report(s) found: 1491
Center: Environment and Life Sciences Research Center x

Implementation of mutation induction to improve barley production under harsh environmental conditions (The Case of Kuwait)


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Manaie, Habibah.

Subject(s):  Crops ,  Crops ,  Agriculture production ,  Agriculture production ,  Nuclear Energy ,  Nuclear Energy ,  انتاج الاعلاف ,  تربية الطفرات ,  الضغوط الاحيوية ,  forge production ,  Mutation breeding ,  Abiotic Stress

Project(s):  Implementation of Mutation Induction to Improve Barley Production under Harsh Environmental Conditions (The Case of Kuwait)

Project code:  FA 145C

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Performance and feed quality evaluation of selected forage species in a mixed cropping agroforestry system


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Islam, M.

Subject(s):  Feeding ,  Agriculture ,  The plants ,  Barley ,  ليوسينا ,  السرغوم ,  الترتيكال ,  النمو ,  الكتلة الحيوية ,  المواد العضوية في التربة ,  القيمة الغذائية للعلف

Project(s):  Performance and Feed Quality Evaluation of Selected Forage Species in a Mixed Cropping Agroforestry System

Project code:  FA 146C

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Implementation of mutation induction to improve barley production under harsh environmental conditions (the case of Kuwait)


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Manaie, Habibah.

Subject(s):  Agricultural Production ,  Crops ,  Nuclear Energy ,  Fodder ,  أنتاج الأعلاف ,  تربية الطفرات ,  الضغوط اللاحيوية ,  Forage production. ,  Mutation breeding. ,  Abiotic Stress.

Project(s):  Implementation of Mutation Induction to Improve Barley Production under Harsh Environmental Conditions (The Case of Kuwait)

Project code:  FA 145C

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Improving production and water use efficiency of forage crops with nuclear techniques with emphasis on barley


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al-Menaie, Habibah.

Subject(s):  Agricultural consevation ,  Sustainable agriculture ,  Agriculture ,  Stable Isotopes. ,  Evapotranspiration. ,  Conservation agriculture. ,  الزراعة المحمية. ,  النتح. ,  نظائر مستقرة.

Project(s):  Improving Production & Water Use Efficiency of Forage Crops with Nuclear Techniques with Emphasis on Barley

Project code:  FA 144C

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Enhancement of Native forage species production as local feed resources for livestock in Kuwait-Phase II


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Madouh, Tareq

Subject(s):  Drought ,  Drought ,  Desert biology ,  Desert biology ,  Livestock ,  Livestock

Project(s):  Enhancement of Native Forage Species Production as Local Feed Resources for Livestock in Kuwait - Phase II

Project code:  FA 130C

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Enhancing the use of salt-Affected soils and Saline water for crop and Biomass production land and water quality degradation in Arasia states parties


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Menaie, H. S.

Subject(s):  Minimum tillage ,  Minimum tillage ,  Organic farming ,  Organic farming ,  minimum tillage ,  fertilizer use efficiency ,  soil salinity ,  تقليل الحرث ,  تحسين استخدام الأسمدة ,  ملوحة التربة

Project(s):  Enhancing the Use of Salt-Affected Soils & Saline Water for Crop & Biomass Production & Reducing Land & Water Quality Degradation in ARASIA States Parties

Project code:  FA 149C

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Wool production potential of Naeemi sheep: assessing quantitative and qualitative status of wool in Kuwait Phase I (P116-15SE- 01)


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Abbas, Sameera.

Subject(s):  Wool ,  Sheep ,  Cows ,  Nutrition ,  جزء ,  نسخ ,  تغذية ,  جمعية السدو الحرفية ,  Shearing ,  Weaving. ,  Rug. ,  nutrition. ,  A1 SADU Co-op. ,  Handcraft society.

Project(s):  Wool Production Potential of Naeemi Sheep: Assessing Quantitative and Qualitative Status of Wool in Kuwait

Project code:  FA 151C

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Enhancement of native forage species production as local feed resources for livestock in Kuwait-phase II


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Madouh, Tareq.

Subject(s):  Production ,  Livestock ,  Drought. ,  Arid. ,  desert biodiversity. ,  desert perennial grass. ,  sustainable livestock production. ,  الجفاف ,  البيئة القاحلة ,  الأعلاف الصحراوية ,  التنوع الحيائي ,  استمرارية في انتاج الحيوانات المحلية

Project(s):  Enhancement of Native Forage Species Production as Local Feed Resources for Livestock in Kuwait - Phase II

Project code:  FA 130C

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Improving production and water use efficiency of forage crops with nuclear techniques with emphasis on barley


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al Menaie, Habibah.

Subject(s):  Production ,  Crops ,  Barley ,  Soil ,  النظائر المستقرة ,  النتج ,  الزراعة المحمية ,  Stable Isotopes. ,  Evapotranspiration. ,  Conservation agriculture.

Project(s):  Improving Production & Water Use Efficiency of Forage Crops with Nuclear Techniques with Emphasis on Barley

Project code:  FA 144C

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Improving production and water use efficiency of forage crops with nuclear techniques with emphasis on barley


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Al Menaie, H.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Production ,  Stable Isotopes. ,  Evapotranspiration. ,  Conventional agriculture. ,  النظائر المستقرة ,  النتح ,  الزراعة المحمية

Project(s):  Improving Production & Water Use Efficiency of Forage Crops with Nuclear Techniques with Emphasis on Barley

Project code:  FA 144C

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Improving production and water use efficiency of forage crops with nuclear techniques with emphasis on barley


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Menaie, H.S.

Subject(s):  Crops ,  Crops ,  Barley ,  Barley ,  إضافة مغذيات التربة العضوية ,  الحراثة ,  الشعير ,  mulching ,  tillage ,  Barley

Project(s):  Improving Production & Water Use Efficiency of Forage Crops with Nuclear Techniques with Emphasis on Barley

Project code:  FA 144C

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Implementation of mutation induction to improve barley production under harsh environmental conditions (The Case of Kuwait)


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al Manaie, Habibah.

Subject(s):  Agricultural Production ,  Crops ,  Nuclear Energy ,  Fodder ,  إنتاج الأعلاف ,  تربية الطفرات ,  الضغوط اللاحيوية ,  Forage production ,  Mutation breeding ,  Abiotic Stress

Project(s):  Implementation of Mutation Induction to Improve Barley Production under Harsh Environmental Conditions (The Case of Kuwait)

Project code:  FA 145C

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