report(s) found: 570
Center: Energy and Building Research Center x

The future of Kuwait's energy system :


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al-Sayegh, Ossama.

Subject(s):  Energy policy ,  Energy policy ,  Energy conservation ,  Domestic. ,  Efficiency. ,  Gas. ,  International. ,  Market. ,  Oil. ,  Policy. ,  Renewable. ,  غاز. ,  متجددة. ,  كفاءة. ,  سياسة. ,  سوق.

Project(s):  The Future of Kuwait's Energy System: Mitigating Threats & Seizing Opportunities

Project code:  EU 061S

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Design of a sustainable, low-energy, traditional Kuwaiti House; Phase I


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Alghimlas, Fareed M.

Subject(s):  Energy ,  Electronic consumption ,  Building-electronic ,  Electronic consumption ,  Passive design. ,  Active design. ,  Energy simulation. ,  Residential sector.

Project(s):  Design of Sustainable, Low-Energy, Traditional Kuwait House – Phase I

Project code:  EU 073C

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Design of a sustainable, low-energy, traditional Kuwaiti house, phase I


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Alghimals, Fareed.

Subject(s):  Engineering ,  Engineering design ,  Electricity ,  Awareness ,  Passive desgn. ,  Active design. ,  Energy simulation. ,  Residential sectتصميم سلبى.or. ,  تصميم فعال. ,  محاكاة الطاقة. ,  القطاع السكنى.

Project(s):  Design of Sustainable, Low-Energy, Traditional Kuwait House – Phase I

Project code:  EU 073C

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Development of energy efficiency strategies for Kuwait road transport sector


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Sreekanth, K.J.

Subject(s):  Road transport ,  Energy efficiency ,  Fuel ,  Data analysis ,  Fuel economy. ,  Energy Consumption. ,  Transportation sector. ,  أقتصاد الوقود ,  أستهلاك الطاقة ,  قطاع النقل

Project(s):  Development of Energy Efficiency Strategies for Kuwait Road Transport Sector

Project code:  EU 106

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Testing of organic amino based corrosion inhibitor


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al-Bahar, Souad.

Subject(s):  Corrosion ,  Corrosion ,  Corrosion. ,  Lollipop test. ,  Mechanical properties. ,  Durability. ,  التآكل. ,  فحص اللولبى. ,  الخواص الميكانيكية.

Project(s):  Testing of Organic Amino Based Corrosion Inhibitor

Project code:  EU 060S

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Quality control and conformity testing of Al Adasani plastic pipes and fittings


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al Arbeid, Amer.

Subject(s):  Quality control ,  Building materials ,  Laboratories ,  Energy Research ,  Construction and building material. ,  International standards. ,  Research activity. ,  Plastic pipes and tests specifications. ,  البناء ومواد البناء ,  اختبارات المعايير الدولية والمواصفات ,  الأنابيب البلاستيكية ,  تجهيزات ,  مراقبة الجودة وضمان أختبار المطابقة

Project(s):  Quality Control & Conformity Testing of Al-Adasani Plastic Pipes & Fittings

Project code:  EU 058S

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Surface enhancement of recycled concrete aggregates by the removal of attached mortar approach


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Fadala, Sherefa.

Subject(s):  Concrete ,  Physical properties ,  Absorption ,  Cement ,  Adsorption. ,  Classification. ,  Constituents. ,  Friable materials. ,  الامتصاص ,  المواد القابلة للتفتت ,  مكونات ,  تصنيف

Project(s):  Surface Enhancement of Recycled Concrete Aggregates by the Removal of Attached Mortar Approach

Project code:  EU 059G

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Applying sulphur concrete technology to produce precast concrete units in Kuwait


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al-Otaibi, Suad.

Subject(s):  Sulphur concrete ,  Sulphur concrete ,  Precast concrete ,  Precast concrete ,  Sulphur concret. ,  Extender. ,  Modifiers. ,  Additives. ,  Precast concret units. ,  خرسانة الكبريت. ,  محسنات. ,  مواد مضافة. ,  وحدات خرسانية مسبقه الصب.

Project(s):  Applying Sulphur Concrete Technology to Produce Precast Concrete Units in Kuwait

Project code:  EU 071C

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Testing of organic amino based corrosion inhibitor


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Al Bahar, Suad.

Subject(s):  Corrosion ,  Energy ,  Corrosion. ,  Lollipop test. ,  Mechanical properties. ,  Durability. ,  التآكل ,  فحص الحديد اللولبي ,  الخةاص الميكانيكية ,  التدهور

Project(s):  Testing of Organic Amino Based Corrosion Inhibitor

Project code:  EU 060S

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Technical and economic feasibility of energy production from municipal solid waste incineration in Kuwait


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension 'A'

Contributor(s):  Hussain, Hussain.

Subject(s):  Production ,  Production ,  Waste Water ,  Waste Water ,  Electricity production. ,  Steam Turbine. ,  Waste management. ,  Landfill.

Project(s):  Technical & Economic Feasibility of Energy Production from Municipal Solid Waste Incineration in Kuwait

Project code:  EU 063K

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Green building leed certification for the oil sector complex


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension 'A'

Contributor(s):  El-Sherbini, Abdulrahman.

Subject(s):  Green buildings ,  Green buildings ,  Kuwait Petroleum Company. ,  Sustainability. ,  Existing building. ,  Building rating systems. ,  المبانى الخضراء. ,  الأستدامة. ,  شهادة المبنى الأخضر. ,  اعتماد المبانى. ,  أداء المبانى. ,  تصنيف المبانى.

Project(s):  Green Building LEED Certification for the Oil Sector Complex

Project code:  EU 066C

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Design of self- reliant, sustainable protected environment food production system


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Sebzali, Mohammad.

Subject(s):  Agriculture ,  Protected areas ,  Food ,  Salt water ,  Protected environment agriculture ,  Evaporative cooling system ,  Reverse osmosis ,  الزراعة المحمية ,  نظام التريد التبخيري ,  التناضح العكسي

Project(s):  Design of Self-Reliant, Sustainable Protected Environment Food Production System

Project code:  EA 070K

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