report(s) found: 570
Center: Energy and Building Research Center x

Reliability, safety and integrity of existing structural system for Kuwait Airways building at Al Hilali street,


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Sakka, Zafer.

Subject(s):  Building materials ,  Building materials ,  Infrstructure risk ,  Infrstructure risk ,  Structural reliability. ,  Concrete design. ,  Structural analysis. ,  Geotechnical engineering. ,  Construction materials. ,  Destructive and nondestructive materials testing. ,  Site Investigation.

Project(s):  Reliability, Safety & Integrity of Existing Structural System for Kuwait Airways Building at Al-Hilali Street

Project code:  EU 080K

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Assessment of the durability and corrosion behavior of concrete treated with chemical inhibitors for Kuwait oil company,


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Abdul Salam, S.

Subject(s):  Steel bars for reinforcement ,  Steel bars for reinforcement ,  Atmospheric carbon dioxide ,  Atmospheric carbon dioxide ,  Electrolytic corrosion ,  Electrolytic corrosion ,  Chloride-induced corrosian. ,  Steel reinforcement. ,  Hycrete. ,  Migrating Corrosin inhibitor. ,  Electrochemical corrosion testing. ,  التآكل ,  أختبارات الكهرومغناطيسية ,  ايونات الكلورايد ,  المحسنات الكيميائية

Project(s):  Assessment of the Durability & Corrosion Behavior of Concrete Treated with Chemical Inhibitors for Kuwait Oil Company

Project code:  EU 078C

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Evaluation of maturity and strength development in concrete under Kuwaiti's environmental conditions


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension 'A'

Contributor(s):  Al Fahad, Fatma.

Subject(s):  Concrete ,  Concrete ,  Beams ,  Beams ,  Concrete Maturity. ,  High-performance Concrete. ,  Temperature. ,  Curing compounds. ,  نضوج الخرسانة ,  خرسانة عالية الآداء ,  مركبات معالجة

Project(s):  Evaluation of Maturity & Strength Development in Concrete under Kuwaiti's Environmental Conditions

Project code:  EU 079K

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Fabrication of nano silica particles from Kuwaiti local sand for application in cement based industry


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension 'A'

Contributor(s):  El-Eskandarany, Mohamad.

Subject(s):  Nano silica ,  Nano silica ,  Cement industry ,  Cement industry ,  Nanotechnology. ,  Top-down Approach. ,  High-and low-energy ball milling. ,  Nanoparticles. ,  Silica particles. ,  Nano Fillers. ,  تكنولوجيا النانو. ,  أسلوب التصغير من أعلى الى أسفل. ,  المطاحن ذات الكرات عالية ومنخفضة القدرة. ,  الحبيبات النانونية. ,  حبيبات السيلكا. ,  المالئات النانوينة.

Project(s):  Fabrication of Nano Silica Particles from Kuwaiti Local Sand for Application in Cement Based Industry

Project code:  EU 077K

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Effect of a vertical opening in reinforced concrete beams


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Parol, J.

Subject(s):  Cement composites ,  Cement composites ,  Reinforced concrete ,  Reinforced concrete ,  Reinforced concrete ,  Finite element analysis ,  vertical opening ,  artificial neural network

Project(s):  Effect of a Vertical Opening in Reinforced Concrete Beams

Project code:  EU 129K

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Development of control strategies for minimum diffuser airflow in commercial office buildings


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Sreekanth, K.J

Subject(s):  Air ,  Air conditioning ,  Temperature ,  Hardware ,  Variable air volume ,  Comfort ,  HVAC ,  Control strategies ,  اجهزة حجم الهواء المتغير ,  راحة ,  اجهزة التكييف والتهوية والتدفئة ,  استراتيجيات التحكم

Project(s):  Development of Control Strategies for Minimum Diffuser Airflow in Commercial Office Buildings

Project code:  EU 112C

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Qualitative and Quantitative analysis of early and late age hydration of volcanic ash blended cement using advanced instrumentation techniques


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Joseph, Antony.

Subject(s):  Building ,  Volcanic ,  Supplementary cementitious materials. ,  Natural pozzolana. ,  Volcanic Ash. ,  Hydration process. ,  Microstructure. ,  Qualitative and quantitative analysis. ,  المواد الأسمنتية التكميلية ,  البوزلان الطبيعي ,  الرماد البركاني ,  التفاعلات الهيدراتية ,  البنية المجهرية ,  التحاليل النوعية

Project(s):  Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Early and Late Age Hydration of Volcanic Ash Blended Cement Using Advanced Instrumentation Techniques

Project code:  EU 116K

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Machine learning-based home energy management


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Ragom, Fotouh.

Subject(s):  Energy ,  Management ,  Home energy managemnt system. ,  Residential energy consumption. ,  Energy efficiency. ,  استهلاك الطاقة في المباني السكنية ,  نظم التحكم الالي ,  كفائة الطاقة

Project(s):  Machine Learning-Based Home Energy Management System Development for Energy Conservation in Kuwait

Project code:  EU 114K

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Kuwait national energy outlook


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al Abdullah, Yousef.

Subject(s):  Energy ,  Building ,  Energy. ,  Energy forcasting. ,  Energy economics. ,  الطاقة ,  التنبؤ بالطاقة ,  اقتصاديات الطاقة

Project(s):  Kuwait National Energy Outlook

Project code:  EU 118C

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Structural assessment of existing tall buildings


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Sakka, Z.

Subject(s):  Structural ,  Structural ,  Concrete ,  Concrete ,  Concrete construction ,  Concrete construction ,  Structural safety ,  Assessment of existing structures ,  concrete strctures ,  Nondestructive testing ,  shallow foundations

Project(s):  Structural Assessment of Existing Tall Buildings

Project code:  EU 128C

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Assessment of concrete structures using infrared thermography


KISR Report

Contributor(s):  Sakka, Zafer.

Subject(s):  Concrete ,  Building ,  Assessment of existing building. ,  Nondestructive testing. ,  spectrum of infrared spectrum. ,  Image processing. ,  Passive and active thermography. ,  منشآت خرسانية ,  تقييم المنشآت القائمة ,  فحوصات غير المتلفة ,  التصوير الحراري بالأشعة تحت الحمراء ,  معالجة الصور

Project(s):  Assessment of Concrete Structures using Infrared Thermography

Project code:  EU 121K

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Strucural reliability and safety of post-tensioned concrete structures


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Sakka, Zafer.

Subject(s):  Concrete ,  Economic ,  Structural reliability. ,  Assessment of existing structures. ,  Post-tensioned structures. ,  First order reliability method. ,  Monte Carlo simulation. ,  تحليل الاعتمادية من الدرجة الأولي ,  المحاكاة بطريقة مونتي كارلو ,  تقييم المباني القائمة ,  الأعتمادية الانشائية ,  Nondestructive testing. ,  فحوصات غير المتلفة

Project(s):  Structural Reliability & Safety of Post-Tensioned Concrete Structures

Project code:  EU 119C

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