report(s) found: 1491
Center: Environment and Life Sciences Research Center x

In vitro digestibility and rheological behavior in simulated small intestinal conditions of dietary fiber enriched arabic bread


KISR Report

Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Ahmed, Jasem

Subject(s):  Small intestine ,  Fiber ,  digestion ,  Laboratory ,  Starch digestion ,  Glycemic index ,  Physicochemical properties ,  Gastrointestinal ,  هضم النشا ,  مؤشر نسبة السكر في الدم ,  الخصائص الفيزيائية والكيمائية ,  الجهاز الهضمي

Project(s):  In Vitro Digestibility & Rheological Behavior in Simulated Small Intestinal Conditions of Dietary Fiber Enriched Arabic Bread

Project code:  FB 129K

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Development of vitamin D and B- glucan enriched extruded snacks for Kuwait population


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al Attar, H.

Subject(s):  breakfast cereal ,  breakfast cereal ,  Rice flour ,  Rice flour ,  B- glucan ,  Extrusion ,  Vitamin D3 ,  snaks ,  Sensory evaluation ,  بيتا ,  جلوكان ,  البثق الحراري ,  فيتامين د ,  وجبات خفيفة ,  الصفات الحسية

Project(s):  Development of Vitamin D & ß-Glucan Enriched extruded Snacks for Kuwait Population

Project code:  FB 125K

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Development of vitamin Dand B- glucan enriched extruded snacks for Kuwait population


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension 'A'

Contributor(s):  Al Attar, H.

Subject(s):  Breakfast cereal ,  Breakfast cereal ,  Rice flour ,  Rice flour ,  بيتا جلوكان ,  البثق الحراري ,  فيتامين د ,  الصفات الحسية ,  B-glucan ,  Extrusion ,  Vitamin D3 ,  Sensory evaluation

Project(s):  Development of Vitamin D & ß-Glucan Enriched extruded Snacks for Kuwait Population

Project code:  FB 125K

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Development of vitamin Dand ß-Glucan enriched extruded snacks for Kuwait population


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Attar, H.

Subject(s):  Breakfast Cereal ,  Rice flour ,  temperature ,  Water ,  بيتا جلوكان ,  البثق الحراري ,  فيتامين د ,  الصفات الحسية ,  B glucan ,  Extrusion ,  Vitamin D3 ,  Sensory evaluation

Project(s):  Development of Vitamin D & ß-Glucan Enriched extruded Snacks for Kuwait Population

Project code:  FB 125K

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Observation of Catostylus Mosaicus (Scyphozoa: Rhizostomeae: Catostylidae) bloom in Al Zour power and deslaination plant, south of Kuwait, in summer 2016


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Ali, M.

Subject(s):  Water desalination ,  Energy ,  Distillation ,  Jellyfish ,  قناديل البحر ,  الكويت ,  محطات الكهرباء وتحلية المياه ,  Catostylus mosaicus ,  Jellyfish. ,  Kuwait ,  Power and desalination plants.

Project(s):  Sustained Oceanographic Investigations for Kuwait's Water

Project code:  FM001O

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Composting poultry waste


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al-Ghawas, Samir.

Subject(s):  Poultry industry ,  Polutry industry ,  Tree stage composting. ,  C:N ratio. ,  Compost porosity. ,  Thermophilic. ,  Compost stability. ,  Dewar apparatus. ,  ثلاث مراحل التخمير الهوائى. ,  جهازية المادة. ,  مسامية الكتلة العضوية. ,  جهاز ديوار لقياس جهازية المادة.

Project(s):  Composting Poultry Waste

Project code:  FA 058C

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Assessment of the microplastic pollution of Kuwait's Marine environment


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Saeed, Talat.

Subject(s):  Marine environment ,  Plastics ,  Ecosystem ,  Contaminants ,  الرواسب ,  مياه البحر ,  الكائنات الحية ,  الأنفصال ,  الوصف ,  الدقيق FTIR ,  Sediment. ,  Seawater. ,  Biota. ,  Separation. ,  Characterization. ,  Micro ftir.

Project(s):  Assessment of the Microplastic Pollution of Kuwait's Marine Environment

Project code:  EM 076C

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Solar powered fast pyrolysis for producing Bio-Oils from municipal solid waste in the state of Kuwait


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Salem, Sultan

Subject(s):  solar energy ,  Waste ,  Fuel ,  Processing ,  النفاية الصلبة ,  البروليسس ,  الطاقة الشمسية ,  الطاقة ,  Solid waste ,  Pyrolysis ,  Solar power ,  Energy

Project(s):  Solar Powered Fast Pyrolysis for Producing Bio-Oils from Municipal Solid Waste in the State of Kuwait

Project code:  EM 103C

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Thermal and morphological studyof post accelerated weathering virgin/waste polyolefin blends


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  al-Salem, Sultan.

Subject(s):  Polyolefin blends ,  Polyoefin blends ,  Envirromental pollution ,  بلاستيك. ,  نفاية. ,  انحلال (فقدان) وزنى. ,  (جهاز المسح الألكترونى (الميكروسكوب ,  حركية التفاعل. ,  اعادة تدوير. ,  البولى اوليفين. ,  البوليمر. ,  Plastic. ,  Waste. ,  Thermogravimetry. ,  Microscopy. ,  Kinetics. ,  Recycling. ,  Polyolefin. ,  Polymer.

Project(s):  Thermal & Morphological Study of Post Accelerated Weathering Virgin/Waste Polyolefin Blends

Project code:  EM 074 C

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Thermal and morphological study of post accelerated weathering virgin/waste polyolefin blends


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  al-Salem, Sultan.

Subject(s):  Plastic materials ,  Weathering ,  Infrared ,  Polymers ,  البوليمر ,  درجة حرارة الاستحداث بغاز الأوكسجين ,  كناتيكا (ديناميكية ,  الفقدان الوزني ,  درجة التبلور ,  Polymer ,  Oxidation induction temperature (OIT) ,  Reaction kinetics. ,  Weight loss. ,  Crystallinity.

Project(s):  Thermal & Morphological Study of Post Accelerated Weathering Virgin/Waste Polyolefin Blends

Project code:  EM 074C

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Effect of ocean acidification on growth and abundance of penaeus semisulcatus in the northern Arabian Gulf


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension 'A'

Contributor(s):  Al Musallam, Lamya.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Fish ,  Gulf ,  Climate ,  معدل التحول الغذائي ,  الطور ما بعد اليرقي ,  حمضية المحيط ,  درجة حرارة سطح البحر ,  Ca45 ,  Food conversion ratio ,  Post larvae ,  Ocean acidification ,  Sea surface temperature

Project(s):  Effect of Ocean Acidification on Growth and Abundance of Penaeus Semisulcants in the Northern Arabian Gulf

Project code:  EM 078C

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Environmental and social impact assessment for Al Dibdibah solar project


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Uddin, Saif

Subject(s):  solar power ,  sustainable energy ,  Environmental Impact ,  The soil ,  الطاقة المتجددة ,  جيولوجيا ,  مصفوفة تقييم الأثر السريع ,  تشييد ,  Renewable energy ,  Geology ,  RIAM ,  Construction

Project(s):  Environmental & Social Impact Assessment for Al Dibdibah Solar Project

Project code:  EM 106C

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