report(s) found: 1491
Center: Environment and Life Sciences Research Center x

A remote sensing-based early warning sysytem for algal blooms in Kuwait Bay and coastal waters


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Uddin, Saif.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Water ,  Production ,  Production ,  SeaDAS. ,  MODIS. ,  Chlorophyll-a. ,  GIS. ,  اجهزة نظام تحليل البيانات ,  نظام سبيكترروراديوميتر لقياس صور معتدل التحلل ,  الكلورفيل ,  نظام المعلومات الجغرافية

Project(s):  A Remote Sensing - Based Early Warning System for Algal Blooms in Kuwait Bay & Coastal Waters

Project code:  EM 033C

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A remote sensing- based early warning system for algal blooms in Kuwait bay and coastal Waters.


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Uddin, Saif.

Subject(s):  Satellites ,  Database ,  Data analysis ,  Radiation ,  SeaDAS. ,  MODIS. ,  Chlorophy11- a. ,  GIS. ,  اجهزة نظام تحليل البيانات ,  ونظام سبيكتروراديوميتر لقياس صور معتدل التحلل ,  الكلوروفيل ,  نظام المعلومات الجغرافية

Project(s):  A Remote Sensing - Based Early Warning System for Algal Blooms in Kuwait Bay & Coastal Waters

Project code:  EM 033C

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Failure Assessment of different Organic Coatings by Shearography technique


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Habib, khaled.

Subject(s):  Optical interferometry ,  Termal expansion ,  Optical interferometry. ,  Steady state value of thermal expansion coefficient (a) and resistivity (p) with/orconductivity (o) of coatings. ,  التداخل الضوئي. ,  عامل التمدد الحراري الثابت وعامل المقاومة الثابت. ,  عامل التوصيل الثابت للتيار المباشر للإطليه العضوية.

Project(s):  Failure Assessment of Different Organic Coatings by Shearography Technique

Project code:  EM032C

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A remote sensing-based early warning system for algal blooms in Kuwait bay and coastal waters


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Uddin, Saif.

Subject(s):  Production ,  Production ,  Imeges ,  Images ,  SeaDAS. ,  MODIS. ,  Chlorophyll-a. ,  GIS. ,  أجهزة نظام تحليل البيانات ,  نظام سبيكتروراديوميتر لقياس صور معتدل التحلل ,  الكلوروفيل ,  نظام المعلومات الجغرافية

Project(s):  A Remote Sensing - Based Early Warning System for Algal Blooms in Kuwait Bay & Coastal Waters

Project code:  EM 033C

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Assessment and Monitoring of Water Quality for the Sabah Al-Ahmad Sea City Project, Phase 3


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 3

Contributor(s):  Uddin, Saif.

Subject(s):  Water quality. ,  Seawater. ,  Water-Analysis. ,  Bacteria-Study and Survey. ,  Bacteria-Water. ,  Water Temperature. ,  Nutrients. ,  Coilform. ,  Trace metals. ,  المغذيات ,  البكتريا القولونية ,  العناصر الثقيلة

Project(s):  Assessment & Monitoring of Water Quality for the Sabah Al-Ahmad Sea City Project, Phase III

Project code:  EM 032S

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Environmental impact assessment for land sand borrow pit in Subiya.


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Uddin, Saif.

Subject(s):  Environment ,  Environmental impact analysis ,  Sand ,  Gravel ,  Air ,  Air quality ,  Noise ,  Meridians ,  Latitude ,  Umm al niqa. ,  Paleo drainage. ,  Aeolian deposits. ,  ام النقا ,  الرمال ,  اودية قديمة من الناحية الجيولوجية ,  الرمال الريحية

Project(s):  Environmental Impact Assessment for Land Sand Borrow Pit in Subiya

Project code:  EM 031S

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Assessment and monitoring of water quality for the Sabah Al-Ahmad sea city project, phase III


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Uddin, Saif.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Water ,  Quality ,  Quality ,  Oxygen ,  Oxygen ,  Nutrients. ,  Coliform. ,  Trace metals. ,  المغذيات ,  البكتيريا القولونية ,  العناصر الثقيلة

Project(s):  Assessment & Monitoring of Water Quality for the Sabah Al-Ahmad Sea City Project, Phase III

Project code:  EM 032S

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Assessment and monitoring of water quality for the Sabah Al-Ahmad sea city project, phase III


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Uddin, Saif.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Water ,  Metals ,  Metals ,  Nutrients. ,  Coliform. ,  Trace metals. ,  المغذيات ,  البكتريا القولونية ,  العناصر الثقيلة

Project(s):  Assessment and monitoring of water quallity the Sabah Al-Ahmad sea city project, phase III

Project code:  EM 034S

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Biochemical and humoral evaluations of normal colostrum and hyperimmune colostrum of sheep and goats.


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Abu A Rezq, Hana.

Subject(s):  Farms ,  Animals ,  Sheep and Goats ,  feed ,  Immunity ,  Chemical analysis ,  Vaccinations. ,  Mortality. ,  Ewes. ,  Does. ,  Morbidity. ,  حليب اللبا ذو المناعة العالية ,  حليب اللبا ,  التحصين المناعي ,  الأغنام ,  الحيوانات النافقة

Project(s):  Biochemical & Humoral Evaluations of Normal Colostrum & Hyperimmune Colostrum of Sheep & Goats

Project code:  FA 118K

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Production of broilers, pullets and laying hens at agriculture research station.


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Nasser, Afaf.

Subject(s):  Chicks ,  Broiler ,  Eggs ,  Chicken eggs ,  Omega-3 enriched eggs. ,  High quality broilers. ,  High quality layers. ,  Income generation. ,  بيض غني بالأوميجا-3 ,  دجاج لاحم ذات جودة عالية ,  دجاج بياض ذات جودة عالية ,  توليد الدخل

Project(s):  Production of Broilers, Pullets & Laying Hens at Agriculture Research Station

Project code:  FA 0010

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Long-term temporal trends in the atmospheric concentrations of persistent organic pollutants in Kuwait


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Gevao, B.

Subject(s):  Chemicals ,  Organic ,  POPs. ,  Time trends. ,  Stockholm convention. ,  Analytical standards. ,  مصفوفة تقييم الأثر السريع ,  المياه العذبة ,  المياه قليلة الملوحة

Project(s):  Long-term Temporal Trends in the Atmospheric Concentrations of Persistent Organic {ollutants in Kuwait

Project code:  EM 0010

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Long-term temporal trends in the atmospheric concentrations of persistent organic pollutants in Kuwait


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Gevao, B.

Subject(s):  Organic ,  Environment ,  POPs. ,  Stockholm convention. ,  Time trends. ,  الملوثات العضوية الثابتة ,  اتفاقية استكهولهم ,  المعايير التحليلة

Project(s):  Long-term Temporal Trends in the Atmospheric Concentrations of Persistent Organic {ollutants in Kuwait

Project code:  EM 001O

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