report(s) found: 1491
Center: Environment and Life Sciences Research Center x

Genetic characterization of haloxylon salicornicum and rhanterium epapposum native plant species of Kuwait by DNA markers


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al Salameen, Fadeelah.

Subject(s):  Plants ,  Climate ,  Drought ,  Global Warming ,  السلاسل المتكررة ,  تحليل السلاسل الوراثية ,  التنوع الجيني ,  العلامات الوراثية ,  Issr ,  GBS ,  Genetic diversity. ,  Molecular markers.

Project(s):  Genetic Characterization of Haloxylon Salicornicum & Rhanterium Epapposum Native Plant Species of Kuwait by DNA Markers

Project code:  FB 089C

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Genetic characterization of haloxylon salicornicum and rhanterium epapposum native plant species of Kuwait by DNA markers


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Salameen, Fadila.

Subject(s):  species ,  species ,  Plants ,  Plants ,  biodiversity. ,  Issr. ,  SRAP. ,  PCR.

Project(s):  Genetic Characterization of Haloxylon Salicornicum & Rhanterium Epapposum Native Plant Species of Kuwait by DNA Markers

Project code:  FB 089C

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Cloning and characterization of ATP sulfurylase gene involved in heavy metal tolerance and its uptake in Arabidopsis thaliana.


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Kumar, Vinod.

Subject(s):  Plants ,  Roots ,  Soil ,  Heavy Metal ,  Vegetable Processing ,  Petrolum. ,  نبات الارابيدوبسس ,  العلاج النباتي ,  المعادن الثقيلة ,  تنظيف البيئة ,  Phytoremediation. ,  Heavy metals. ,  Environmental cleanup.

Project(s):  Cloning & Characterization of ATP Sulfurylase Gene Involved in Heavy Metal Tolerance & its Uptake in Arabidopsis Thaliana

Project code:  FB 092K

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Application of molecular markers for the early detection of sex in commercially important date palm cultivars in Kuwait.


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  AL Amad, Sami.

Subject(s):  Agricultural Environment ,  Trees ,  Palm trees ,  Genetic markers ,  Chemicals ,  النباتات ثنائية الجنس ,  العلامات الوراثية المحددة للجنس ,  التضخيم العشوائي للحمض النووي المتعدد الإشكال ,  تجميع الحمض النووي المعزول ,  تضخيم الحمض النووي ,  Dioecious plant. ,  Sex specific DNA markers. ,  Random amplified polymorphic DNA (PAPD). ,  Inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR). ,  Bulk segregant analysis. ,  Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR).

Project(s):  Application of Molecular Markers for the Early Detection of Sex in Commercially Important Date Palm Cultivars in Kuwait

Project code:  FB 091K

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Genotyping of environmental isolates of Legionella Pneumophila by chromosomal pulsed-field gel electrophoresis.

KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Ahmad, Ashraf.

Subject(s):  Environment ,  Environment ,  Bacteria ,  Bacteria ,  Soil ,  Soil ,  Chromosomes ,  Chromosomes ,  Air conditioner ,  Air conditioner ,  Cooling Towers ,  Cooling Towers ,  زراعة البكتيريا ,  وسط غذائي BYCE ,  المادة الوراثية ,  الفصل الكهربائي النابض

Project(s):  Genotyping of Environmental Isolates of Legionella Pneumophila by Chromosomal Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis

Project code:  FB 093K

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Investigating the prevalence of rotavirus and its early detection in calves of Kuwait dairy farms using molecular techniques


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Otaibi, Mohammad.

Subject(s):  Dairy ,  Dairy ,  Livestock ,  Livestock ,  Rotavirus. ,  Gastroenteritis. ,  Kuwait. ,  RT-PCR. ,  Latex agglutination. ,  Vaccine. ,  فيروس الروتا ,  العجول ,  دولة الكويت ,  الجهاز الهضمي ,  الأجسام المضادة

Project(s):  Investigating the Prevalence of Rotavirus & its Early Detection in Calves of Kuwait Dairy Farms Using Molecular Techniques

Project code:  FB 094K

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Genotyping of environmental isolates of legionella pneumophila by chromosomal pulsed-field gel electrophoresis


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Ahmad, Ashraf.

Subject(s):  Bacteriology ,  Bacteriology ,  Bacterial culture. ,  Buffered charcoal yeast extract media. ,  Genomic DNA. ,  Pulsed-field. ,  Gel electrophoresis. ,  زراعة البكتيريا. ,  وسط غذائى. ,  المادة الوراثية. ,  الفصل الكهربائى النابض.

Project(s):  Genotyping of Environmental Isolates of Legionella Pneumophila by Chromosomal Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis

Project code:  FB 093K

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Development of antimicrobial Nano packaging films for poultry industry


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Ahmed, Jasim.

Subject(s):  Food ,  Food ,  Industry ,  Industry ,  Antimicrobial packaging. ,  Nanocomposite. ,  Mechanical proporty. ,  Barrier property. ,  Food Safety. ,  العبوات المضادة للميكروبات ,  المواد المتراكمة النانووية ,  الخواص الميكانيكية ,  خواص الحجز ,  سلامة الغذاء

Project(s):  Development of Antimicrobial Nano Packaging Films for Poultry Industry

Project code:  FB 087C

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Assessment and control of biomass growth in fuel storage tanks at the KNPC Phase II:

KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Matagi, Khalil.

Subject(s):  Corrosion ,  Corrosion ,  Corrosion and anti-Corrsives ,  Corrosion and anti-Corrsives ,  Fungi ,  Fungi ,  Bacteria ,  Bacteria ,  Maintenance ,  Maintenance ,  Facility Management ,  Fuel Pumps ,  Fuel Pumps ,  Air-Pollution ,  Air-Pollution ,  Fuel Properties ,  Fuel Properties ,  Antibiotics. ,  Antibiotics. ,  Facility Management ,  مضادات حيوية ,  مثبطات التآكل ,  تلوث الوقود ,  الكائنات الدقيقة ,  Corrosion inhibitors. ,  Product contamination. ,  Microbes.

Project(s):  Assessment and Control of Biomass Growth in Fuel Storage Tanks at the KNPC

Project code:  FB 106C

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Genetic engineering of alfalfa for remediation of soil contaminated with heavy metals and residual crude oil.


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Kumar, Vinod.

Subject(s):  Plants ,  Genetic Engineering ,  Soil pollution ,  Vegetable Processing ,  petroleum ,  تنظيف البيئة ,  التعبير الجيني ,  المعالجة النباتية ,  PCR. ,  Environmental cleanup. ,  Gene expression. ,  PCR. ,  Phytoremediation.

Project(s):  Genetic Engineering of Alfalfa for Remediation of Soil Contaminated with Heavy Metals & Residual Crude Oil

Project code:  FB 086C

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Cloning and characterization of ATP sulfurylase gene involved in heavy metal tolerance and its uptake in Arabidopsis thaliana,


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Kumar, Vinod.

Subject(s):  Plants ,  Plants ,  Soil ,  Soil ,  Heavy metal ,  Heavy Metal ,  Vegetable Processing ,  Vegetable Processing ,  Petroleum ,  Petroleum ,  تنظيف البيئة ,  التعبير الجيني ,  تضخم الحمض النووي ,  اعاده تأهيل البيئة بواسطة النباتات ,  Environmental cleanup. ,  Gene expression. ,  PCR. ,  Phytoremediation.

Project(s):  Cloning & Characterization of ATP Sulfurylase Gene Involved in Heavy Metal Tolerance & its Uptake in Arabidopsis Thaliana

Project code:  FB 092K

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Metagenomics application for enhanced polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons bioremediation in oil-contaminated soil (Laboratory scale)


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Rahmeh, Rita

Subject(s):  Air Pollutants ,  Environmental factors ,  Industrial management ,  Air Pollutants ,  Environmental factors ,  Industrial management ,  Environmental pollutants ,  Bacterial community ,  Environmental factors ,  الملوثات البيئية ,  المعالجة الحيويه ,  المجموعات الميكروبية ,  الظروف البيئية

Project(s):  Metagenomics Application for Enhanced Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Bioremediation in Oil-Contaminated Soil

Project code:  FB 107K

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