report(s) found: 1491
Center: Environment and Life Sciences Research Center x

Irrigation studies in date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) Phase II:


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Bhat, Narayana.

Subject(s):  Palm ,  Irrigation ,  Drip irrigation ,  Soil ,  تبخر الماء من النباتات ,  الري القليل المنظم ,  الري المجدول ,  معدل الري المتغير ,  كفاءة أستخدام المياه ,  أنتاجية المياه ,  Evapotranspiration. ,  Regulated deficit irrigation. ,  Variable rate irrigation. ,  Water- use- efficiency. ,  Water productivity.

Project(s):  Irrigation Studies in Date Palm (Phoenix Dactylifera L.) - Phase II: Development of Precision Irrigation Scheduling under Kuwait's Environmental Conditions

Project code:  FA 123K

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Characterization and identification of microorganisms associated with airborn dust in Kuwait


KISR Report

Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Al Salameen, Fadeela

Subject(s):  Bacteria ,  Bacteria ,  Public health ,  Public health ,  pathogenic microbes ,  Air mass ,  Public health ,  الميكروبات المرضية ,  كتلة الهواء ,  الصحة البشرية

Project(s):  Characterization & Identification of Microorganisms Associated with Airborne Dust in Kuwait

Project code:  EM 075C

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Assessment of maid stock (liza klunzingeri) in Kuwait waters


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al Saffar, Adel.

Subject(s):  Fishes ,  Fishes ,  Waters ,  Waters ,  Species Identification. ,  Grid Squares. ,  Maid Fisheries Data. ,  التصنيف العلمي ,  شبكة مربعات ,  بيانات مصائد سمك الميد

Project(s):  Assessment of Maid Stock (Liza Klunzingeri) in Kuwait Waters

Project code:  FM 066C

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Assessment of maid stock (liza klunzingeri) in Kuwait waters


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Al Saffar, Adel.

Subject(s):  Fish ,  Fish markets ,  Fishermen ,  Eggs ,  Fish stocks ,  Mullet survey. ,  Landings. ,  Lengh- frequency distribution. ,  Lenght- weight relationship. ,  GSI ,  مسح سمك الميد ,  الإنزال ,  توزيع ترددات الأطوال ,  علاقة الطول بالوزن ,  GSI

Project(s):  Assessment of Maid Stock (Liza Klunzingeri) in Kuwait Waters

Project code:  FM 066C

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Assessment of Maid Stock (Liza Kulunzingeri) in Kuwait Waters


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Alsaffar, Adel Hassan.

Subject(s):  Fish. ,  Fisheries. ,  Landing. ,  Driftnet Fishing. ,  Liftnet Fishing. ,  Fish populations. ,  Fish Supply. ,  Fish. ,  Fish Supply. ,  Fish populations. ,  Liftnet Fishing. ,  Driftnet Fishing. ,  Landing. ,  Fisheries. ,  التصنيف العلمي ,  الإنزال ,  توزيع ترددات الأطوال ,  Species Identification. ,  Landing. ,  Size Frequency. ,  Distribution.

Project(s):  Assessment of Maid Stock (Liza Klunzingeri) in Kuwait Waters

Project code:  FM 066C

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Assessment of maid stock (liza klunzingeri) in Kuwait waters


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Saffar, Adel.

Subject(s):  Fish ,  Fish markets ,  Fishermen ,  Eggs ,  Fish stocks ,  Maximum sustainable yield. ,  Fecundity. ,  العمر والنمو ,  اعلي محصول مستدام ,  خصوبة

Project(s):  Assessment of Maid Stock (Liza Klunzingeri) in Kuwait Waters

Project code:  FM 066C

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Assessment of Maid stock (Liza klunzingeri) in Kuwait waters


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension 'A'

Contributor(s):  Al-Saffar, Adel Hassan.

Subject(s):  Maid fish ,  Maid fish ,  Fisheries stock ,  Fisheries stock ,  Maid stock. ,  Kuwait. ,  Liza Klunzingeri. ,  Fish. ,  أسماك الميد. ,  الميد. ,  مياه الكويت.

Project(s):  Assessment of Maid Stock (Liza Klunzingeri) in Kuwait Waters

Project code:  FM 066C

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Assessment of Maid stock (Liza klunzingeri) in Kuwait waters


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Alsaffar, A. H.

Subject(s):  Maid fish ,  Maid fish ,  Liza Klunzingeri ,  Liza Klunzingeri ,  Kuza Klunzingeri. ,  Assessment. ,  Mullet. ,  Stock. ,  Fish population. ,  Dynamics.

Project(s):  Assessment of Maid Stock (Liza Klunzingeri) in Kuwait Waters

Project code:  FM 066C

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Assessment and monitoring of water quality for the Sabah Al-Ahmad sea city project, phase III


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Uddin, Saif.

Subject(s):  Nutrients. ,  Coliform. ,  Trace metals.

Project(s):  Assessment and monitoring of water quallity the Sabah Al-Ahmad sea city project, phase III

Project code:  EM 034S

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A pilot study on the community structure and abundance of neustonic and planktonic zoooplankton, Fish Eggs and Larvae

KISR Report

Progress Report No. 3

Contributor(s):  Al Yamani, Faiza.

Subject(s):  Fish ,  Fish ,  Water ,  Water ,  Bacteria ,  Bacteria ,  Fresh water inventabrates ,  Fresh water inventabrates ,  Neuston ,  Neuston ,  Neuston. ,  Plankton. ,  Bacterioneuston. ,  Zooneuston. ,  Ichthyoneuston. ,  طبقة المياه السطحية ,  عوالق ,  البكتيريا الطافية الطافية ,  البيض واليرقات الطافية

Project(s):  A Pilot Study on the Community Structure & Abundance of Neustonic & Planktonic Zooplankton, Fish Eggs & Larvae

Project code:  FM 078K

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Geo-environmental modeling for the northern part of the Arabian Gulf


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Taqi, Altaf.

Subject(s):  Pollutions ,  Pollutions ,  Environment ,  Environment ,  Arabian Gulf. ,  Sediments. ,  Phosphorus. ,  Nitrogen. ,  Hydrodynamic modeling. ,  الخليج العربي ,  الرواسب ,  الفسفور ,  النيتروجين ,  النمذجة العددية الهيدروديناميكية

Project(s):  Geo-Environmental Modeling for the Northern Part of the Arabian Gulf

Project code:  EM 066G

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A pilot sudy on the community structure and abundance of neustronic and planktonic zooplankton, fish eggs, and larvae in Kuwait waters


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al-Yamani, Faiza.

Subject(s):  Fish ,  Fish ,  Water ,  Water ,  Newston ,  Bacteria ,  Newston. ,  Plankton. ,  Phytoneuston. ,  Zooneuston. ,  Ichthyoneuston. ,  نيوستون. ,  الكائنات الطافية على صفحة الماء. ,  عوالق بحرية. ,  العوالق النباتية الطافية. ,  الأحياء الحيوانية الطافية. ,  يرقات. ,  بيض الأسماك الطافية.

Project(s):  A Pilot Study on the Community Structure & Abundance of Neustonic & Planktonic Zooplankton, Fish Eggs & Larvae

Project code:  FM 078K

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