report(s) found: 1491
Center: Environment and Life Sciences Research Center x

Molecular diagnosis for the rapid detection of bovine tuberculosis in the State of Kuwait


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Mouqatea, Salwa.

Subject(s):  Mycobacterium ,  Mycobacterium ,  Livestock ,  Livestock ,  Animals ,  Animals ,  Real-time PCR. ,  ELISA. ,  Mycobacterium bovis. ,  السل البقري ,  درنات سلية

Project(s):  Molecular Diagnosis for the Rapid Detection of Bovine Tuberculosis in the State of Kuwait

Project code:  FB 070C

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Developing micropropagation protocol for fermont's desert-thorn (lycium fremonth)


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Melhem, Salah.

Subject(s):  Plant ,  Plant ,  Desert ,  Desert ,  In viro propagation. ,  Multible shoot induction. ,  Axillary shoot multiplication. ,  Acclimatization. ,  ليسيم فيرمونتي ,  الاكثار بواسطة الخلايا ,  القمم النامية ,  براعم متعدده ,  برعم ابطي

Project(s):  Developing Micropropagation Protocol for Fermont's Desert-Thorn (Lycium Fremonth)

Project code:  FB 069G

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A survey of energy drinks consumption patterns among children, teenagers and young Kuwaiti adults


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Waalan, Tahani.

Subject(s):  Children ,  Children ,  Energy ,  Energy ,  Caffeine. ,  Stimulants. ,  Side-effects. ,  Kuwaiti children. ,  الكافيين ,  محفزات ,  الآثار الجانبية ,  أطفال الكويت

Project(s):  A Survey of Energy Drinks Consumption Patterns Among Children, Teenagers & Young Kuwaiti Adults

Project code:  FB 068G

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Upscale and fine-tuning of seed potato production via tissue culture towards commercialization in Kuwait


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  sudhersan, Chellan.

Subject(s):  Potato production ,  Potato production ,  Seeds ,  Seeds ,  Microtuber. ,  Minituber. ,  Micropropagation. ,  Commercial production. ,  درنات دقيقة. ,  درنات صغيرة. ,  الأكثار بواسطة الخلايا. ,  تقاوى البطاطس. ,  الأنتاج التجارى.

Project(s):  Upscale & Fine-Tuning of Seed Potato Production via Tissue Culture Towards Commercialization in Kuwait

Project code:  FB 068K

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Establishment of a national seedbank for the native plants of Kuwait


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Zaman, Samiha.

Subject(s):  Plants ,  Plants ,  Seeds ,  Seeds ,  Kuwait native plants. ,  Seed Collection. ,  Seed Processing. ,  Seed Quality. ,  Seed Storage. ,  نباتات الكويت البرية ,  تجميع بذور النباتات البرية ,  فحص جودة البذور ,  تخزين البذور

Project(s):  Establishment of National Seedbank for the Native Plants of Kuwait

Project code:  FA 084K

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Apreliminary assessment of the air-conditioned environment in selected buildings in Kuwait for the presence of the legionnaires'disease causative agent, legionella


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Al-Matawah, Qadriah.

Subject(s):  Latex agglutination ,  Latex agglutination ,  Legionella ,  Latex agglutination. ,  PCR. ,  Water cooling towers. ,  الأمراض الرئوية. ,  تلوث الهواء الداخلى. ,  طرق الكشف الجزئى.

Project(s):  A preliminary Assessment of the Air Conditioned Environment in Selected Buildings in Kuwait for the Presence of Legionnaires' Disease Causative Agent, legionella

Project code:  FB 076C

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Development of micropropagation technology for the Amla tree in Kuwait.


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Sabah, Latifa.

Subject(s):  Agriculture ,  Trees ,  Plants ,  Seedlings ,  Emblica officinalis. ,  Somatic embryogenesis. ,  Organogenesis. ,  Acclimatization. ,  Desert greenery. ,  الأجنحة الجسدية ,  التعضي ,  الاقلمة ,  تخضير الصحراء

Project(s):  Development of Micropropagation Technology for the Amla Tree in Kuwait

Project code:  FB 073C

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Zobaidy population genetics:


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 3

Contributor(s):  Al Momin, Sabah.

Subject(s):  species ,  species ,  Population ,  Population ,  Issr. ,  Dna. ,  Fish. ,  Pomfret. ,  زبيدي ,  سمك ,  الحمض النووي ,  متتاليات متسلسلة

Project(s):  Zobaidy Population Genetics: Application of Molecular Methods to Investigate Stock Depletion

Project code:  FB 071C

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Zobaidy Population genetics: application of molecular methods to investigate stock depletion


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Al-Momen, Sabah.

Subject(s):  Fish ,  Fish ,  DNA ,  DNA ,  Issr. ,  Dna. ,  Fish. ,  Pomfret. ,  السمك ,  الحمض النووي ,  متتاليات متسلسلة

Project(s):  Zobaidy Population Genetics: Application of Molecular Methods to Investigate Stock Depletion

Project code:  FB071C

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Development of micropropagation technology for the Amla tree in Kuwait.


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 3

Contributor(s):  Al Sabah, Latifa

Subject(s):  Agriculture ,  Plants ,  Flour ,  Roots ,  Seedlings ,  Emblica officinalis. ,  Somatic embryogenesis. ,  Organogenesis. ,  Acclimatization. ,  التقنية ,  الأجنة الجسدية ,  التعضي ,  التخضير

Project(s):  Development of Micropropagation Technology for the Amla Tree in Kuwait

Project code:  FB 073C

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Zobaidy Population genetics: application of molecular methods to investigate stock depletion,


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Momin, Sabah.

Subject(s):  Fish ,  Fish stock ,  statistical analysis ,  Microsatellites ,  سمك ,  الحمض النووي ,  متتاليات متسلسلة ,  Fish ,  Microsatellites ,  Issr ,  Dna

Project(s):  Zobaidy Population Genetics: Application of Molecular Methods to Investigate Stock Depletion

Project code:  FB 071C

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Elucidating the molecular nature of the bioactive ingredientS of locally isolated Bacillus Mojavensis strain.


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Amad, Samy.

Subject(s):  Agriculture ,  Soil ,  Bacteria ,  Strain ,  Biomaterials ,  Agriculture pests ,  Centrifuges ,  Fungicidal. ,  Bacteriocidal. ,  Whitefly. ,  SDS/ PAGE. ,  Electroelution. ,  Amino acid. ,  مبيد فطري ,  مبيد حيوي ,  الذبابة البيضاء ,  فصل مكونات البروتين بواسطة فرق الجهد الكهربائي ,  استخلاص وجمع البروتينات ,  الأحماض الأمينية

Project(s):  Elucidating the Molecular Nature of the Bioactive Ingredient (S) of Locally Isolated Bacillus Mojavensis, Strain

Project code:  FB 067K

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