report(s) found: 570
Center: Energy and Building Research Center x

Reliability- based evaluation of the mechanical properties of rubber aggregate modified asphalt (RAMA) used as green technology for road pavement


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension 'A'

Contributor(s):  Al Shamali, Osama.

Subject(s):  Pollution ,  Asphalt concrete ,  Rubber band ,  The crucifixion ,  الصلبوخ المطاطي ,  الإسفلت المطاطي ,  Rubberized asphalt. ,  Rubber aggregate rubberized asphalt.

Project(s):  Reliability-Based Evaluation of the Mechanical Properties of Rubber Aggregate Modified Asphalt (RAMA) used as Green Technology for Road Pavement

Project code:  EU 101K

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Reliability-based evaluation of the mechanical properties of rubber aggregate modified asphalt (RAMA) used as green technology for road pavement


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Shamali, Osama.

Subject(s):  Pollution ,  Concrete ,  Tires ,  Air ,  الصلبوخ المطاطي ,  الإسفلت المطاطي ,  Rubberized asphalt. ,  Rubber aggregate rubberized asphalt.

Project(s):  Reliability-Based Evaluation of the Mechanical Properties of Rubber Aggregate Modified Asphalt (RAMA) used as Green Technology for Road Pavement

Project code:  EU 101K

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Quality control and conformity testing of construction and building materials according to local and international standard specification (service without contract)


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al-Arbeed, Amer.

Subject(s):  Building materials ,  Building materials ,  Construction contracts ,  Contruction contracts ,  Tests. ,  Construction and building material. ,  Laboratories. ,  Quality. ,  البناء والتشييد. ,  Raw materials and industries. ,  اختبارات. ,  جودة. ,  المواد الخام. ,  الصناعات الأنشائية.

Project(s):  Quality Control & Conformity Testing of Construction & Building Materials According to Local & International Standard Specification

Project code:  EU 001O

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Testing of organic Amino based corrosion inhibitor/


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Bahar, S.

Subject(s):  Corrosion ,  Corrosion ,  Building materials ,  Building materials ,  Corrosion ,  Concrete resistivity ,  Durability ,  Mechanical properties ,  Salt diffusivity

Project(s):  Testing of Organic Amino Based Corrosion Inhibitor

Project code:  EU 060S

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Building integrated solar PV for Kuwaiti homes /


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Qattan, Ayman.

Subject(s):  Solar energy ,  Photovoltaic ,  Rooftop ,  طاقة شمسية ,  كهروضوئية ,  اسطح

Project(s):  Building Integrated Solar PV for Kuwaiti Homes

Project code:  EA54C

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التحقق من السلامة والاعتمادية الإنشائية للمباني الخرسانية ملحقة الأجهاد


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  السقة, ظافر

Subject(s):  Concrete ,  Natural Resources ,  Database ,  Buildings ,  Concrete design ,  Structural analysis ,  evaluation of concrete buildings ,  Construction materials ,  Destructive and nondestructive materials testing ,  Site Investigation ,  Post tensioned concrete ,  الاعتمادية الإنشائية ,  تقييم المباني القائمة ,  المحاكاة بطريقة مونتي كارلو ,  تحليل الأعتمادية من الدرجة الأولي ,  فحوصات غير متلفة ,  منشآت خرسانية لاحقة الإجهاد

Project(s):  التحقق من السلامة والاعتمادية الإنشائية للمباني الخرسانية

Project code:  EU 119C

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Qualitative and quantitative analysis of early and late age hydration of volcanic ash blended cement using advanced instrumentation techniques


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Joseph, A.

Subject(s):  Volcanic ,  Energy ,  Cement ,  Ash ,  Supplementary cementitious material ,  Micro- additives ,  Volcanic Ash ,  Cement hydration ,  Surface morphology ,  X-ray Diffraction ,  thermogravimetric analysis ,  Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy ,  Scanning electron microscopy ,  مواد أسمنتية تكميلية ,  مضافات صغيرة ,  الرماد البركاني ,  هدرجة االأسمنت ,  تشكل السطح ,  الأشعة السينية ,  التحليل الحراري ,  التحولات الطيفية بالأشعة تحت الحمراء ,  ميكروسكوب مجهري

Project(s):  Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Early and Late Age Hydration of Volcanic Ash Blended Cement Using Advanced Instrumentation Techniques

Project code:  EU 116K

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Synthesizing and characterizations of cold- rolled Mg- 19.3 wt% Ni nanocrystalline alloy catalyzed with timn2 /Zrc nanopowders for fuel cell applications


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  El Eskandarany, Mohammad Sherif.

Subject(s):  Magnesium ,  Fuel ,  Nickel ,  temperature ,  Nanotechnology ,  Reactive ball milling ,  Solid state hydrogen ,  Powder technology ,  تكنولوجيا النانو ,  الطحن التفاعلي من خلال طواحين الكور ,  الوقود الهيدروجيني الصلب ,  تكنولوجيا المساحيق

Project(s):  Synthesizing and Characterizations of Cold-Rolled Mg-19.3 wt.% Ni Nanocrystalline Alloy Catalyzed with (TiMn₂/ZrC) Nanopowders for Fuel Cell Applications

Project code:  EA 078C

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Reliability-based assessment of existing structures


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension 'A'

Contributor(s):  Sakka, Z.

Subject(s):  Structural reliabilty ,  Structural reliabilty ,  Structural assessment ,  Structural assessment ,  Structural reliability ,  Assessment of existing structures ,  First order reliability method ,  Monte Carlo simulation ,  الاعتمادية الإنشائية ,  تقييم المباني القائمة ,  المحاكاة بطريقة مونتي كارلو ,  تحليل الإعتمادية من الدرجة الأولى

Project(s):  Reliability-Based Assessment of Existing Structures

Project code:  EU 098C

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Machine learning based home energy management system development for energy conservation in Kuwait


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No.3

Contributor(s):  Sreekanth, K. J.

Subject(s):  Energy ,  Energy ,  Management ,  Management ,  Residential energy consumption ,  Energy efficiency ,  Electricity

Project(s):  Machine Learning-Based Home Energy Management System Development for Energy Conservation in Kuwait

Project code:  EU 114C

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Developing a Database for laboratories and facilities of sustainability and reliability of infrastructures program


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Ibrahim, H. S.

Subject(s):  Information technology ,  Information technology ,  Machinery ,  Machinery ,  Database ,  information ,  Data ,  SRI ,  Equipment ,  Laboratory ,  microsoft access

Project(s):  Developing a Database for Laboratories and Facilities of SRI Program

Project code:  EU 067G

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Structural assessment of existing tall buildings


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Sakka, Z.

Subject(s):  Structural ,  Structural ,  Concrete ,  Concrete ,  Structural safety ,  assessment of existing structure ,  concrete structures ,  Nondestructive testing ,  shallow foundation

Project(s):  Structural Assessment of Existing Tall Buildings

Project code:  EU 128C

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