report(s) found: 570
Center: Energy and Building Research Center x

Smart integrated building-KFAS building


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Alghimlas, Fareed

Subject(s):  Buildings ,  Electricity ,  Water ,  Energy ,  Kuwait ,  Electricity tariff ,  Energy efficiency ,  Monitor Control ,  الكويت ,  تعرفة الكهرباء ,  كفاءة الطاقة ,  المراقبة ,  التحكم

Project(s):  Smart Integrated Building-KFAS Building

Project code:  EU 066S

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Synthesizing and tailoring of advanced Nanocomposite systems for antibiofilm protective coating in medical and Food sectors applications


KISR Report

Annual Report

Contributor(s):  Aldhameer, Ahmad Salem

Subject(s):  Bacteria ,  Copper ,  Nutrition ,  Fish ,  Nanotechnology ,  Biofilm ,  Ti-based ,  Cold spray ,  تكنولوجيا النانو ,  الأغشية البيولوجية ,  المتراكبات النانوية

Project(s):  Synthesizing and Tailoring of Advanced Nanocomposite Systems for Antibiofilm Protective Coating in Medical and Food Sectors Applications

Project code:  EA 074C

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Efficient electric load forecasting model using human mobility data



Contributor(s):  Alajmi, Turki

Subject(s):  Virus ,  Epidemic ,  Electrical power systems ,  Energy consumption ,  Electricity demand ,  Short-term load forecasting ,  Covid-19 pandemic ,  Mobility data ,  Deep learning ,  الطلب علي الكهرباء ,  التنبؤ بالحمل قصير المدي ,  جائحة كورونا ,  بيانات التنقل ,  التعلم العميق

Project code:  EU 146K

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Development of multi- stack photovoltaic power generation system


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Adouane, M.

Subject(s):  Power ,  Power ,  Energy ,  Energy ,  Solar energy ,  Power generation ,  Mounting structure ,  الطاقة الشمسية ,  توليد الطاقة ,  هيكل التركيب

Project(s):  Development of Multi- stack Photovoltaic Power Generation System

Project code:  EA 089C

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Gold Nanoparticles decprated Catio2 constructed from the metal-organic frameworks NH2-MIL-125(TI) for photocatalytic degradation of pharmaceuticals


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Saidi, M.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Water ,  Treatment ,  Treatment ,  Treatment ,  Polluted water ,  toxic organic compound ,  Photo-oxidation ,  الأكسده الضوئية المعالجة ,  المياة الملوثة ,  المركبات العضوية السامة

Project(s):  Gold Nanoparticles decprated Catio2 constructed from the metal-organic frameworks NH2-MIL-125(TI) for photocatalytic degradation of pharmaceuticals

Project code:  EA 062G

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Assessment of concrete structures using infrared thermography


KISR Report

Annual Report

Contributor(s):  Sakka, Zafer

Subject(s):  Concrete ,  Building ,  Structural reliability ,  Assessment of existing structures ,  First order reliability method ,  Monte Carlo simulation ,  الأعتمادية الإنشائية ,  تقييم المباني القائمة ,  المحاكاة بطريقة مونتي كارلو ,  تحليل الاعتمادية من الدرجة الأولي

Project(s):  Assessment of Concrete Structures using Infrared Thermography

Project code:  EU 121C

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Quality control and conformity testing of Al Watani factory for fiber glass products


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No. 6

Contributor(s):  Al Arbeed, A.

Subject(s):  Quality ,  Quality ,  Products ,  Products

Project(s):  Quality control and conformity testing of Al Watani factory for fiber glass products

Project code:  EU 055S

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The effects of a vertical opening in reinforced concrete beams


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Parol, Jaafar

Subject(s):  Concrete ,  Residential buildings ,  Beam ,  Experiments ,  Reinforced concrete ,  vertical opening ,  Finite element analysis ,  الخرسانة المسلحة ,  الفتح العمودي ,  تحليل العناصر المحدودة

Project(s):  The Effects of a Vertical Opening in Reinforced Concrete Beams

Project code:  EU 129K

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Pilot study evaluation of photovoltaic cells and systems for application in Kuwait Petroleum Corporation carport,


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Otaibi, A.

Subject(s):  solar power ,  solar power ,  Electricity ,  Electricity ,  carpet ,  Optimal design ,  Energy ,  Grid-connected ,  Photovoltaic ,  رائد في تصميمات الطاقة والبيئة ,  نظام كهروضوئي ,  موصولة بالشبكة ,  مواقف سيارات كهروضوئي

Project(s):  Pilot Study Evaluation of Photovoltaic Cells and Systems for Application in Kuwait Petroleum Corporation Carport,

Project code:  EA 062C

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Invention of remote, Rugged, and self-referencing optical-fiber-chemical sensor chip for water quality monitoring


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Hajji, L.

Subject(s):  Nanotechnology ,  Nanotechnology ,  Water quality ,  WAter quality ,  تكنولوجيا النانو ,  معالجة المياة ,  الألياف البصرية ,  المسبار الكيميائي ,  مختبر على رقاقة ,  Nanotechnology ,  Water treatment ,  in situ screening ,  lab on a chip

Project(s):  Invention of Remote, Rugged, and Self-Referencing Optical-Fiber-Chemical Sensor Chip for Water Quality Monitoring

Project code:  EA 086C

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Development of model-based active control home energy management system


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Alghimlas, Fareed

Subject(s):  Energy consumption ,  Energy Consumption ,  Agriculture x Energy consumption ,  Agriculture x Energy consumption ,  Smart homes ,  Control ,  artificial intelligence ,  internet of things ,  المنازل الذكية ,  التحكم ,  الذكاء الاصطناعي ,  إنترنت الأشياء

Project(s):  Development of Model-Based Active Control Home Energy Management System

Project code:  EU 136C

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CVD Graphene growth using substrates Alloys with low melting points


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Saeed, Mariam A.

Subject(s):  Graphene ,  Graphene ,  Nanostructured materials ,  Nanostructured materials ,  Graphene ,  Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) ,  nanofabrication ,  advance carbon materials ,  Nanomaterials ,  الجرافين ,  الترسيب بالتطاير الكيميائي ,  المواد الكربونية المتقدمة ,  مواد النانو

Project(s):  CVD Graphene growth using substrates Alloys with low melting points

Project code:  EA 083C

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