report(s) found: 1491
Center: Environment and Life Sciences Research Center x

Sediment cores and history of nutrient and trace metals in Kuwait bay


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Shammari, Fatema.

Subject(s):  Sediments ,  Metal ,  Marine organisms ,  Ammonia ,  Phosphorus. ,  Nitrogen. ,  Trace metals. ,  الفسفور ,  النيتروجين ,  المعادن النزرة ,  الرواسب العمودية

Project(s):  Sediment Cores & History of Nutrient & Trace Metals in Kuwait Bay

Project code:  EM 065G

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PAHs cytochrome P450 in yellowfin seabream from Kuwait marine waters


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Beg, Merza.

Subject(s):  Sea basses ,  Sea basses ,  Fish-culture ,  Kuwait bay. ,  Marine pollution. ,  Exposure biomarkers. ,  EROD. ,  Fish. ,  خليج الكويت. ,  التلوث البحرى. ,  التعرض للمؤشرات الحيوية. ,  الأيرود. ,  سمك.

Project(s):  PAHs & Cytochrome P450 in Yellowfin Seabream from Kuwait Marine Waters

Project code:  EM 064K

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Hydrocarbon pollution of Kuwaits coastal zone: differentiation of petrogenic, anthropogenic and biogenic hydrocarbons.


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Saeed, Talat.

Subject(s):  Pollution ,  Hydrocarbons ,  Solvents ,  Glassware ,  Freezing ,  Samples ,  Mobilization. ,  Consumables. ,  Sampling. ,  Sample preparation. ,  التعبئة ,  المستهلكات ,  جمع العينات ,  تحضير العينات

Project(s):  Hydrocarbon Pollution of Kuwait’s Coastal zone: Differentiation of Petrogenic, Anthropogenic & Biogenic Hydrocarbons

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A pilot study on the community structure and abundance of neustonic and planktonic zooplankton, fish eggs and larvae in Kuwait's waters


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al-Yamani, Faiza.

Subject(s):  Fish ,  Fish ,  Water ,  Water ,  Neuston ,  Bacteria ,  Neuton. ,  Plankton. ,  Phytoneuston. ,  Zooneuston. ,  Ichthyoneuston.

Project(s):  A Pilot Study on the Community Structure & Abundance of Neustonic & Planktonic Zooplankton, Fish Eggs & Larvae

Project code:  FM 078K

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Effects of the Kuwait crude oil on the behavior of Sobaity Sea bream Sparidentex hasta


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Karam, Qusaie Ebrahim.

Subject(s):  Petroleum ,  Petroleum ,  Finshery management ,  Fisher management ,  Fish behavior. ,  Fish Toximeter. ,  سلوك الأسماك. ,  جهاز قياس سمية الأسماك.

Project(s):  Effects of Kuwait Crude Oil on the Behavior of Sobaity Sea Bream (Sparidentex Hasta)

Project code:  EM 054C

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Setting up technical laboratory :


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Dhafeeri, A.

Subject(s):  Gas ,  Environment ,  Tyres. ,  Reaction engineering. ,  Protocols. ,  Gas chromatography. ,  Solid waste. ,  اللدائن المطاطية ,  هندسة التفاعلات ,  النظم ,  النفاية الصلبة ,  استشراب غازي

Project(s):  Setting up Technical Laboratory/Pilot-Plant Protocols for Thermo-Chemical Treatment (TCT) Pyrolytic Practices

Project code:  EM 072G

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Assessment of indoor/outdoor air quality at oil sector complex building


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Rashidi, Mufareh.

Subject(s):  Metals ,  Trace elements ,  Environmental protection ,  Air quality ,  Particulate matter. ,  Trace metals. ,  Volatile organic compounds. ,  Sick building syndrome (SBS). ,  الجسيمات العالقة بالهواء ,  المعادن النزرة ,  المركبات العضوية المتطايرة ,  متلازمي المباني المريضة(SBS)

Project(s):  Assessment of Indoor/Outdoor Air Quality at Oil Sector Complex Building

Project code:  EM 073C

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Method performance and validation of nuclear analytical procedures compliance with ISO/IEC 17025 in the radioecology laboratory


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Aba, A

Subject(s):  Nuclear power ,  Nuclear power ,  Radioecology llaboratory ,  Radioecology laboratory ,  Quality Assurance. ,  Nuclear Analytical Techniques. ,  ضبط الجودة. ,  اعتماد طرائق التحليل الأشعاعى. ,  مطيافية ألفا. ,  مطيافية غاما الحقلية.

Project(s):  Method Performance & Validation of Nuclear Analytical Procedures Compliance with ISO/IEC 17025 in the Radioecology Laboratory

Project code:  EM 070K

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Preliminary assessment of the spatial variations in the atmospheric concentrations of persistent organic pollutants in the west asian subregion


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Gevao, B.

Subject(s):  Contaminants ,  Atmosphere ,  Database ,  Pesticides ,  الملوثات العضوية الثابتة ,  دي دي تي ,  منطقة الشرق الاوسط ,  اليوكسينات ,  Long range atmospheric transport ,  Stockholm convention ,  Monitoring data ,  Passive sampler

Project(s):  Preliminary Assessment of the Spatial Variations in the Atmospheric Concentrations of Persistent Organic Pollutants in the West Asian Sub-Region

Project code:  EM 068C

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Assessment of indoor.outdoor air quality at the oil sector complex building (air quality modeling)


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Rashidi, Muferh.

Subject(s):  Air ,  Power ,  Air quality model. ,  Traffic emission. ,  Power plant emission. ,  Gas trubine units. ,  Building downwash. ,  النماذج الرياضية لجودة الهواء ,  الأنبعاثات من الطريق ,  الأنبعاث من محطات القوى ,  وحدات التوربينات الغازية ,  تأثير المباني المرتفعة لحبس الملوثات

Project(s):  Assessment of Indoor/Outdoor Air Quality at Oil Sector Complex Building

Project code:  EM 073C

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Comprehensive radionuclides assessment and monitoring systems for Kuwait's marine environment.


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Uddin, Safe.

Subject(s):  Marine Environment ,  Radionuclide ,  Nuclear Energy ,  Gamma rays

Project(s):  Comprehensive Radionuclides Assessment & Monitoring Systems for Kuwait's Marine Environment

Project code:  EM 062C

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Comprehensive radionuclides assessment and monitoring systems for Kuwait's marine environment


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Uddin, Saif

Subject(s):  Marine Envirionment ,  Marine Environment ,  تريتيوم ,  البلونيوم ,  الرصاص ,  السيزيوم ,  أستروشيوم ,  البلوتونيوم

Project(s):  Comprehensive Radionuclides Assessment & Monitoring Systems for Kuwait's Marine Environment

Project code:  EM 062C

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