report(s) found: 1491
Center: Environment and Life Sciences Research Center x

Effects of commercial microdiets and weaning strategies on the rearing of Sobaity (sparidentex hasta) larvae /


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Dakour, Saleem.

Subject(s):  Food ,  Production ,  Artificial diets. ,  Live food. ,  Transition protocol. ,  Rearing stage. ,  Fry production. ,  أعلاف مصنعة ,  الغذاء الحي ,  بروتوكول التحول الى أعلاف ,  مرحلة الحضانة ,  انتاج الاصبعيات

Project(s):  Effects of Commercial Microdiets and Weaning Strategies on the Rearing of Sobaity (Sparidentex Hasta) Larvae

Project code:  FM 093

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Impact of high pressure treatment on enzymatic hydrolysis of lentil and kidney bean proteins /


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Ahmed, J.

Subject(s):  Protein ,  Food ,  Protein hydrolysate. ,  Physicochemical properties. ,  Degree of hydrolysis. ,  Antioxidant properties. ,  حلامة بروتينية ,  الخصائص الفيزيائية والكيميائية ,  درجة التحلل ,  خصائص مضادات الأكسدة

Project(s):  Impact of High Pressure Treatment on Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Lentil and Kidney Bean Proteins

Project code:  FB 121K

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Interaction between dust fallout and physiographic conditions of Kuwait /


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension 'A'

Contributor(s):  Al Dousari, Ali.

Subject(s):  Dust ,  Environment ,  Dust storms. ,  Risk assessment. ,  Climate change. ,  العواصف الغبارية ,  تقييم المخاطر ,  التغيرات المناخية

Project(s):  Interaction Between Dust Fallout and Physiographic Conditions of Kuwait

Project code:  EC 109C

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Investigating biodegradable bags standards and properties under Kuwait's environmental conditions /


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Al Salem, S.

Subject(s):  Plastic ,  Environment ,  Biodegradable plastic bags. ,  Waste. ,  Weathering. ,  Haze. ,  TGA. ,  أكياس بلاستيكية قابلة لتحلل البيلوجي ,  النفاية ,  المرادم ,  التجوية ,  مقياس الاغبرارية ,  الفقدان الوزني

Project(s):  Investigating Biodegradable Bags Standards and Properties under Kuwait's Environmental Conditions

Project code:  EM 097C

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Measurement of mercury levels in ambient air with their probabla sources /


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Al-Awadi, Layla.

Subject(s):  Environment ,  Petroleum ,  AQABA mission. ,  Suspended particulate matter. ,  الأتربة المعلقة في الهواء الجوي ,  مهمة العقبة

Project(s):  Measurement of Mercury Levels in Ambient Air with their Probable Sources

Project code:  EM 087C

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Disinfection by products and water quality assessment of indoor swimming pools in Kuwait/


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Bhatti, M.E.

Subject(s):  Swimming pool ,  Swimming pool ,  Marine environment ,  Marine environment ,  حمامات السباحة ,  التطهير ,  الكلور ,  الرقم الهيدروجين ,  ثلاثي هالو ميثان ,  أي كولاي ,  القولونيات البرازيلية ,  Swimming pools ,  disinfection ,  chlorine ,  PH ,  Trihalomethanes ,  E. coli ,  fecal coliforms

Project(s):  Disinfection By-Products and Water Quality Assessment of Indoor Swimming Pools in Kuwait

Project code:  EM 102K

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Testing, evalution, and post-certification activities for radionuclide station, RN40, Kuwait city, Kuwait /


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Dabbous, Abdullah.

Subject(s):  System ,  Nuclear ,  Comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty organization. ,  Continuous monitoring system. ,  Maintenance activities. ,  منظمة الحظر الشامل للتجارب النووية ,  رصد النويدات المشعة ,  الصيانة

Project(s):  Testing, Evaluation, and Post-Certification Activities for Radionuclide Station, RN40, Kuwait City, Kuwait

Project code:  EC 029S

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Developing sustainable and environmentally safe strategies to mitigate overuse of toxic pesticides on an invasive pest /


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Jallow, Mustapha.

Subject(s):  Environment ,  Chemical ,  Tuta absoluta. ,  Insecticides. ,  Baseline susceptibility. ,  Biopesticides. ,  Mating disruption. ,  Integrated pest management. ,  حفار أوراق الطماطم توتا ابسولوتا ,  مبيدات الحشرات ,  القابلية للعدوي ,  المبيدات الحيوية ,  اضطراب التزاوج ,  الادارة المتكاملة للافات

Project(s):  Developing Sustainable and Environmentally Safe Strategic to Mitigate Overuse of Toxic Pesticides on an Invasive Pest

Project code:  FA 116C

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Bioavailability of pahs in the contaminated coastal sediments of Kuwait /


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Saeed, Talat.

Subject(s):  Environment ,  Marine ,  Contaminated sediment. ,  PAH. ,  Bioavailability. ,  Total PAHs. ,  GC/MS. ,  الرواسب الملوثة ,  الهيدروكربونات العطرية المتعددة الحلقات ,  التوافر البيلوجي ,  الهيدرو كربونات العطرية المتعددة الحلقات الكلية ,  التحليل الكروماتو غرافي ,  تحليل الطيف الكتلي

Project(s):  Bioavailability of PAHS in the Contaminated Coastal Sediments of Kuwait

Project code:  EM 086K

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Quantification of legionella pneumophila in water samples for Safwan enviro-chem technologies Co. W.L.L. /


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al mutairi, Salwa.

Subject(s):  Bacteria ,  Water ,  Legionella pneumophila. ,  Microbial culture. ,  بكتيريا اللجيونلا نموفيلا ,  الزراغة الميكروبية

Project(s):  Quantification of Legionella Pneumophila in Water Samples for Safwan Enviro-Chem Technologies Co. W.L.L.

Project code:  FB 012S

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Detection and enumeration oflegionella pneumophil in water samples for Safwan enviro-chem technologies co. /


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al mutairi, Salwa.

Subject(s):  Bacteria ,  Water ,  Legionella pneumophila. ,  Microbial culture. ,  بكتيريا اللجيونلا نوموفيلا ,  الزراعة الميكروبية

Project(s):  Detection and Enumeration of Legionella Pneumophila in Water Samples for Safwan Enviro-Chem Technologies Co. W.L.L.

Project code:  FB 013S

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Maintenance and operation of KISR's environmental radiation monitoring networks /


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Aba, A.

Subject(s):  Environment ,  Radiation ,  Radiation monitoring. ,  Radiation dose. ,  Network monitoring centre. ,  المراقبة الأشعاعية ,  الجرعة الاشعاعية ,  محطات الرصد الاشعاعي

Project(s):  Maintenance and Operation of KISR’s Environmental Radiation Monitoring Networks

Project code:  EC 005O

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