Abdally Farms

Project code:  WM 030C

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Development of seawater pretreatment applications using zeeweed membranes


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  El-Sayed, E.

Subject(s):  Ultrafiltration. ,  Reverse osmosis. ,  Submerged membranes ,  Membrane fouling. ,  Desalination

Project(s):  Development of Seawater Pretreatment Applications Using ZeeWeed Membranes

Project code:  WT 006C

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دراسة في طرح مشاريع الدولة الاستثمارية بنظام BOT


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  مفلح,عوني

Subject(s):  نظام البناء والتشغيل والملكية ,  تشخيص المعوقات التي تواجه النظام ,  الاثار الاقتصادية الناجمة عن النظام ,  الية تطبيق النظام ,  الاجراءات والعقود الخاصة

Project(s):  Study on Implementing Government's Investment on Projects Using BOT System

Project code:  TQ 008C

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الصناعة الكويتية الوضع الراهن واستراتيجية السنوات العشر القادمة


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  محمد , عثمان

Subject(s):  معوقات القطاع الصناعي ,  تاريخ الفكر الاقتصادي ,  الاحلال محل الواردات ,  الصناعات التصديرية ,  الاقتصاد الحر

Project(s):  The Industrial Sector in Kuwait: The Present Status and the Future Strategy for the Next Ten Years

Project code:  TD 008C

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اعادة هيكلة نظام الحوافز الصناعية بدولة الكويت


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  العنزي، محمد

Subject(s):  نظام الحوافز ,  السياسة الصناعية ,  الخطة التشغيلية ,  تحليل الاثار

Project(s):  Restructuring the Industrial Incentive System in Kuwait

Project code:  TE 032C

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A Review and evaluation of the available environmental data on sulaibikhat bay


KISR Report

Interim Report

Contributor(s):  Environmental and Earth Sciences Division.

Subject(s):  Sulaibikhat Bay. Kuwait. Oceanography. Water quality. Environment. Impact assessment . Waste discharges. Sedimentology. Ecology. Ornithology.

Project(s):  A Review and Evaluation of the Available Environmental Data on Sulaibikhat Bay

Project code:  EES 44

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