report(s) found: 570
Center: Energy and Building Research Center x

Investigation of the Modular building construction industry in Kuwait


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Mutawaa, N.

Subject(s):  Modular construction ,  Modular construction ,  Exterior walls ,  Exterior walls ,  modular construction ,  off-site construction ,  prefabricated modeles ,  sustainable solution ,  أنظمة البناء المعيارية ,  البناء خارج الموقع ,  البناء المعماري

Project(s):  Investigation of the Modular building construction industry in Kuwait

Project code:  EU 078G

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Investigating the thermophysical properties and dispersion stability of gold-water nanofluids produced via a novel one-step approach


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Sayegh, Naser

Subject(s):  Water ,  Gold ,  Equipment ,  Liquids ,  Reactive ball mill ,  Suspensions ,  Thermal conductivity ,  Viscosity ,  Physical stability ,  Colloidal ,  Tablet ,  طواحين الكور التفاعلية ,  معلقات ,  توصيل حراري ,  لزوجية ,  أتزان فيزيائي ,  قرص

Project(s):  Investigating the Thermophysical Properties and Dispersion Stability of Gold-Water Nanofluids Produced Via Novel One-Step Approach

Project code:  EA 102K

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Geopolymerization of Boubyan clay


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Zuwayed, S.

Subject(s):  Soil ,  Polymerization ,  Climate pollution ,  X ray ,  Boubyan-clay ,  Fly ash ,  Geopolymerization ,  scanning electron microscope ,  X-ray fluorescence ,  تربة جزيرة بوبيان ,  الرماد المتطاير ,  البلمرة ,  الأشعة السينية الثانوية ,  المجهر الإلكتروني الماسح

Project(s):  Geopolymerization Of Boubyan Clay

Project code:  EU 074G

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A modal shift framework for mass transportation in Kuwait


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Sreekanth, K.J.

Subject(s):  Energy ,  Economy ,  Public transport ,  Transportation ,  Transportation survey ,  Economic analysis ,  Travel demand analysis ,  Sensitivity analysis ,  النقل الجماعي ,  أستبيان ,  التحليل الاقتصادي ,  السكك الحديدية ,  الطلب علي السفر

Project(s):  A Modal Shift Framework for Mass Transportation in Kuwait

Project code:  EU 143K

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Evaluation of photocatalytic membrane for antibiotics degradation in wastewater under different reaction parameters


KISR Report

Annual Report

Contributor(s):  Al Saeedi, M.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Toxic ,  Envirenment ,  Antibiotics ,  Treatment. ,  Polluted water. ,  toxic organic compound. ,  Photo-oxidation. ,  Pharmaceutical. ,  معالجة. ,  المياة الملوثة. ,  المركبات العضوية السامة. ,  الأكسدة العضوية.

Project(s):  Evaluation of photocatalytic membrane for antibiotics degradation in wastewater under different reaction parameters

Project code:  EA 113K

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Study the geotechnical characteristics for northern part soil of the State of Kuwait


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Enezi, D. S.

Subject(s):  Soil ,  Database ,  Tools ,  Plans ,  Nortern parts. ,  Database. ,  Al Mutlaa City. ,  Geotechnical properties. ,  Soil. ,  المناطق الشمالية. ,  قاعدة البيانات. ,  مدينة المطلاغ. ,  الخصائص الجيو تقنية. ,  التربة.

Project(s):  Study the geotechnical characteristics for northern part soil of the State of Kuwait

Project code:  EU 077G

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Quality control and cinformity of concrete pipes' testing for Al-Watani factory for fiber glass


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No. 3

Contributor(s):  Al Bahar, S.

Subject(s):  Concrete ,  Syeel ,  Pipes ,  Quality ,  Fresh concrete production. ,  Steel reinforecement. ,  Rubber Gasket. ,  Aggregate. ,  Hydrostatie pressure. ,  انتاج الخرسانة. ,  ربل مطاط. ,  حديد التسليح. ,  صلبوخ. ,  الضغط الهيدروليكي.

Project(s):  Quality control and cinformity of concrete pipes' testing for Al-Watani factory for fiber glass

Project code:  EU 069S

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Development of a modular high dynamic stand Alone Photovoltaic inverter


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Adouane, M.

Subject(s):  Solar Energy ,  Solar energy ,  Renewable energy ,  Renewable energy ,  Solar energy ,  conversion ,  topology ,  Control strategies ,  power quality ,  الطاقة الشمسية ,  التحويل ,  البنية ,  استراتيجيات التحكم ,  جودة الطاقة

Project(s):  Development of a modular high dynamic stand Alone Photovoltaic inverter

Project code:  EA 092K

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Investigation of the efficiency of the new cooling system in the broiler and layer houses in Kuwait


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Khalaifah, H.

Subject(s):  Broilers ,  Broilers ,  cooling systems ,  cooling systems ,  Broiler ,  Cooling system ,  Layers ,  Poultry

Project(s):  Investigation of the efficiency of the new cooling system in the broiler and layer houses in Kuwait

Project code:  EU 151C

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Assessment of moisture sensitivity of asphalt mixtures prepared with rubber and polymer modified bitumens


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Baghli, H.

Subject(s):  Asphalt ,  Design ,  Moisture ,  Energy ,  Compaction. ,  air voids. ,  Hamburg wheel tracking test. ,  superpave. ,  Short-term protocol. ,  Marshal mix design. ,  الضفط. ,  الفراغ الهوائي. ,  اختبار تتبع عجلة هامبورغ. ,  السوبر بييف. ,  تكييف الرطوبة. ,  تصميم مزيج مارشال.

Project(s):  Assessment of moisture sensitivity of asphalt mixtures prepared with rubber and polymer modified bitumens

Project code:  EU 153K

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Performance and financial evaluation of Geothermal heat pumps for residential buildings in a hot climate


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Ameer, B.

Subject(s):  Air conditioning ,  Air conditioning ,  Colling ,  Colling ,  Air conditioning systems ,  Geothermal energy ,  Energy efficiency ,  CO² emission ,  أنظمة تكييف الهواء ,  طاقة حرارية جوفية ,  انبعاث ثاني اكسيد الكربون ,  كفاءة الطاقة

Project(s):  Performance and financial evaluation of Geothermal heat pumps for residential buildings in a hot climate

Project code:  EU 169K

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Investigation of Nano-lubricants for Refrigeration Systems for Urban Energy Resilience


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Alsayegh, N.

Subject(s):  Energy ,  Air conditioning ,  Oil ,  Environment ,  Nano-lubricant ,  Air Conditioning ,  compressor ,  Thermophysical properties ,  transport properties ,  experimental ,  Modelling ,  زيوت التشحيم النانوية ,  تكييف هواء ,  ضاغط ,  الخائص الثرموفيزيائية ,  خصائص النقل ,  التجريبية ,  النمذجة

Project(s):  Investigation Of Nano-Lubricants For Refrigeration Systems For Urban Energy Resilience

Project code:  EA 117C

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