report(s) found: 570
Center: Energy and Building Research Center x

Nanofabrication and characterization of Nanosensor for H2S, CO2 and CO Gases at high temperature applications :


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Alhalaili, B.

Subject(s):  Nanotechnology ,  Nanotechnology ,  Material Sciences ,  Material Sciences ,  Oxide-based ,  sensing ,  H²S ,  CO² ,  CO ,  fabrication ,  deep reactive-ion (DRI) etching ,  Ga²O³ ,  مستشعر الغاز ,  CO ,  O² ,  تصنيع ناتوني

Project(s):  Nanofabrication and Characterization of Nanosensor for H2S, CO2 and CO Gases at High Temperature Applications Phase I

Project code:  EA 091K

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Kuwait energy outlook building local energy blances


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Abdullah, Y. M.

Subject(s):  Energy ,  Energy ,  Data ,  Data ,  Energy policy ,  Energy forcasting ,  Energy economics ,  Energy statistics ,  سياسة الطاقة ,  تنبؤ الطاقة ,  اقتصاديات الطاقة ,  إحصائيات الطاقة

Project(s):  Kuwait Energy Outlook Building Local Energy Blances

Project code:  EU 139K

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Measurement and characterization of solar irradiance and climatological factors for assessing solar conversion technology in Kuwait


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Rasheedi, Majed

Subject(s):  Solar radiation ,  Solar power ,  Energy resources ,  Climate ,  Solar resource assessment ,  Smarts ,  Global irradiance ,  Direct irradiance ,  Kuwait ,  الطاقة الشمسية ,  سنة أحوال جوية نموذجة ,  الشقايا

Project(s):  Measurement and Characterization of Solar Irradiance and Climatological Factors for Assessing Solar Conversion Technologies in Kuwait

Project code:  EA 063C

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GA2O3 Photo -Electrochemical etching process for sensing harsh environmental aplications


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Alhalaili, B.

Subject(s):  Gallium ,  Gallium ,  Semiconductors ,  Semiconductors ,  Gallium oxide ,  PEC etching ,  Nanosensors devices ,  Energy ,  اكسيد الجاليوم ,  الحفر بالأضاءة الكهروكيميائيه ,  الطاقة ,  اجهزه الاستشعار

Project(s):  GA2O3 Photo -Electrochemical Etching Process for Sensing Harsh Environmental Aplications

Project code:  EA 059G

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Assessment of concrete structure using Infrared Thermography


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Sakka, Z.

Subject(s):  Infrared ,  Infrared ,  Image processing ,  Image processing ,  Assessment of existing buildings ,  Nondestructive testing ,  spectrum of infrared spectrum ,  Image processing ,  Passive and active thermography ,  منشئات خرسانية ,  تقييم المنشئات القائمة ,  فحوصات غير المتلفة ,  التصوير الحراري بالأشعة تحت الحمراء ,  معالجة الصور

Project(s):  Assessment of Concrete Structure Using Infrared Thermography

Project code:  EU 121C

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Machine learning-based home energy management system development for energy conservation in Kuwait


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Ragom, F.

Subject(s):  Energy storage ,  Energy storage ,  Auomatic control ,  Auomatic control ,  Residential energy consumption ,  Energy efficiency ,  Home Energy Management system ,  استهلاك الطاقة في المباني السكنية ,  نظم التحكم الالي ,  كفاءة الطاقة

Project(s):  Machine Learning-based Home Energy Management System Development for Energy Conservation in Kuwait

Project code:  EU 114C

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Surface treatment for an enhanced graphene adhesion on target surface


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Saeed, Maryam Adnan

Subject(s):  graphene ,  paint ,  Polymers ,  Liquids ,  Graphene ,  Surface roughness ,  Etching ,  Transfer ,  جرافين ,  خشونة السطح ,  التقشير ,  النقل

Project(s):  Surface Treatment for an Enhanced Graphene Adhesion on Target Surface

Project code:  EA 058G

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Supply Chain Risk Assessment for periods of Pandemics and major disasters


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al Sanad, S.

Subject(s):  Wind energy conversion systems ,  Wind energy conversion systems ,  Safety factor in engineering ,  Safety factor in engineering ,  Structural reliablity ,  Wind energy ,  Reliability update ,  Safety factor calibration ,  الموثوقية الهيكلية ,  طاقة الرياح ,  تحديث الاعتمادية والموثوقية ,  معاير عامل الأمان

Project(s):  Supply Chain Risk Assessment for periods of Pandemics and major disasters

Project code:  Eu 141K

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Invention of remote, Rugged, and self-referencing optical-fiber-chemical sensor chip for water quality monitoring

KISR Report

Annual Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Al Hajji, L.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Water Quality ,  Pollutants ,  Laboratories ,  Nanotechnology ,  Water treatment ,  in situ screening ,  Lab- on- a- chip ,  تكنولوجيا النانو ,  معالجة المياه ,  الألياف البصرية ,  المسبار الكيميائي ,  مختبر علي رقاقة

Project(s):  Invention of Remote, Rugged, and Self-Referencing Optical-Fiber-Chemical Sensor Chip for Water Quality Monitoring

Project code:  EA 086C

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A Comparison of variable refrigerant flow and roof top units air-conditioning systems for residential buidings


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Sebzali, M.

Subject(s):  Energy consumption ,  Energy Consumption ,  Renewable energy sources ,  Renewable energy sources ,  Energy-use ,  variable refrigerant volume ,  energy saving ,  استهلاك الطاقة ,  حجم التبريد المتغي ,  توفير الطاقة

Project(s):  A Comparison of Variable Refrigerant Flow and Roof Top Units Air-Conditioning Systems for Residential Buidings

Project code:  EU 140K

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Advanced structural reliability analysis concepts for wind energy assets in Kuwait


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al Sanad, Shaikha

Subject(s):  Wind Energy ,  Wind Energy ,  Analysis ,  Analysis ,  Structural reliability ,  Wind energy ,  Reliability update ,  Safty factor calibration ,  عتماد الإنشائي ,  طاقة الرياح ,  تحديث الاعتمادية والموثوقية ,  معاير عامل الادمان ,  رصد الصحة الإنشائية

Project(s):  Advanced Structural Reliability Analysis Concepts for Wind Energy Assets in Kuwait

Project code:  EU 123C

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Characterization of dredged marine sediments for use in compresses earth blocks


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Fadala, Sharifa

Subject(s):  PLASTICITY ,  PLASTICITY ,  Compressibility ,  Compressibility ,  Sabya ,  Particle size ,  plasticity ,  Compressibility ,  الصبية ,  التدرج الحبيبي ,  اللدونة ,  الانضغاطية

Project(s):  Characterization of Dredged Marine Sediments for Use in Compresses Earth Blocks

Project code:  EU 068G

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