report(s) found: 1491
Center: Environment and Life Sciences Research Center x

Development of a fate and transport modeling procedure for accidental nuclear releases reaching Kuwait borders


KISR Report

Final Report (Revised)

Contributor(s):  Al-Rshidi, Muferh Saeed.

Subject(s):  Fate ,  Transport modeling ,  Nuclear power ,  نموذج التشتت الجوى. ,  حوادث المفاعلات النووية. ,  خطة التأهب لحالات الطوارئ. ,  Atmospheric dispersion model. ,  Nuclear reactor accidents. ,  emergency preparedness plan.

Project(s):  Development of a Fate & Transport Modeling Procedure for Accidental Nuclear Releases Reaching Kuwait Borders

Project code:  EA 033C

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Synthesizes and antibiofilm investigations of novel CU-based/ZNO nanocomposites and their potential in the food industry (Phase I).


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al Azmi, Ahmad.

Subject(s):  Nano ,  Copper compounds ,  Biological membranes ,  Disease ,  Food ,  تكنولوجيا النانو ,  اسلوب التصغير من اعلي الي اسفل ,  مساحيق الحبيبات النانونية ,  ميتالورجيا المساحيق ,  Nanotechnology. ,  Top- down approach. ,  Nanocrystalline powder particles. ,  Powder metallurgy.

Project(s):  Syntheses & Antibiofilm Investigations of Novel Cu-Based & ZnO Nanocomposites and their Potential in the Food Industry

Project code:  EA 050K

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Synthesis and antibiofilm investigations of novel cu-based/ZNO nanocomposites and their potential in the food industry (phase I)


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al-Azmi, Ahamad.

Subject(s):  Nanotechnology ,  Nanotechnology ,  Nanotechnology. ,  Nanoparticles. ,  Powder technology. ,  Antibacterial surface protective coating top-down approach. ,  تكنولوجيا النانو. ,  أسلوب التصغير من أعلى الى أسفل. ,  مساحيق الحبيبات النانونيو. ,  ميتالورجيا المساحيق.

Project(s):  Syntheses & Antibiofilm Investigations of Novel Cu-Based & ZnO Nanocomposites and their Potential in the Food Industry

Project code:  EA 050K

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Synthesizeng and antibiofilm investigating novel cu-based/zno nanocomposites and their potential in the food industry (phase I),


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al Azmi, Ahmad.

Subject(s):  Food ,  Food ,  Industry ,  Industry ,  Nanotechnology. ,  Top-down. ,  Nanocrystaline powder particles. ,  Powder metallurgy. ,  تكنلوجيا النانو ,  أسلوب التصغير من أعلي الي أسفل ,  مساحيق الحبيبات النانونية ,  ميتالورجيا المساحيق

Project(s):  Syntheses & Antibiofilm Investigations of Novel Cu-Based & ZnO Nanocomposites and their Potential in the Food Industry

Project code:  EA 050K

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Environmental impact assessment for development and reconfiguration of marina at Failaka Island, Kuwait


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Uddin, Saif.

Subject(s):  Turbidity ,  hydrology ,  Turbidity ,  hydrology ,  Turbidity ,  Hydrodynamic model ,  Dredging ,  التعكير ,  النموذج الهيدروديناميكي ,  التجريف

Project(s):  Environmental Impact Assessment for Development & Reconfiguration of Marina at Failaka Island, Kuwait

Project code:  EM 039S

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Environmental impact assessment of the government press in the State of Kuwait


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Bu-Shaiba, Ahood.

Subject(s):  Environment ,  Environment ,  Equipment ,  Equipment ,  Pm2.5. ,  Occupational healht. ,  Safety. ,  Ventilation. ,  التهوية ,  السلامة ,  الصحة الوظيفية

Project(s):  Environmental Impact Assessment of the Government Press in the State of Kuwait

Project code:  EM 038S

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Assessment and monitoring of water quality for the Sabah Al-Ahmad sea city project, phase III


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Uddin, Saif.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Water ,  Oxygen ,  Oxygen ,  Nutrients. ,  Coliform. ,  Trace metals. ,  المغذيات ,  البكتيريا القولونية ,  العناصر الثقيبة

Project(s):  Assessment & Monitoring of Water Quality for the Sabah Al Ahmad Sea City Project

Project code:  EM 037S

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Assessment and monitoring of water quality for the Sabah Al-Ahmad Sea City project, phase III


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 3

Contributor(s):  Uddin, Seif.

Subject(s):  Water quality ,  Water quality ,  Water resources ,  Nutrients. ,  Coliform. ,  Trace metals. ,  المغذيات. ,  البكتريا القولونية. ,  العناصر الثقيلة.

Project(s):  Assessment & Monitoring of Water Quality for the Sabah Al Ahmad Sea City Project

Project code:  EM 037S

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Assessment and monitoring of water quality for the Sabah Al Ahmad sea city project


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Uddin, Saif.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Water quality ,  Sea water ,  Salinity ,  Phosphates ,  Sediment ,  Nutrients. ,  Coliform. ,  Trace metals. ,  المغذيات ,  البكتريا القولونية ,  العناصر الثقيلة

Project(s):  Assessment & Monitoring of Water Quality for the Sabah Al Ahmad Sea City Project

Project code:  EM 037S

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Assessment and monitoring of water quality the Sabah Al-Ahmad sea city project, phase III


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Uddin, Saif.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Water ,  Metals ,  Metals ,  Nutrients. ,  Coliform. ,  Trace metals. ,  المغذيات ,  البكتيريا القولونية ,  العناصر الثقيلة

Project(s):  Assessment & Monitoring of Water Quality for the Sabah Al Ahmad Sea City Project

Project code:  EM 037S

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Effect of different photoperiod regimens on the immune response and on production performance of broilers.


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Bahouh, Mariam.

Subject(s):  Proilers( chickens) ,  Immune response ,  Lighting ,  Hormone ,  Blood cells ,  White blood cells ,  Red blood cells ,  نظم الأضاءة ,  الدجاج الاحم ,  الأستجابة المناعية ,  الأداء الأنتاجي ,  Melatonin. ,  Broiler. ,  Immune responses. ,  Production performance.

Project(s):  Effect of Different Photoperiod Regimens on the Immune Response & on Production Performance of Broilers

Project code:  FA 084G

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Children's exposure estimates to phthalates from school meals in the state of Kuwait.


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Husain, Adnan.

Subject(s):  Food ,  environment protection ,  Toxic substances ,  DNA ,  Attention Deficit ,  Mealsp ,  ملدنات ,  مسرطن بشري محتمل ,  معطلات للغدد الصماء ,  الوجبات المدرسية ,  Plasticizers. ,  Possible human carcinogen. ,  Endocrine disruptors. ,  School meals.

Project(s):  Children's Exposure Estimates to Phthalates from School Meals in the State of Kuwait

Project code:  FB 109K

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