report(s) found: 570
Center: Energy and Building Research Center x

The Effect of combining green roof with solar Photovoltaic panels in Kuwait


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Bassam, E.

Subject(s):  Energy ,  Energy ,  Renewable and green energy ,  Renewable and green energy ,  Energy output production ,  Energy savings ,  building thermal performance ,  energy plus software ,  انتاج الطاقة ,  توفير الطاقة ,  الأداء الحراري للمباني ,  نموذج رياضي

Project(s):  The Effect of combining green roof with solar Photovoltaic panels in Kuwait

Project code:  EA 100K

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Assessment of weak Hydrogen intermolecular force against strong chemical association as promising hydrogen storage techniques for automotive applications


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Arbeed, B.

Subject(s):  Gases ,  Gases ,  Gas ,  Gas ,  Green Energy ,  metal organic frameworks ,  Metal hydride ,  gas storage ,  hydrogen uptake ,  طاقة خضراء ,  الأطر العضوية المعدنية ,  خزان غاز ,  امتصاص الهيدروجين

Project(s):  Assessment of weak Hydrogen intermolecular force against strong chemical association as promising hydrogen storage techniques for automotive applications

Project code:  EA 063G

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Establishing the development center for building and infrastructure technologies( Phase I: construction phase)


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Bahar, Suad

Subject(s):  Facilities ,  Infrastructure ,  Building ,  Project ,  Research laboratories ,  Urbanization ,  Sustainability ,  Infrastructure reliability ,  Structural plan ,  مختبرات فحوصات و أبحاث ,  التوسع العمراني ,  الاستدامة ,  موثوقية البنية التحتية ,  المخطط الهيكلي

Project(s):  Establishing the Development Center for Building and Infrastructure Technologies( Phase I: Construction Phase)

Project code:  GI-P-KISR-22

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A novel solar thermal desalination system operating with recycled aluminium soda cans in the form of dispersed nanoparticles


KISR Report

Annual Report.

Contributor(s):  Al Sayegh, N.

Subject(s):  Desalination ,  Solar ,  System ,  Energy ,  Colloidal. ,  EOR. ,  Flooding. ,  Physical stability. ,  Suspension. ,  Thermophysical properties. ,  تحلية المياة بالطاقة الشمسية. ,  عوائق. ,  السوائل النانونية. ,  تشتت. ,  اعادة تدوير نفايات الألمنيوم. ,  الخصائص الفيزيائية الحرارية.

Project(s):  A novel solar thermal desalination system operating with recycled aluminium soda cans in the form of dispersed nanoparticles

Project code:  EA 101C

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Impact of synthesis parameters on the obtained graphene via liquid chemical exfoliation


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Saeed, M.

Subject(s):  Carbon ,  Material ,  Production ,  Chemical ,  Nanomaterials. ,  Carbon. ,  Synthesis. ,  Solvents. ,  surfactants. ,  مواد النانو. ,  كربون. ,  التحضير. ,  مذيبات. ,  خافض التوتر السطحي.

Project(s):  Impact of synthesis parameters on the obtained graphene via liquid chemical exfoliation

Project code:  EA 085K

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Preliminary survey of the scale of ceramic waste generated from ceramic industry and its significance


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Dashti, D.

Subject(s):  Materials ,  Environment ,  Ceramic ,  Industry ,  Waste. ,  Ceramics. ,  Buildings. ,  Industry. ,  Disposal. ,  Recycling. ,  Sustainable. ,  Concrete. ,  مخلفات. ,  سيراميك. ,  مباني. ,  صناعة. ,  تصريف. ,  اعادة تدوير. ,  مستدامة. ,  الخرسانة.

Project(s):  Preliminary survey of the scale of ceramic waste generated from ceramic industry and its significance

Project code:  EU 076G

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Effect of subbase type and rigidity on critical stresses and strains of flexible pavement composed of four layers


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Ali, E.

Subject(s):  Building ,  Material ,  Asphalt ,  Countries ,  Flexible pavement. ,  Recycled concrete aggregates.. ,  Reclaimed asphalt pavement. ,  Fatique. ,  Rutting. ,  رصيف مرن. ,  ركام الخرسانة المعاد تدويره. ,  رصيف الأسفلت المستصلحة. ,  اعياء الشق.

Project(s):  Effect of subbase type and rigidity on critical stresses and strains of flexible pavement composed of four layers

Project code:  EU 075G

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Real time structural monitoring and infrastructure asset management for bridges in Kuwait


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Parol, J.

Subject(s):  Engineering ,  Structural ,  Bridges ,  Roads ,  Structural health monitoring ,  bridges ,  structural vibration ,  Natural freguency ,  Weigh in motion model ,  الحركة في الوزن نموذج طبيعي ,  تردد الهيكلي الأهتزاز الجسور ,  الهيكلية الصحة مراقبة

Project(s):  Real Time Structural Monitoring and Infrastructure Asset Management for Bridges in Kuwait

Project code:  EU 111C

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Development of a white paper for the future sustainable and resilient infrastructure of the new Kuwait 2035


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Sanad, S.

Subject(s):  project ,  Infrastructure ,  Resilience (Ecology) ,  Data ,  Megaprojects ,  SPSS software ,  Stake holders ,  Asset management ,  Statistical analysis ,  Resilience ,  White paper ,  الأطراف الفاعلة ,  إدارة الأصول ,  التحليل الإحصائي ,  المرونة SPSS برنامج مشاريع عملاقة

Project(s):  Development of a White Paper for the Future Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure of the New Kuwait 2035

Project code:  EU 150K

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Ground motion modeling and structural monitoring of tall buildings


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Qazweeni, J.

Subject(s):  Building ,  Sensors ,  Systems ,  Earthquakes ,  Accelerometers. ,  GPS. ,  Tall building. ,  Structural health monitoring. ,  Ground motion modelling. ,  لبنية التحتية. ,  المباني الشاهقة.. ,  التسارع. ,  المباني العالية. ,  مراقبة صحة المباني.

Project(s):  Ground motion modellong and structural monitoring of tall buildings

Project code:  EU 124C

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An investigation on enhancing lower fares heavy oil recovery using novel tablet-based nanofluids


KISR Report

Annual report.

Contributor(s):  Al Sayegh, N.

Subject(s):  Oil ,  Crude ,  Steam ,  Process ,  Colloidal. ,  EOR. ,  Flooding. ,  Physical stability. ,  Suspension. ,  Thermophysical properties. ,  غرويات. ,  تحسين استخراج النفط. ,  الغمر. ,  اتزان فيزيائي. ,  معلقات. ,  الخواص الثيرموفيزيائية.

Project(s):  An investigation on enhancing lower fares heavy oil recovery using novel tablet-based nanofluids

Project code:  EA 106K

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Non-intrusive load monitoring using deep learning and smart meter data


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  AL Ajmi, T.

Subject(s):  Energy ,  Production ,  Machine ,  Electricity ,  Energy efficiency. ,  Load monitoring. ,  Machine learning. ,  Appliance load profile. ,  كفاءة الطاقة. ,  مراقبة الحمل الكهربائي. ,  التغلم الآلي. ,  ملف تحميل الجهاز. ,  نمط استهلاك الأجهزة المنزلية للطاقة الكهربائية.

Project(s):  Non-intrusive load monitoring using deep learning and smart meter data

Project code:  EU 154C

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