report(s) found: 1491
Center: Environment and Life Sciences Research Center x

Bioavailability of pahs in the contaminated coastal sediments of Kuwait


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Saeed, Talaat.

Subject(s):  Hydrocarbons ,  Marine Environment ,  Sediments ,  Pollution ,  المركبات الهيدروكربونية متعددة الحلقات ,  التواجد البيولوجي ,  الرواسب ,  المطياف الكوموتغرافي الغازي ,  التيناكس ,  PAHs ,  Bioavailable ,  Sediment ,  GC/ MS ,  Tenax

Project(s):  Bioavailability of PAHS in the Contaminated Coastal Sediments of Kuwait

Project code:  EM 086K

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Managing harmful algal blooms through advanced Nuclear techniques


KISR Report

Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Uddin, S.

Subject(s):  Fish Kill ,  Fish Kill ,  Waste disposal ,  Waste disposal ,  الوكالة الدولية للطاقة الذرية ,  سلامة المأكولات البحرية ,  جهاز عداد الوميضي السائل ,  تسمم المحاريات ,  IAEA ,  Seafood safety ,  micro-beta liquid scintillation counter ,  paralytic shellfish poisoning

Project(s):  Managing Harmful Algal Blooms through Advanced Nuclear Techniques

Project code:  EM 079C

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The effects of Kuwait crude oil on locomotor behavior of marine Fish larval stages


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Karam, Qusaie.

Subject(s):  Oil ,  Marine Environment ,  Marine organisms ,  Larvae ,  Oil. ,  toxicity. ,  Fish behavior. ,  WAF. ,  Sobaity. ,  Hamoor. ,  Shaem. ,  النفط السمية ,  سلوك الأسماك ,  جزء نفط الكويت الخام المذاب في ماء البحر ,  سبيطي ,  هامور ,  شعم

Project(s):  The Effects of Kuwait Crude Oil on Locomotor Behavior of Marine Fish Larval Stages

Project code:  EM 088K

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The effects of Kuwait crude Oil on locomotor behavior of Marine Fish larval stages


KISR Report

Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Karam, Qusai.

Subject(s):  Fish ,  The larvae ,  Hydrocarbons ,  Sea Water ,  Oil ,  toxicity ,  Fish behavior ,  WAF ,  Sobaity ,  النفط ,  السمية ,  سلوك الأسماك ,  جزء نفط الكويت الخام المذاب في ماء البحر ,  سبيطي

Project(s):  The Effects of Kuwait Crude Oil on Locomotor Behavior of Marine Fish Larval Stages

Project code:  EM 088K

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Atmospheric concentration of 210PB 210BI and 210PO in Kuwait


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Behbehani, Montaha.

Subject(s):  Atmosphere ,  Lead ,  Soil ,  Air ,  22RN ,  Aerosol residence time ,  Volatile 210PO ,  210PO ,  وقت الإقامة الهباء الجوي ,  متقلبة 222RN

Project(s):  Atmospheric Concentration of 210Pb 210Bi & 210Po in Kuwait

Project code:  EM 090C

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Analysis of genetic diversity in Haloxylon Salicornicum from Kuwait using DNA markers.


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Salameen, Fadila Ayesh Hussain.

Subject(s):  Desert plants ,  Extinction ,  Samples ,  Desert ,  التنوع الجيني ,  الرمث ,  RAPD ,  Issr ,  Genetic diversity. ,  H. Salicornicum. ,  RAPD. ,  ISSR.

Project(s):  Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Haloxylon Salicornicum from Kuwait Using DNA Markers

Project code:  FB 065G

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Establishment of a national seedbank for the native plants of Kuwait


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 6

Contributor(s):  Zaman, Samiha.

Subject(s):  Plants ,  Wild plants ,  Desertification ,  Seeds ,  Genetic resources ,  Agricultural Research ,  Germination ,  Seed Collection. ,  Seed Processing. ,  Seed Storage. ,  نباتات الكويت البرية ,  تجميع بذور النباتات البرية ,  فحص جودة البذور ,  تخزين البذور

Project(s):  Establishment of National Seedbank for the Native Plants of Kuwait

Project code:  FA 084K

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Molecular diagnosis for the rapid detection of bovine tuberculosis in the state of Kuwait.


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Al Moqatea, Salwa.

Subject(s):  Diseases ,  Diseases ,  Cattle ,  Cattle ,  Bovine tuberculosis ,  Bovine tuberculosis ,  Bacteria ,  Bacteria ,  Domestic animals ,  Domestic animals ,  Interferon-gamma. ,  Real-time PCR. ,  ELISA ,  Mycobacterium bovis ,  السل البقري ,  الأنترفيرون غاما ,  تسلسل التضخم الطولي ,  الحمض النووي

Project(s):  Molecular Diagnosis for the Rapid Detection of Bovine Tuberculosis in the State of Kuwait

Project code:  FB 070C

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A preliminary assessment of the Air conditioned environment in selected buildings in Kuwait for the presence of the legionnaires disease causative agent, legionella.


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al Matawah, Qadriya.

Subject(s):  Bacteria ,  Water sampling ,  Air sampling ,  Disease ,  Legionnaires Disease ,  الداخلي ,  طرق الكشف الجزئي ,  الأمراض الرئوية ,  تلوث الهواء ,  Latex agglutination. ,  PCR. ,  Water cooling towers.

Project(s):  A preliminary Assessment of the Air Conditioned Environment in Selected Buildings in Kuwait for the Presence of Legionnaires' Disease Causative Agent, legionella

Project code:  FB 076C

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A preliminary assessment of the air-conditioned environment in selected buildings in Kuwait for the presence of the legionnaires' disease causative agent, legionella


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al-Matawah, Qdriya.

Subject(s):  Air conditioning ,  Air conditioning ,  Electric circuits ,  Electirc circuits ,  Latex agglutination. ,  PCR. ,  Water cooling towers. ,  الداخلى. ,  طرق الكشف الجزئى. ,  الأمراض الرئوية. ,  تلوث الهواء.

Project(s):  A preliminary Assessment of the Air Conditioned Environment in Selected Buildings in Kuwait for the Presence of Legionnaires' Disease Causative Agent, legionella

Project code:  FB 076C

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Investigation of soil microbial communities and vegetation for baseline database development at selected sires in Kuwait desert

KISR Report

Amendment/Extension 'A'

Contributor(s):  Quoreshi, Ali.

Subject(s):  Soil ,  Desert ,  biodiversity. ,  Vegetation. ,  Desert ecosystem. ,  Soil microbial community. ,  Mycorrhiza. ,  Ecosystem Functioning. ,  التنوع البيلوجي ,  الغطاء النباتي ,  النظام البيئي الصحراوي ,  المجتمع الميكروبي في التربة ,  ميكوريزا ,  وظائف النظام البيئي

Project(s):  Investigation of Soil Microbial Communities & Vegetation for Baseline Database Development at Selected Sites in Kuwait Desert

Project code:  FA 076C

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Molecular diagnosis for the rapid detection of bovine tuberculosis in the state of Kuwait.


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al Mouqatea, Salwa.

Subject(s):  Diseases ,  Cattle ,  Bovine tuberculosis ,  Bacteria ,  Domestic animals ,  DNA ,  Statistics ,  Interferon- gamma. ,  Real- time PCR. ,  ELISA. ,  Mycobacterium bovis. ,  السل البقري ,  الأنترفيرون غاما ,  تسلسل التضخم الطولي ,  الحمض النووي

Project(s):  Molecular Diagnosis for the Rapid Detection of Bovine Tuberculosis in the State of Kuwait

Project code:  FB 070C

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