report(s) found: 1491
Center: Environment and Life Sciences Research Center x

Production of blue-green algae arthrospira platensis as a source of Animal feed supplement :


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Khalil, F.

Subject(s):  Production ,  Feed ,  Culture ,  Animal ,  Algal biotechnology. ,  Coproducts. ,  Microalgea. ,  Phytoplanktons. ,  Secondary metabolites. ,  التكنولوجيا الحيوية للطحالب. ,  منتجات مشتركة. ,  طحالب دقيقة. ,  عوالق نباتية. ,  مستقلبات ثانوية.

Project(s):  Production of blue-green algae arthrospira platensis as a source of Animal feed supplement : phase 1. culture establishment and growth optimization

Project code:  FB 166K

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Shorelines research & development :


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Khaldi, M.

Subject(s):  Management ,  Climate ,  Costal ,  Shoreline ,  Shoreline Management plan. ,  Numerical model. ,  Sediment Transport. ,  Climate change. ,  خطة ادارة الخط الساحلي. ,  النموذج الرقمي. ,  نقل الرواسب. ,  تغيير المناخ.

Project(s):  Shorelines research & development : small-scale Island morphology & impacts of coastal construction

Project code:  EC 141K

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Measurements of changes in body composition of exclusively breastfed Kuwaiti infants


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Ati, Tareq.

Subject(s):  Health ,  Obesity ,  Diseases ,  Infants ,  Breastfeeding. ,  Body fat mass. ,  PEA POD. ,  رضاعة الأطفال. ,  كتلة الدهون. ,  جهاز PEA PO.

Project(s):  Measurements of changes in body composition of exclusively breastfed Kuwaiti infants

Project code:  FB 170K

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Utilization of modern technologies in sustainable local Shrimp production in support of Kuwait's Food security :


Government Initiative

Interim report no. 1

Contributor(s):  Al Subiai, S. N.

Subject(s):  Shrimp ,  water ,  Food ,  Agricultural ,  Shrimp farming. ,  Biofloc. ,  Brackish water. ,  Cost-Effectiveness. ,  Sustainable. ,  زراعة الروبيان. ,  التكتل الحيوي. ,  المياه الجوفية. ,  الموارد المتجددة. ,  فعالية التكلف.

Project(s):  Utilization of modern technologies in sustainable local Shrimp production in support of Kuwait's Food security :

Project code:  P-KISR-17-04

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Soil bio-fertility Under the umbrella of Establishment of model farm utilizing modern technologies for local production


Government Initiative

Interim report no. 2

Contributor(s):  Burezq, Hana'a A.

Subject(s):  Organic ,  Fertility ,  Production ,  Soil ,  bio-fertility. ,  Compost. ,  engineered organic and biofertilizer. ,  Biochar. ,  Germination. ,  greenhouse. ,  الخصوبة الحيوية. ,  الأسمدة العضوية والحوية المهندسة. ,  الانبات. ,  البيت الزجاجي.

Project(s):  Soil Bio-Fertility Under the Umbrella of GI Project "Pilot Study For Utilization of Modern Technologies in Sustainable Local Food Production in Support of Kuwait's Food Security"

Project code:  P-KISR-17-07

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Establishment of national research unit for oceanography and marine resources management


Government Initiative

Interim Report

Contributor(s):  Al Husaini, M.

Subject(s):  Marine ,  Building ,  Environment ,  Ecosystem

Project(s):  Establishment of national research unit for oceanography and marine resources management

Project code:  P-KISR-06-06

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Continuous manufacturing of vitamin D3 and Iron- enriched novel food supplements for Kuwaiti population


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Ahmed, Jasim

Subject(s):  vitamin D ,  Supplements ,  Food ,  Iron deficiency ,  Iron deficiency ,  Twin screw granulations ,  Rheology ,  Process analytical technology ,  نقص الحديد ,  التحبيب بالمسمار الثنائي ,  ريولوجي ,  عملية التكنولوجيا التحليلية

Project(s):  Continuous Manufacturing of Vitamin D3 and Iron- Enriched Novel Food Supplements for Kuwaiti Population

Project code:  FB 131 C

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Marine protected area in sulaibikhat bay-project claim 5000460


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Said, T.

Subject(s):  Marine Ecology ,  Marine Ecology ,  Industries ,  Industries ,  Sulaibikhat bay ,  Monitoring and assessment ,  Marine conservation ,  Subtidal zone ,  Intertidal zone ,  Kuwait ,  خليج الصليبخات ,  الرصد والتقييم ,  المناطق المحمية ,  منطقة تحت المد والجزر ,  منطقة المد والجزر ,  الكويت

Project(s):  Marine Protected Area in Sulaibikhat Bay-Project Claim 5000460

Project code:  SP 002EC

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Marine protected area in sulaibikhat bay-project claim 5000460


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Said, T.

Subject(s):  Marine Ecology ,  Marine Ecology ,  Industries ,  Industries ,  Sulaibikhat bay ,  Monitoring and assessment ,  Marine conservation ,  Subtidal zone ,  Intertidal zone ,  Kuwait ,  خليج الصليبخات ,  الرصد والتقييم ,  المناطق المحمية ,  منطقة تحت المد والجزر ,  منطقة المد والجزر ,  الكويت

Project(s):  Marine Protected Area in Sulaibikhat Bay-Project Claim 5000460

Project code:  SP 002EC

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Establishment of the Sheem fish eleutheronema tetradactylum Aquaculture in Kuwait phase 1 :


KISR Report

Revised Annual Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al Yaqout, Amani.

Subject(s):  Fish ,  Aquaculture ,  species ,  Culture ,  Sheem fish ,  Commercial aquaculture ,  Endangered species ,  Larvae ,  Fingerlings ,  أسماك الشيم ,  الأستزراع التجاري ,  الأنواع المهددة بلأنقراض ,  اليرقات ,  اصبعيات

Project(s):  Establishment of the Sheem Fish Eleutheronema Tetradactylum Aquaculture in Kuwait Phase 1 : Collection of Eggs from Wild Brooders and Larvae/Juveniles Rearing

Project code:  FM 122C

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Pyrogenic carbon in sheep ration to reduce emission of methane gas and improve faeces quality for sandy soil


KISR Report

Annual report no. 1

Contributor(s):  Burezq, H. A.

Subject(s):  Carbon ,  Sheep ,  Gas ,  Soil ,  pyrogenic carbon. ,  methane gas. ,  Ration. ,  Maize. ,  Ewes ,  الكربون البيروجيني. ,  غاز الميثان. ,  علف. ,  الذرة. ,  أغنام.

Project(s):  Pyrogenic carbon in sheep ration to reduce emission of methane gas and improve faeces quality for sandy soil

Project code:  FA 187C

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Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture and land use changes using climate smart agricultural practices


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Menaie, H.

Subject(s):  Climate ,  Agriculture ,  Oxide ,  Gas ,  closed chamber. ,  Gas chromatography. ,  Methane. ,  Nitrous oxide. ,  Alfalfa. ,  Barley. ,  انبعاث الغازات. ,  الصندوق المغلق. ,  جهاز تعيين الغازات. ,  غاز الميثان. ,  ثاني اكسيد النيتروز. ,  الشعير. ,  البرسيم.

Project(s):  Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture and land use changes using climate smart agricultural practices

Project code:  FA 183C

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