report(s) found: 570
Center: Energy and Building Research Center x

Development of solar energy systems to meet Kuwait oil sector requirements - Phase 2: Pilot scale assessment of PV technologies.


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension 'B'

Contributor(s):  Al Hadban, Yahya.

Subject(s):  Energy ,  Solar energy ,  Environment ,  Gas pipeline ,  Renewable energy ,  Hydrocarbon ,  Climate ,  Photovoltaic. ,  KPC. ,  Grid- connected. ,  خلايا كهروضوئية ,  مؤسسة البترول الكويتية ,  موصولة بالشبكة

Project(s):  Development of Solar Energy Systems to Meet Kuwait Oil Sector Requirements

Project code:  EA 045C

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Spatial electro thermal modeling of photovoltaic module for early fault detection due to dust and shading.

KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Qasem, Hassan.

Subject(s):  Thermoelectric ,  Dust ,  Project ,  Shading ,  Design ,  Matlab. ,  Pspice. ,  Hot spot. ,  التسخين الجزئي ,  التظليل ,  غير منتظمة

Project(s):  Spatial Electro-Thermal Modeling of Photovoltaic Module for Early Fault Detection Due to Dust & Shading

Project code:  EA 047K

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Assessing the feasibility of offshore wind as an alternative source of energy for the State of Kuwait


KISR Report

Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Al Nassar, waleed.

Subject(s):  Territorial waters ,  Ocean temperature ,  Winds ,  Territorial waters ,  Ocean temperature ,  Winds ,  Territorial waters of Kuwait ,  Wind speed ,  Islands ,  Shallow waters ,  Environmental effect ,  Economics ,  المياة الإقليمية الكويتية ,  سرعة الرياح ,  جزر ,  المياة الضحلة ,  التأثير البيئي ,  أقتصاديات

Project(s):  Assessing the Feasibility of Offshore Wind as an Alternative Source of Energy for the State of Kuwait

Project code:  EA 060C

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Photocatalytic degradation study of Phenol in water by Equimolar mixture of TIO2 AND ZNO


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Mutawaa, F.

Subject(s):  Photocatalysis ,  Photocatalysis ,  Composite materials ,  Composite materials ,  photocatalysis ,  Nanocomposite ,  Zinc oxide ,  Titanium oxide ,  Phenol ,  التحفيز الضوئي ,  المتراكبات النانوية ,  أكسيد التيتانيوم ,  أكسيد الزنك ,  الفينول

Project(s):  Photocatalytic Degradation Study of Phenol in Water by Equimolar Mixture of TIO2 & ZNO

Project code:  EA 051G

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Method performance and validation of nuclear analytical procedures compliance with ISO/IEC 17025 in the radioecology laboratory.


KISR Report

Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Abdulaziz, Aba

Subject(s):  Measurements ,  Radioactive decay ,  Radioactivity ,  Radiochemistry ,  Samples ,  Quality Assurance. ,  Nuclear Analytical Techniques. ,  Gamma and Alpha Spectrometry. ,  In- situmeasurements. ,  ضبط الجودة ,  أعتماد طرائق التحليل الإشعاعية ,  مطيافية غاما ,  مطيافية ألفا ,  مطيافية غاما الحقلية

Project(s):  Method Performance & Validation of Nuclear Analytical Procedures Compliance with ISO/IEC 17025 in the Radioecology Laboratory

Project code:  EA 051K

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Assessing the feasibility of offshore wind as an alternative source of energ for the State of Kuwait


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Nassar, W.

Subject(s):  ocean temperature ,  ocean temperature ,  Winds ,  Winds ,  Territorial waters ,  Territorial waters ,  Offshore wind energy ,  Wind data in Kuwait ,  طاقة الرياح لبحرية ,  نظام ويبل الإحصائي ,  قراءات سرعة الرياح بدولة الكويت

Project(s):  Assessing the Feasibility of Offshore Wind as an Alternative Source of Energy for the State of Kuwait

Project code:  EA 060C

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Building integrated solar PV for Kuwaiti homes


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Al Qattan, Ayman

Subject(s):  Electricity ,  Photovoltaic power ,  Energy ,  Global Warming ,  Solar PV panels. ,  Solar energy. ,  Distributed generation. ,  Building integrated. ,  Rooftop. ,  طاقة شمسية ,  الالواح الشمسية ,  توزيع الأنتاج ,  متضمن في المباني ,  سطح

Project(s):  Building Integrated Solar PV for Kuwaiti Homes

Project code:  EA 054C

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Spatial electro thermal modeling of photovoltaic module for early fault detection due to dust and shading.


KISR Report

Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Qasem, Hassan.

Subject(s):  Thermoelectric ,  Dust ,  Project ,  Shading ,  Design ,  Matlab. ,  Pspice. ,  Hot spot. ,  التسخين الجزئي ,  التظليل ,  غير منتظمة

Project(s):  Spatial Electro-Thermal Modeling of Photovoltaic Module for Early Fault Detection Due to Dust & Shading

Project code:  EA 047K

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Effect of ZnO and Tio2 Nano for preparation of transition metal oxide Nanocatalyst for improving the Hydrogenation/Dehydrogenation Kinetics of MgH2


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Ahmes, S.

Subject(s):  Nanotechnology ,  Nanotechnology ,  Polymères ,  Polymères ,  Nanocomposites ,  Nanocomposites ,  Nanotechnology ,  Nanocomposites ,  Hydrides

Project(s):  Effect of ZnO & Tio2 Nano for Preparation of Transition Metal Oxide Nanocatalyst for Improving the Hydrogenation/Dehydrogenation Kinetics of MgH2

Project code:  EA 047G

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Spatial electro-thermal modeling of photovoltaic module for early fault detection due to dust and shading,


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Qasem, Hani.

Subject(s):  Electro-thermal modeling ,  Electro-thermal modeling ,  Photovoltaic module ,  Photovoltaic module

Project(s):  Spatial Electro-Thermal Modeling of Photovoltaic Module for Early Fault Detection Due to Dust & Shading

Project code:  EA 047K

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Development of Nanosensors for food packaging applications,

KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Al feeli, Bassam.

Subject(s):  Nanosensors ,  Nanosensors ,  Nanotechnology ,  Nanotechnology ,  Nanomanufacturing ,  Nanomanufacturing ,  Fermented foods ,  Fermented foods ,  تقنية النانو ,  وسائل استشعار الغازات ,  المواد متناهية الصغر ,  علامات التخمر

Project(s):  Development of Nanosensors for Food Packaging Applications

Project code:  EA 046K

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Development of nanosensors for Food packaging applications.


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al feeli, Bassam.

Subject(s):  Nanotechnology ,  Food ,  Vegetables ,  Fruit ,  Nanotechnology. ,  Gas Sensors. ,  Nanomaterials. ,  Fermentation markers. ,  تقنية النانو ,  وسائل استشعار الغازات ,  المواد متناهية الصغر ,  علامات التخمر

Project(s):  Development of Nanosensors for Food Packaging Applications

Project code:  EA 046K

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