report(s) found: 1491
Center: Environment and Life Sciences Research Center x

Development of an environmental decision support system for Radio-Ecologically sensitive areas in Kuwait Phase I:


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Aba, Abdulaziz.

Subject(s):  Database ,  Nuclear Energy ,  Radioactive pollution ,  The environment ,  دعم متخذ القرار ,  الإيكولوجيا الأشعاعية ,  هجرة النظائر المشعة ,  عوامل الأنتقال ,  Decision support ,  Radioecology ,  Migration of radionuclides ,  Transfer factors

Project(s):  Experimental Studies, Modelling, & Development of a Database for Radioecology

Project code:  EC 100C

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Updating the database of KISR's coastal information system by using numerical techniques


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Salem, Khaled.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Water ,  Plants ,  Plants ,  Wave height prediction. ,  Arabian Gulf. ,  Water level. ,  Sea tidal current. ,  للتنبؤ ارتفاع الأمواج ,  الخليج العربي ,  ارتفاع المياه ,  التيارات البحرية

Project(s):  Updating the Database of KISR's Coastal Information System by using Numerical Techniques

Project code:  EC 099K

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Wave forces on offshore structures calculated with smooth particle Hydrodynamics and physical modeling- physical modeling study at KISR


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Neelamani, S.

Subject(s):  Waves ,  Waves ,  Waves ,  Waves ,  Offshore drilling platform ,  Regular and Random Waves ,  Physical model ,  flexible and rigid structure ,  منصة الحفر البحرية ,  موجات منتظمة وعشوائية ,  النمذجة الفيزيائية ,  هياكل مرنة وصلبة

Project(s):  Wave Forces on Offshore Structures Calculated with Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics & Physical Modeling - Physical Modeling Study at KISR

Project code:  EC 119C

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Quantification of the contribution of the main activities at the Shuaiba west industrial area to ambient pollution levels at Ali Sabah Al-Salem (preliminary study)


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Ramadan, Ashraf.

Subject(s):  Pollution ,  Pollution ,  Industrial ,  Industrial ,  Industrial pollution. ,  Emission inventory. ,  Ground-level concentrations. ,  برنامج التلوث الصناعي ,  حصر الأنبعاثات ,  تراكيز الملوثات الهوائية على سطح الأرض

Project(s):  Quantification of the Contribution of the Main Activities at the Shuaiba West Industrial Area to Ambient Pollution Levels at Ali Sabah Al-Salem

Project code:  EC 087C

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Quantification of the contribution of the main activities at the Shuaiba west industrial area to ambient pollution levels at Ali Sabah Al Salem (preliminary study),


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Ramadan, Ashraf.

Subject(s):  Pollution ,  Pollution ,  Industrial ,  Industrial ,  Aermod. ,  Industrial pollution. ,  Emission inventory. ,  ground-level. ,  حصر الانبعاثات ,  تراكيز الملوثات الهوائية علي سطح الأرض ,  برنامج (Aermod)التلوث الصناعي

Project(s):  Quantification of the Contribution of the Main Activities at the Shuaiba West Industrial Area to Ambient Pollution Levels at Ali Sabah Al-Salem

Project code:  EC 087C

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Evaluation of tsunami hazards along the Kuwaiti coastline due to possible earthquake and landslides


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Pokavanich, Tanuspong

Subject(s):  Earthquakes ,  Earth ,  Floods ,  Tsunami ,  Risks ,  Numerical modeling ,  Submarine earthquakes and landslides ,  Inundation ,  مخاطر ,  النمذجة العددية ,  الزلازل والانهيارات الأرضية المغمورة تحت سطح البحر ,  المد والغمر

Project(s):  Evaluation of Tsunami Hazards along the Kuwaiti Coastline Due to Possible Earthquake & Landslides

Project code:  EC 092C

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Kuwait bay three dimensional investigation of Hydrodynamic and Water quality characteristics in summer using field and numerical simulation analyses.


KISR Report

Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Pokavanich, Tanosponj.

Subject(s):  Water ,  WAter quality ,  Sea water ,  Hydrodynamica ,  Weather ,  Soil ,  Temperatures ,  Kuwait bay. ,  Hydrodynamic. ,  Water quality. ,  Field survey. ,  Numerical modeling. ,  جون الكويت ,  الهيدروديناميكية ,  جودة المياه ,  معلومات حقلية ,  نمذجة عددية

Project(s):  Kuwait Bay Three Dimensional Investigation of Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Characteristics in Summer using Field & Numerical Simulation Analyses

Project code:  EC 088K

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Managing the hazards of Aeolian, Fluvial, and coastal Erosion in Gudhi Area-Northern Kuwait bay, Phase 1


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Dousari, A.

Subject(s):  Coast changes ,  Coast changes ,  Shore protection ,  Shore protection ,  تراكم الرمال ,  إدارة السيول ,  الحياة الفطرية ,  نحت السواحل ,  Sand encroachment ,  flood management ,  wild life ,  Coastal Erosion

Project(s):  Managing the Hazards of Aeolian, Fluvial and Coastal Erosion in Gudhi Area - Northern Kuwait Bay

Project code:  EC 117C

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Hydrodynamic studies on slotted vertical wave barriers


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Neelamani, Subramaniam

Subject(s):  porosity ,  Porosity ,  waves ,  Waves ,  Porosity ,  Regular and Random Waves ,  physical modeloptimal wave barrier configuration ,  حواجز عمودية مفرغة المسامية ,  المسامية ,  أمواج عادية وعشوائية ,  نموذج مخبري ,  الترتيب الأمثل لحواجز الأمواج

Project(s):  Hydrodynamic Studies on Slotted Vertical Wave Barriers

Project code:  EC 097C

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Comprehensive indoor and outdoor air quality assessmentat the early production facility - North kuwait KOC compound.


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Ramadan, Ashraf.

Subject(s):  Air quality ,  Air quality ,  Indoor air ,  Environmental protection ,  Numerical modeling software. ,  Continusous analyzers. ,  Active sampling. ,  Passive samplingl ,  برنامج نمذجة رياضية. ,  أجهزة قياس مستمرة. ,  طرق قياس فعالة. ,  طرق قياس فعالة. ,  طرق قياس غير فعالة.

Project(s):  Comprehensive Indoor & Outdoor Air Quality Assessment at the Early Production Facility - North Kuwait KOC Compound

Project code:  EC 086C

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Comprehensive indoor and outdoor air quality assessment at the early production facility-north Kuwait KOC Compound


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Ramadan, Ashraf.

Subject(s):  Air ,  Air ,  Pollution ,  Pollution ,  Numerical modeling software. ,  Continuous analyzers. ,  Active sampling. ,  Passive sampling. ,  برنامج نمذجة رياضية ,  أجهزة قياس مستمرة ,  طرق قياس فعالة ,  طرق قياس غير فعالة

Project(s):  Comprehensive Indoor & Outdoor Air Quality Assessment at the Early Production Facility - North Kuwait KOC Compound

Project code:  EC 086C

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Quantification og the contribution of the main activities at the Shuaiba west industrial area to ambient pollution levels at Ali Sabah Al-Salem


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension 'A'

Contributor(s):  Ramadan, Ashraf.

Subject(s):  Industrial ,  Industrial ,  Environment ,  Environment ,  Aermod. ,  Industrial pollution. ,  Emission inventory. ,  Ground-level concentrations. ,  التلوث الصناعي ,  حصر الانبعاثات ,  تراكيز الملوثات الهوائية على سطح الأرض

Project(s):  Quantification of the Contribution of the Main Activities at the Shuaiba West Industrial Area to Ambient Pollution Levels at Ali Sabah Al-Salem

Project code:  EC 087C

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