report(s) found: 1491
Center: Environment and Life Sciences Research Center x

The improved resilience to transboundary sand and dust storms in Kuwait and Iraq


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 5

Contributor(s):  Al Hemoud, A.

Subject(s):  Sand ,  Storm ,  Dust ,  Energy ,  Dust events. ,  Impact mitigation. ,  Source mitigation. ,  Resilience. ,  مخاطر الغبار. ,  تخفيف التأثير. ,  تخفيف المصدر. ,  المرونة أو التكيف.

Project(s):  The improved resilience to transboundary sand and dust storms in Kuwait and Iraq

Project code:  EM 124C

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Effect of ocean acidification and ocean warming on metal uptake and bioaccumulation in microalgae


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Musallam, L.

Subject(s):  Marine ,  Environment ,  Ocean ,  carbon ,  PH. ,  Temperature. ,  Marine environment. ,  Marine ecosystem. ,  Isotopes. ,  الاس الهيدروجيني. ,  درجة الحرارة. ,  البيئة البحرية. ,  النظام البيئي. ,  النظائر.

Project(s):  Effect of ocean acidification and ocean warming on metal uptake and bioaccumulation in microalgae

Project code:  EM 131K

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Wave Interaction on slender submarine pipelines resting on seabed with different roughness


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Khaldi, M.

Subject(s):  Piplines ,  Piplines ,  Boundary layer ,  Boundary layer ,  Seabed roughness ,  small diameter submarine pipelines ,  Boundary layer ,  Hydrodynamic forces ,  خشونة تربة قاع البحر ,  خطوط انابيب رفيعة بحرية ,  الطبقة الحدودية ,  قوى هيدروديناميكية

Project(s):  Wave Interaction on slender submarine pipelines resting on seabed with different roughness

Project code:  EC 112C

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Nanocharacterization of silica particles within Aeolian Dune sediments in Kuwait


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Hazza, Abdulsalam

Subject(s):  Sand dune conservation ,  Sand dune conservation ,  Chemical anaysis ,  Chemical anaysis ,  Sand dunes ,  chemical and physical analysis ,  sand particles ,  finger print ,  الكثبان الرملية ,  تحليل الكيميائي والفيزيائي ,  حبيبات الرمال ,  بصمة علمية

Project(s):  Nanocharacterization of silica particles within Aeolian Dune sediments in Kuwait

Project code:  EC 116K

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Insights into the resistome of healthy and mastitis camel milk microbiome


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Rahmeh, R.

Subject(s):  Microbiome ,  Microbiome ,  Food ,  Food ,  حليب الإبل ,  مقاومة المضادات الحيوية ,  التسلسل عالي الإنتاجية ,  الجينات المقاومة للمضادات الحيوية ,  سلامة الغذاء ,  جودة الغذاء ,  Antibiotic resistance ,  Shotgun sequencing ,  Antibiotics resistant genes ,  Food Safety ,  Food quality

Project(s):  Insights into the resistome of healthy and mastitis camel milk microbiome

Project code:  FB 183C

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Generating the first spatiotemporal profile of marine nirifying microbes in the unique water of the northwest Arabian Gulf


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Fakhraldeen, S.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Marine ,  Chemical ,  Seawater ,  Biogeochhemistry. ,  nitrogen cycling. ,  Bacteria. ,  Sequencing. ,  Database. ,  الكيمياء الحيوية. ,  دورة النيتروجين. ,  بكتيريا كائنات دقيقة ,  تسلسل. ,  قاعدة بيانات.

Project(s):  Generating the first spatiotemporal profile of marine nirifying microbes in the unique water of the northwest Arabian Gulf

Project code:  FM 128K

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Assessment of bottom waste ash produced by the medical incinerator at Shuaiba industrial area in Kuwait


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Muzaini, S.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Metals ,  Chemical ,  Health ,  Bottom ash. ,  Hospital waste. ,  Incinerator. ,  Heavy metals. ,  hazardous waste. ,  المخلفات الصلبة القاعية. ,  مخلفات المستشقيات. ,  المحارق. ,  المعادن الثقيلة. ,  المخلفات الخطرة.

Project(s):  Assessment of bottom waste ash produced by the medical incinerator at Shuaiba industrial area in Kuwait

Project code:  EM 108C

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Effect of polystyrene microplastics on the survival, growth, microbiome composition and immunity in Sobaity (Sparidentex hasta) and Hamoor (Epinephelus coioides) Larvae


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  El Dakour, S.

Subject(s):  Marine ,  Ecosystem ,  Fish ,  Plastic ,  Microplastic. ,  Polystyrene. ,  Fish larvae. ,  Immune response. ,  Microbiome composition. ,  ميكروبلاستيك. ,  البوليسترين. ,  يرقات الأسماك. ,  الاستجابة المناعية. ,  تركيب الميكروبيوم.

Project(s):  Effect of polystyrene microplastics on the survival, growth, microbiome composition and immunity in Sobaity (Sparidentex hasta) and Hamoor (Epinephelus coioides) Larvae

Project code:  EM 118C

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Under the umbrella of GI project Pilot study for utilization of modern technologies in sustain able local food production in support of Kuwait's food security


Government Initiative

Interim Report No. 4

Contributor(s):  Thomas, B. M.

Subject(s):  Food ,  Management ,  Production ,  Soil ,  Desert ecosystem. ,  Protected agriculture. ,  Irrigation. ,  Nutrient management. ,  soil amendment. ,  Forage. ,  النظام البيئي الصحراوي. ,  الزراعة المحمية. ,  الري. ,  ادارة المغذيات. ,  تعديل التربة. ,  العلف.

Project(s):  Pilot study for utilization of modern technologies in sustain able local food production in support of Kuwait's food security

Project code:  P-KISR--17-01

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Pilot study for utilization of modern technologies sustainable local food production in support of Kuwait's food security


Government Initiative

Interim report No. 7

Contributor(s):  Suleiman, M. K.

Subject(s):  Poultry ,  Food ,  Production ,  Shrimp ,  Food production. ,  Agribusiness model. ,  Regenerative crop production. ,  Poultry. ,  livestock. ,  Shrimp production. ,  الانتاج الغذائي. ,  نموذج الأعمال الزراعية. ,  انتاج المحاصيل المتجددة. ,  الدواجن. ,  المواشي. ,  الربيان.

Project(s):  Pilot study for utilization of modern technologies sustainable local food production in support of Kuwait's food security

Project code:  P-KISR-17

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Analyzing camel milk mixed with wizr (camel urine)


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Khubaizi, A.

Subject(s):  Milk ,  Camel ,  Wizr ,  Milk ,  حليب الابل ,  بول الابل ,  المجتمع الميكروبي ,  بكتيريا حمض اللاكتيك ,  Camel ,  Milk ,  Urine ,  Microbial community ,  Lactic acid bacterial

Project(s):  Analyzing Camel Milk Mixed With Wizr (Camel Urine)

Project code:  FB 086G

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Prebiotics for the Enhancement of Growth, Survival and Antimicrobial Activities of Probiotics


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Almutairi, B.

Subject(s):  Food supplements ,  Bacteria ,  Germs ,  Antibiotics ,  منتجات السنبيوتك ,  بكتيريا حمض اللاكتيك ,  الأطعمة الشمولية ,  مواد حافظة للأغذية ,  Synbiotic ,  Lactic acid bacteria ,  Functional food ,  Food Safety

Project(s):  Prebiotics for the Enhancement of Growth, Survival and Antimicrobial Activities of Probiotics

Project code:  FB 192K

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