report(s) found: 1491
Center: Environment and Life Sciences Research Center x

Adsorption and desorption of nutrient modeling in the Kuwait Bay sediments.


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Enezi, Eqbal.

Subject(s):  The marine environment ,  Absorption ,  Sediments ,  Nutrient cycle ,  Water ,  Soil ,  Water quality model. ,  Empirical eqution. ,  نمذجة جودة المياه ,  المعادلة التجريبية

Project(s):  Adsorption & Desorption of Nutrient Modeling in the Kuwait Bay Sediments

Project code:  FM 092K

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Optimization of KISR fish vaccine to enhance survival and immunity of Sobaity fry (sparidentax hasta)


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Saheb, Azad.

Subject(s):  Fishes ,  Fishes ,  Bacteria ,  Bacteria ,  Vaccination. ,  Protection. ,  Disease. ,  Production. ,  Hatehery. ,  Sobaity. ,  تطعيم ,  وقاية ,  أمراض ,  انتاج ,  مفقسة ,  السبيطي

Project(s):  Optimization of KISR Fish Vaccine to Enhance Survival & Immunity of Sobaity Fry (Sparidentax Hasta)

Project code:  FM 098K

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Testing and evaluation and post-certification activities for radionuclide station, RN-4-, Kuwait city, Kuwait


KISR Report

Summary Report

Contributor(s):  Tang, Hangmaw.

Subject(s):  Nuclear ,  Nuclear ,  Air ,  Air ,  CTBTO. ,  Radioactivity. ,  Monitoring. ,  Summary report. ,  منظمة الحظر الشامل للتجارب النووية ,  النويدات المشعة ,  رصد النويدات المشعة ,  تقرير مختصر

Project(s):  Testing & Evaluation & Post-Certification Activities for Radionuclide Station, RN-4-, Kuwait City, Kuwait

Project code:  EC006S

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Effect of three Carbohydrates on the growth of Nile Tilapia, water consumption and water quality in a biofloc system


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Ridha, Mohammad

Subject(s):  Feed utilization efficiency ,  Feed utilization efficiency ,  Ammonia ,  Ammonia ,  Bacteria ,  Bacteria ,  معدل التحول الغذائي ,  إنتاج الأسماك ,  إزالة الأمونيا ,  مصدر للكربون ,  عدم استبدال المياه ,  Feed conversion ,  Ammonia removal ,  Bacteria ,  Carbon source ,  Zero water exchange

Project(s):  Effect of Three Carbohydrates on the Growth of Nile Tilapia, Water Consumption & Water Quality in a Biofloc System

Project code:  FM 096C

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Improvement of nutritional quality of cultured Sobaity ( sparidentex hasta) muscle by preharvest feeding technique using finisher feeds.


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Hossain, Mohammad.

Subject(s):  Fish ,  Forage ,  Fatty acid ,  Fish Farming ,  Sea ,  السبيطي ,  أعلاف التشطيب ,  أداء النمو ,  نوعية العضلات ,  Finisher feeds. ,  Growth performances. ,  Fatty Acids.

Project(s):  Improvement of Nutritional Quality of Cultured Sobaity (Sparidentex Hasta) Muscle by Preharvest Feeding Technique using Finisher Feeds

Project code:  FM 095K

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Biodiversity and taxonomy of Kuwait's marine dinoflagellates (microalgae)- phase I


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension 'A'

Contributor(s):  Al Rashed, Wafa'a.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Water ,  species ,  species

Project(s):  Biodiversity & Taxonomy of Kuwait's Marine Benthic Dinoflagellates (Microalgae) – Phase I

Project code:  FM 087K

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Testing, evaluation and post- certification activities for the RN- 40 radionuclide station, located in Shuwaikh, Kuwait, phase XII.


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Sudairawi, Mane.

Subject(s):  Radiation ,  Radioisotopes ,  Air pacific ,  Radioactivity ,  منظمة الحظر الشامل للتجارب النووية ,  النويدات المشعة ,  رصد النويدات المشعة ,  تقرير مختصر ,  Comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty organization. ,  Continous monitoring system. ,  Maintenance activities.

Project(s):  Testing, Evaluation & Post-Certification Activities for the RN- 40 Radionuclide Station, Located in Shuwaikh, Kuwait

Project code:  EC 015S

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Development of seed production and culture of the Kuwaiti shrimp, metapenaeus affinis


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Subiai, Sherain.

Subject(s):  Seeds ,  Seeds ,  Environment ,  Environment ,  Biofloc technology. ,  Shrimp. ,  Aquaculture. ,  Production. ,  تقنية البيوفلوكس ,  ربيان ,  استزراع ,  انتاج

Project(s):  Development of Seed Production & Culture of the Kuwaiti Shrimp, Metapenaeus Affinis

Project code:  FM 099K

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Maintenance and operation of Kisr's environmental radiation monitoring networks


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Aba, Abdul Aziz.

Subject(s):  Radiology ,  Marine Environment ,  Data ,  Data quality ,  Radiation monitoring. ,  Radiation dose. ,  Network monitoring center. ,  المراقبة الإشعاعية ,  الجرعة الإشعاعية ,  محطات الرصد الإشعاعي

Project(s):  Maintenance and Operation of KISR’s Environmental Radiation Monitoring Networks

Project code:  EC 005O

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Quantitative survey of sargassum macroalgae along Kuwait coastline :


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Alghunaim, Aws.

Subject(s):  Algae ,  Sargassum ,  Seawater ,  Sampling ,  الطحالب البنية ,  السرغسم ,  مناطق الحضانة ,  الكويت ,  الخليج العربي ,  Marine Seaweeds. ,  Nursery Grounds. ,  Arabian Gulf.

Project(s):  Quantitative Survey of Sargassum Macroalgae along Kuwait Coastline: First Step Towards it's Bed Restoration

Project code:  FM 089K

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The collapse of Kuwait's fishery stocks:


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension 'A'

Contributor(s):  Al Husaini, Mohsen.

Subject(s):  Fish ,  Fish ,  Food ,  Food ,  Fish landing. ,  decline. ,  Management. ,  Data. ,  Risk assessment. ,  Stocks monitoring. ,  Workshops. ,  الكميات المنزلة ,  انخفاض ,  ادارة ,  بيانات ,  تقييم المخاطرة ,  رصد المخزون ,  ورشة عمل

Project(s):  The Collapse of Kuwait's Fishery Stocks: Analysis, Data Needs & Remedial Management Actions

Project code:  FM 088C

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The collapse of Kuwait's fishery stocks: analysis, data needs and remedial management actions


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Husaini, Mohsen.

Subject(s):  Fish ,  Fish ,  Food ,  Foof ,  Fish landings. ,  decline. ,  Management. ,  Data. ,  Risk assessment. ,  Stocks monitoring. ,  Workshops. ,  الكميات المنزلة ,  انخفاض ,  ادارة ,  بيانات ,  تقييم المخاطرة ,  رصد المخزون ,  ورشة عمل

Project(s):  The Collapse of Kuwait's Fishery Stocks: Analysis, Data Needs & Remedial Management Actions

Project code:  FM 088C

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