report(s) found: 1491
Center: Environment and Life Sciences Research Center x

Development and evaluation of growbox technique for sustainable vegetaable production in protected environment


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Albaho, Mohamad S.

Subject(s):  Vegtable Production ,  Vegtable Production ,  Environmental protection ,  Environmental Protection ,  Agriculture ,  Agriculture ,  Agricultural Resources ,  Agricultural Resources ,  Water-use efficiency. ,  Soilless production. ,  Solarization. ,  تقنية الصناديق الزراعية ,  كفاءة استخدام المياه ,  زراعة بدون تربة ,  بيئة محكمة ,  التشميس

Project(s):  Development & Evaluation of Growbox Technique for Sustainable Vegetable Production in Protected Environment

Project code:  FA 107K

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Standardization, mass propagation of native and naturalized exotic plants and establishment of field plantations PhaseII: Mass propagation and establishment of field plantations.


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Anees Islam, Mohammad.

Subject(s):  Agriculture ,  Greening ,  Natural Resources ,  Seeds ,  Plants ,  Field ,  Climate ,  المناطق القاحلة ,  الري ,  النباتات الفطرية ,  إكثار البذور ,  Aridland. ,  Irrigation. ,  Seed Propagation.

Project(s):  Standardization, Mass Propagation of Native & Naturalized Exotic Plants & Establishment of Field Plantations – Phase II: Mass Propagation & Establishment of Field Plantations

Project code:  FA 108K

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Restoration Potential of selected native plant species in Kuwait


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Suleiman, Majda.

Subject(s):  Plant ,  Plant ,  Soil ,  Soil ,  Salinity Tolerance. ,  Nitrogen fixation. ,  Inoculation. ,  Restoration and re-vegetation. ,  تحمل الملوحة ,  التقنيات الزراعية ,  تثبيت النيتروجين ,  التلقيح ,  اعادة تأهيل الغطاء النباتي

Project(s):  Restoration Potential of Selected Native Plant Species in Kuwait

Project code:  FA 112C

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Integrated utilization of cereal mutant varieties in crop/ livestock production system Phase II: Abiotic effects on mutant barley.


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Menaie, Habibah.

Subject(s):  Crops ,  Food security ,  Feeds ,  Barley ,  Fresh water ,  Irrigation ,  Animal Production ,  أصناف الشعير المقاومة للجفاف والملوحة ,  التحليل الحيوي الكيميائي ,  Mutant barley varieties. ,  Biochemical evaluation.

Project(s):  Integrated Utilization of Cereal Mutant Varieties in Crop/Livestock Production Systems - phase II: Abiotic Effects on Mutant Barley

Project code:  FA 111C

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Intergrated utilization of cereal mutant varieties in crop/livestock production systems ohase II :


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al Menaie, Habiba.

Subject(s):  Production ,  Productionh ,  Agriculture ,  Agriculture ,  Mutant varieties. ,  Abiotic Stress. ,  أصناف الشعير ,  المقاومة للجفاف والملوحة

Project(s):  Integrated Utilization of Cereal Mutant Varieties in Crop/Livestock Production Systems - phase II: Abiotic Effects on Mutant Barley

Project code:  FA 111C

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Integrated utilization of cereal mutant varieties in crop/livestock production systems phase II: abiotic effects on mutant barley


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Menaie, Habibah.

Subject(s):  Production ,  Production ,  Mutant ,  Mutant ,  Mutant barley varieties. ,  Abiotic Stress. ,  Evaluation. ,  أصناف الشعير المقاومة للجفاف والملوحة

Project(s):  Integrated Utilization of Cereal Mutant Varieties in Crop/Livestock Production Systems - phase II: Abiotic Effects on Mutant Barley

Project code:  FA 111C

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Evaluation of IR reflective glass as a covering material for greenhouses under Kuwait's environmnet.


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Bhat, Narayana.

Subject(s):  Temperatures ,  Solar radiation ,  Greenhouses ,  Plant ,  Saline water conversion. ,  الزراعة المستدامة ,  الزراعة المحمية ,  انتاج المحاصيل الخضرية بالزراعة المحمية ,  الأنتاج بالنظام المغلق ,  تبريد البيوت المحية ,  Protected environment agriculture. ,  Greenhouse cladding. ,  Sustainable crop production. ,  Greenhouse structure.

Project(s):  Evaluation of IR Reflective Glass as a Covering Material for Greenhouses under Kuwait's Environment

Project code:  FA 109K

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Pest and pesticide use survey, and the potential of biopesticides as a tool for managing soilborne plant pathogengs


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Jallow, Mustapha.

Subject(s):  Food ,  Climate ,  Pests ,  Pesticides ,  Pesticide management and safety. ,  Pest survey. ,  Pesticide residues. ,  Bio fungicides. ,  Plant pathogens. ,  Integrated pest management. ,  ادارة المبيدات والسلامة ,  مسح الافات ,  البيوفطري ,  متبقيات المبيدات ,  مسببات الامراض النباتية ,  الادارة المتكاملة للأفات

Project(s):  Pest and Pesticide use Survey, & the Potential of Bio-Pesticides as a Tool for Managing Soil-Borne Plant pathogens

Project code:  FA 117K

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Establishment of mangrove plantatations:


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension 'A'

Contributor(s):  Bhat, N.R.

Subject(s):  Tree ,  Tree ,  Tropical regions ,  Tropical regions ,  Agriculture ,  Agriculture ,  القرم ,  البيئة البحرية ,  الروبيان ,  إعادة تأهيل السواحل ,  تقييم المردود البيئي ,  Avicennia marina ,  Grey mangrove ,  Mangrove seedling mortality ,  Coastal rehabilitation ,  Environment impact assessment

Project(s):  Establishment of Mangrove Plantations - Phase II

Project code:  FA 106C

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Pest and pesticide use survey, and the potential of bio-pesticides as a tool for managing soil-borne plant pathogens.


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Jallow, Mustapha.

Subject(s):  Food ,  Climate ,  Pests ,  Pesticides ,  Crop ,  إدارة المبيدات والسلامة ,  البيوفطرية ,  أعتماد الأدارة المتكاملة للأفات ,  مسح الأفات ,  المحاصيل الخضرية ,  Pesticide management and safety. ,  Pest survey. ,  Bio- fungicides. ,  Soil- borne plant pathogens. ,  Integrated pest management. ,  Vegetable crops.

Project(s):  Pest and Pesticide use Survey, & the Potential of Bio-Pesticides as a Tool for Managing Soil-Borne Plant pathogens

Project code:  FA 117K

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Developing sustainable and environmentally safe strategies to mitigate overuse of toxic pesticides on an invasive pest


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Jallow, Mustapha.

Subject(s):  Environment ,  Environment ,  Climate ,  Climate ,  Insect pests. ,  Pesticides. ,  Integrated pes management. ,  Pesticide reduction. ,  Agriculture. ,  Sustainable environment. ,  Vegetable crops. ,  الآفات الحشرية ,  المبيدات الحشرية ,  الأدارة المتكاملة للآفات ,  الحد من المبيدات الحشرية ,  الزراعة ,  البيئة المستدامة ,  محاصيل الخضر

Project(s):  Developing Sustainable and Environmentally Safe Strategic to Mitigate Overuse of Toxic Pesticides on an Invasive Pest

Project code:  FA 116K

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Evaluation of IR reflective glass as a covering material for greenhouses under Kuwait's environment.


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Bhat, Narayana.

Subject(s):  Temperatures ,  Solar radiation ,  Greenhouses ,  Plant ,  Saline water conversion. ,  Sustainable agriculture. ,  Protected environment agriculture. ,  Greenhouse vegetable production. ,  Closed production systems. ,  Greenhouse cooling. ,  الزراعة المستدامة ,  الزراعة المحمية ,  انتاج المحاصيل الخضرية بالزراعة المحمية ,  الأنتاج بالنظام المغلق ,  تبريد البيوت المحية

Project(s):  Evaluation of IR Reflective Glass as a Covering Material for Greenhouses under Kuwait's Environment

Project code:  FA 109K

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