report(s) found: 1491
Center: Environment and Life Sciences Research Center x

Hydrocarbon pollution of Kuwaits coastal zone: differentiation of petrogenic, anthropogenic and biogenic hydrocarbons.


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Saeed, Talat.

Subject(s):  Pollution ,  Hydrocarbons ,  Solvents ,  Glassware ,  Freezing ,  Samples ,  Mobilization. ,  Consumables. ,  Sampling. ,  Sample preparation. ,  التعبئة ,  المستهلكات ,  جمع العينات ,  تحضير العينات

Project(s):  Hydrocarbon Pollution of Kuwait’s Coastal zone: Differentiation of Petrogenic, Anthropogenic & Biogenic Hydrocarbons

Project code:  EM 055C

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Testing, Evaluation, and post-certification activities for the RN-50 radionuclide station, located in Shuwaikh, Kuwait, phase xi


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Sudairawi, Mane.

Subject(s):  Nuclear ,  Nuclear ,  Seismic ,  Seismic ,  Comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty organization. ,  Continous monitoring system. ,  Maintenance avtivities. ,  منظمة الحظر الشامل للتجارب النووية ,  النويدات المشعة ,  رصد النويدات المشعة ,  تقرير مختصر

Project(s):  Testing, Evaluation & Post-Certification Activities for the RN- 40 Radionuclide Station, Located in Shuwaikh, Kuwait

Project code:  EC 015S

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Testing, evaluation and post-certification activities for the RN-40 radionuclide station located in Shuwikh, Phase X


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al-Sudairawi, Mane.

Subject(s):  Radionuclide monitoring ,  Radionuclide monitoring ,  Radionuclide plants ,  Radionuclide plants ,  CTBTO. ,  IMS. ,  Monitoring. ,  Kuwait. ,  Summary report. ,  منظمة الحظر الشامل للتجارب النووية. ,  النويدان المشعة. ,  رصد النويدات المشعة. ,  تقرير مختصر.

Project(s):  Testing, Evaluation & Post-Certification Activities for the RN- 40 Radionuclide Station, Located in Shuwaikh, Kuwait

Project code:  EC 015S

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Evaluation of different commercial feeds on sobaity, Sparidentex hasta (valenciennes) for optimum growth performance, muscle quality and cost of production


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Hossain, Mohammed Arshad.

Subject(s):  Fish ,  Fish ,  Feeds ,  Feeds ,  Growth trial. ,  Commercial feed. ,  Trash fish. ,  تجارب النمو. ,  أعلاف تجارية. ,  الأسماك صغيرة.

Project(s):  Evaluation of Different Commercial Feeds on Sobaity, Sparidentex Hasta (Valenciennes) for Optimum Growth Performance, Muscle Quality & Cost of Production

Project code:  FM 084 K

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Assessment of commercial probiotic products in improving growth and survival of aquaculture shrimp and quality of Water in the tanks.

KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Musalam, Lamya.

Subject(s):  Bacteria ,  Shrimp ,  Fish ponds ,  Water quality ,  Shrimp farming ,  بينيس سمسلكاتس ,  النمو ,  معدل البقاء ,  المناعة ,  الأمراض ,  احواض ,  Penaeus semisulcatus. ,  Survival. ,  Immunity. ,  Diseases. ,  Tanks.

Project(s):  Assessment of Commercial Probiotic Products in Improving Growth & Survival of Aquaculture Shrimp & Quality of Water in the Tanks

Project code:  FM 086K

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Rehabilitation of kubbar island's coral reef utilizing artificial reef


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 4

Contributor(s):  Alhazeem, Shaker Hamza.

Subject(s):  Artificial reefs ,  Coral reefs ,  Coral ,  Fish ,  Current and speed direction. ,  Tank management. ,  Detailed bathymetry. ,  سرعة واتجاه التيار ,  إدارة الأحواض ,  قياس مفصل للأعماق

Project(s):  Rehabilitation of Kubbar Island's Coral Reef Utilizing Artificial Reef

Project code:  FM 090C

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Rehabilitation of Kubbar Island's coral reef utilizing artificial reef


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 3

Contributor(s):  Alhazeem, Shaker Hamza.

Subject(s):  Coral reef ,  Coral reef ,  Artificial reef ,  Biologicl survey. ,  Coral reproduction. ,  Closed-system tanks. ,  recovery. ,  المسح البيولوجى. ,  تكاثر المرجان. ,  نظم الأحواص المقفلة. ,  انتعاش.

Project(s):  Rehabilitation of Kubbar Island's Coral Reef Utilizing Artificial Reef

Project code:  FM 090C

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Rehabilitation of kubbar island's coral reef utilizing artificial reef


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Alhazeem, Shaker Hamza.

Subject(s):  Artificial reefs ,  Coral reefs ,  Fish ,  Water currents ,  سرعة واتجاه التيار ,  إدارة الأحواض ,  انتعاش ,  Current speed and direction. ,  Tanks management. ,  recovery.

Project(s):  Rehabilitation of Kubbar Island's Coral Reef Utilizing Artificial Reef

Project code:  FM 090C

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Rehabilitation of Kubbar Island's coral reef utilizing artificial reef

KISR Report

Progress Report No. 5

Contributor(s):  Al Hazeem, Shaker.

Subject(s):  FISH ,  FISH ,  Coral reef ,  Coral reef ,  إنزال الشعاب الإصطناعية ,  التبييض ,  التكاثر ,  Artificial reefs deployment ,  Spawning ,  Reprdoction

Project(s):  Rehabilitation of Kubbar Island's Coral Reef Utilizing Artificial Reef

Project code:  FM 090C

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Viral nerve necrosis in hamoor :


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Azad, I.S.

Subject(s):  Virus ,  Virus ,  The larvae ,  The larvae ,  Eggs ,  Eggs ,  Nodavirus ,  Screening ,  Encephalopathy

Project(s):  Viral Nerve Necrosis in Hamoor: Detection in Broodstock & Prevention in Larvae through Egg Disinfection

Project code:  FM 091C

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Rehabilitation of kubbar island's coral reef utilizing artificial reef


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Alhazeem, Shaker Hamza.

Subject(s):  Artificial reefs ,  Coral reefs ,  Coral ,  Fish ,  Water currents ,  مجتمعات سمكية ,  غطاء قاعي ,  نقل وزراعة المرجان ,  بذر المرجان ,  ترميم ,  Fish communities. ,  Benthic cover. ,  Coral transplant and seeding. ,  Restoring.

Project(s):  Rehabilitation of Kubbar Island's Coral Reef Utilizing Artificial Reef

Project code:  FM 090C

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Viral Nerve Necrosis in Hamoor :


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Gharabally, H.

Subject(s):  Viruses ,  Viruses ,  Air ,  Air ,  فيروس نخر العصب ,  التشخيص ,  تفاعل البلمرة المتسلسل ,  الأيودوفر ,  الأوزون واللقاح ,  Nerve necrosis ,  Virus ,  Diagnostic ,  polymerase chain reaction ,  Iodophor ,  Ozone and vaccine ,  فيروس نخر العصب ,  التشخيص ,  تفاعل البلمرة المتسلسل ,  الأوزون زاللقاح

Project(s):  Viral Nerve Necrosis in Hamoor: Detection in Broodstock & Prevention in Larvae through Egg Disinfection

Project code:  FM 091C

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