report(s) found: 1491
Center: Environment and Life Sciences Research Center x

Isolation and characterization of lactic acid bacteria for development of cattle probiotics (Phase I)


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Al Surrayai, Tahani.

Subject(s):  Cattle ,  Farms ,  Cows ,  Milk yield ,  16S rRNA-PCR-sequencing. ,  Antimicrobial properties. ,  Bacterial attachment. ,  Antibiotic. ,  التعرف على تركيب الحمض النووى. ,  التأثير المضاد للبكتريا. ,  المضاد الحيوى.

Project(s):  Isolation & Characterization of Lactic Acid Bacteria for Development of Cattle Probiotics - Phase I

Project code:  FB 075C

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Isolation and characterization of lactic acid bacteria for development of cattle probiotics Phase I.

KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Surrayai, Tahani.

Subject(s):  Farms ,  Cattle ,  Cows ,  Lactic acid bacteria ,  Milk yield ,  Samples ,  تركيب الحمض النووي ,  المعززات الحيوية ,  البكتريوسين ,  المضاد الحيوي ,  16S rRNA. ,  PCR sequencing. ,  Bacteriocin. ,  Probiotic. ,  Antibiotic.

Project(s):  Isolation & Characterization of Lactic Acid Bacteria for Development of Cattle Probiotics - Phase I

Project code:  FB 075C

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Isolation and characterization of lactic acid bacteria for development of cattle probiotics Phase I,


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al Surrayai, Tahani.

Subject(s):  Anti-Bacterial Agents ,  Anti-Bacterial Agents ,  Bacteria. ,  Bacteria ,  التعرف على تركيب الحمض النووي ,  التأثر المضاد للبكتريا ,  التصاق البكتريا ,  16 S rRNA-PCR-sequencing. ,  Antimicrobial properties. ,  Bacterial attachment.

Project(s):  Isolation & Characterization of Lactic Acid Bacteria for Development of Cattle Probiotics - Phase I

Project code:  FB 075C

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Phenotypic characterization studies on halotolerant hydrocarbon-utilizing bacillus subtilis ssp subtilis isolated from avicennia marina rhizosphere


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Yateem, Awatef.

Subject(s):  Nutrition ,  Nutrition ,  Bacteria ,  Bacteria ,  Morphological and nutritional characterization. ,  Physiological and biochemical characterization. ,  Antimictobial susceptibility. ,  الخصائص المورفولوجية والتغذية ,  الخصائص الفسيولوجية والكيميائية الحيوية ,  تأثير المضادات الحيوية

Project(s):  Phenotypic characterization studies on halotolerant hydrocarbon-utilizing bacillus subtilis ssp subtilis isolated from avicennia marina rhizosphere

Project code:  FB 066G

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Characterization of viruses infecting cucumber plants in Kuwait using elisa technique


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al-Hashash, Hanadi.

Subject(s):  Cucumbers ,  Viral diseases ,  ( ELISA)تقنية الأمصال المناعية المرتبطة ,  ( PCR)التفاعل المتسلسل لتضخيم الحمض النووي ,  CMV فيروس ال ,  Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ,  PCR ,  polymerase chain reaction ,  CMV

Project(s):  Characterization of Viruses Infecting Cucumber Plants in Kuwait Using Elisa Technique

Project code:  FB067G

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Monitoring foodborne microbial pathogens and determining the nutritional content of food served at Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research Cafeteria


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al Mutawa, Qadriya.

Subject(s):  Dietary ,  Fiber ,  Food ,  Energy

Project(s):  Monitoring Foodborne Microbial Pathogens & Determining the Nutritional Content of Food Served at Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research Cafeteria

Project code:  FB 005O

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Monitoring foodborne microbial pathogens and determining the nutritional content of food served at Kuwait Institute for Scientific Reserarch cafeteria


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al-Matawah, Qadriyah.

Subject(s):  Food ,  Food ,  Nutrition facts ,  Foodborne pathogens. ,  Aerobic plate count. ,  Nutrition facts. ,  كائنات تسبب الأمراض التى تنتقل عن طريق الطعام. ,  عدد اللوحة الهوائية. ,  القيمة الغذائية.

Project(s):  Monitoring Foodborne Microbial Pathogens & Determining the Nutritional Content of Food Served at Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research Cafeteria

Project code:  FB 005O

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Monitoring the presence of legionella pneumophila in Water samples from safwan enviro- chem technologies Co. W.L.L.


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Ahmad, Ashraf.

Subject(s):  Bacteria ,  Disease ,  Pulmonary disease ,  Fresh water ,  Cooling Towers ,  Agriculture ,  Soil ,  زراعة البكتيريا ,  وسط غذائي BYCE ,  تفاعل البلمرة الكمي الآني للمادة الوراثية ,  Bacterial culture. ,  BCYE Media. ,  Real- time PCR.

Project(s):  Monitoring the Presence of Legionella Pneumophila in Water Samples from Safwan Enviro-Chem Technologies Co. W.L.L.

Project code:  FB 010S

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Services for bioremediation of contaminated Soil at Mab refinery contract No. CB/1273.


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Balba, Mohammed.

Subject(s):  Soil ,  Soil treatment ,  Petroleum refineries ,  Oil storage ,  Soil Pollution ,  Kuwait National Petroleum Company. ,  Mina Abdullah. ,  Oil contaminated soil. ,  Remediation. ,  TPH. ,  شركة البترول الوطنية الكويتية ,  المعالجة الحيوية ,  التلوث النفطي للتربة ,  الهيدروكربونات النفطية الكلية

Project(s):  Services for Bioremediation of Contaminated Soil at Mab Refinery Contract No. CB/1273

Project code:  FB 005S

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Services for bioremediation of contaminated Soil at Mab refinery contract No. CB/1273.


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Balba, Mohammed.

Subject(s):  Soil ,  Soil treatment ,  Petroleum refineries ,  Oil storage ,  Soil Pollution ,  Kuwait National Petroleum Company. ,  Mina Abdullah. ,  Oil contaminated soil. ,  Remediation. ,  TPH. ,  شركة البترول الوطنية الكويتية ,  المعالجة الحيوية ,  التلوث النفطي للتربة ,  الهيدروكربونات النفطية الكلية

Project(s):  Services for Bioremediation of Contaminated Soil at Mab Refinery Contract No. CB/1273

Project code:  FB 005S

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Date Palm plant production via tissue culture for the winner of the first national date palm award


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Ashkanani, Jawad

Subject(s):  Date palm ,  Date palm ,  Date palm ,  Date palm ,  Date propagation ,  Date propagation ,  Tissue culture ,  Tissue culture ,  Phoenix dactylifera ,  Tissue Culture ,  Micropropagation ,  Acclimatization ,  )نخيل التمر)فينكس داكتيليفيرا ,  زراعة الانسجة ,  الإكثار بواسطة الخلايا ,  أقلمة النباتات

Project(s):  Date Palm Plant Production via Tissue Culture for the Winner of the First National Date Palm Award

Project code:  FB 0070

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Services for bioremediation of contaminated Soil at Mab refinery contract No. CB/1273.


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Balba, Mohammed.

Subject(s):  Soil ,  Soil treatment ,  Petroleum refineries ,  Oil storage ,  Soil Pollution ,  Kuwait National Petroleum Company. ,  Mina Abdullah. ,  Oil contaminated soil. ,  Remediation. ,  TPH. ,  شركة البترول الوطنية الكويتية ,  المعالجة الحيوية ,  التلوث النفطي للتربة ,  الهيدروكربونات النفطية الكلية

Project(s):  Services for Bioremediation of Contaminated Soil at Mab Refinery Contract No. CB/1273

Project code:  FB 005S

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