report(s) found: 570
Center: Energy and Building Research Center x

Design of self-reliant, sustainable protected environment food production system


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Wahidi, Redha.

Subject(s):  Environmental protection ,  Environmental protection ,  Reverse osmosis ,  Solar energy ,  Protected environment agriculture. ,  Evaporative cooling system. ,  Reverse osmosis. ,  Solar energy. ,  Cooling system. ,  الزراعه المحمية البيئة. ,  نظام التبريد التبخيرى. ,  التناضح العكسى. ,  الطاقة الشمسية.

Project(s):  Design of Self-Reliant, Sustainable Protected Environment Food Production System

Project code:  EA 070K

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Investigation on the behavior of reinforced corbel beams using experiments and finite element analysis.


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Parol, Jafaral.

Subject(s):  Concrete ,  Bridge ,  Finite element method ,  Projects ,  Reinforced concrete. ,  Corbel beam. ,  Finite element analysis. ,  Primary reinforcement. ,  Secondary reinforcement. ,  الخرسانة المسلحة ,  الطنف(الجسور القصيرة ,  تحليل العناصر المحدودة ,  تسليح رئيسي ,  تسليح ثانوي

Project(s):  Investigation on the Behavior of Reinforced Corbel Beams Using Experiments & Finite Element Analysis

Project code:  EU 096K

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Effect of alternative refrigerants on the performance of air-conditioning units in high ambient temperature


KISR Report

Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Al Ragom, Fotouh.

Subject(s):  Air conditioning ,  Building ,  A/C units. ,  Equipment performance evaluation. ,  Packaged and ducted split units. ,  أجهزة التكييف

Project(s):  Effect of Alternative Refrigerants on the Performance of Air-Conditioning Units in High Ambient Temperature

Project code:  EU 094C

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Effect of alternative refrigerants on the performance of air-conditioning units in high ambient temperature


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Ragom, Fotouh

Subject(s):  Environment ,  Air conditioner ,  Environment ,  Air conditioner

Project(s):  Effect of Alternative Refrigerants on the Performance of Air-Conditioning Units in High Ambient Temperature

Project code:  EU 094C

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Effect of alternative refrigerants on the performance of air-conditioning units in high ambient temperature


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension 'A'

Contributor(s):  Al Ragom, Fotouh.

Subject(s):  Air conditioning ,  Temperatures ,  Electricity consumption ,  Cooling ,  Alternative refrigerants. ,  Energy conservation. ,  Energy code. ,  Performance of A/Cequipment. ,  وسائط التبريد البديلة ,  ترشيد الطاقة ,  قواعد الحفاظ علي الطاقة ,  أداء أجهزة التكييف

Project(s):  Effect of Alternative Refrigerants on the Performance of Air-Conditioning Units in High Ambient Temperature

Project code:  EU 094C

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Effect of alternative refrigerants on the performance of air-conditioning units in high ambient temperature


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension 'B'

Contributor(s):  Al Raqom, F.

Subject(s):  Environment ,  Environment ,  Air conditioner ,  Air conditioner ,  Alternative refrigerants ,  Energy conservation ,  Energy code ,  performance of A/C equipment ,  وسائط التبريد البديلة ,  ترشيد الطاقة ,  قواعد الحفاظ على الطاقة ,  أداء أجهزة التكييف

Project(s):  Effect of Alternative Refrigerants on the Performance of Air-Conditioning Units in High Ambient Temperature

Project code:  EU 094C

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Effect of alternative refrigerants on the performance of air-conditioning units in high ambient temperature,


Contributor(s):  Al Ragom, Fotouh.

Subject(s):  Environment ,  Environment ,  Air conditioner ,  Air conditioner ,  Cooling Towers ,  Cooling Towers

Project code:  EU 94K

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Assessment of air condition filters and ducting systems for dust bio-contamination reduction in buildings,


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Husain, Adel.

Subject(s):  HVAC systems ,  Air filters ,  air pollution ,  Respiratory diseases ,  Heating. ,  Ventilating and air conditioning systems (HVAC). ,  Filteration. ,  Corrosion. ,  Biocide coating. ,  Energy Consumption. ,  Bio contaminants. ,  Fungi. ,  Bacteria. ,  Indoor air quality (IAQ). ,  الفلترة ,  التأكل ,  الطلاء مضاد الحيوي ,  أستهلاك الطاقة ,  الملوثات البيولوجية ,  الفطريات ,  البكتيريا ,  جودة الهواء في الأماكن المغلقة

Project(s):  Assessment of Air Condition Filters & Ducting Systems for Dust Bio-Contamination Reduction in Buildings

Project code:  EU 093K

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Risk management for construction of a mega project


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Sanad, Shaikha

Subject(s):  Environment ,  Environment ,  Construction ,  Construction ,  Risk analysis ,  Risk identification ,  Mega construction ,  Risk mitigation ,  Project

Project(s):  Risk Management for Construction of a Mega Project

Project code:  EU 100K

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Risk management for construction of a megaproject


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al Sanad, Shaikha.

Subject(s):  Construction industry ,  Data ,  Industry ,  Risk Management ,  Risk analysis. ,  Risk identification. ,  Mega construction. ,  Risk mitigation. ,  Project. ,  تحليل المخاطر ,  البناء الضخم ,  تقليل المخاطر ,  إدارة المشاريع

Project(s):  Risk Management for Construction of a Mega Project

Project code:  EU 100K

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Risk management for construction of a mega project


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Sanad, Shaikha.

Subject(s):  Construction ,  Construction ,  Environment ,  Environment ,  Risk analysis. ,  Risk identification. ,  Mega construction. ,  Risk mitigation. ,  Project management. ,  تحليل المخاطر ,  تحديد المخاطر ,  البناء الضخم ,  تقليل المخاطر ,  ادارة المشاريع

Project(s):  Risk Management for Construction of a Mega Project

Project code:  EU 100K

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Reliability-based assessment of existing structures


KISR Report

Contributor(s):  Sakka, Zaffer.

Subject(s):  Structural reliability. ,  Assessment of existing structures. ,  First order reliability method. ,  Monte Carlo simulation. ,  الأعتمادية الأنشائية. ,  تقييم المبانى القائمة. ,  المحاكاه بطريقة مونتى كارلو.

Project(s):  Reliability-Based Assessment of Existing Structures

Project code:  EU 098C

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