report(s) found: 1491
Center: Environment and Life Sciences Research Center x

Establishment of a large scale plantation of argan trees in Kuwait: evaluation of performance in the open field.


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Menaie, Habeeba Saud.

Subject(s):  Agriculture ,  Trees ,  Climate ,  Soil ,  Water ,  WAter quality ,  الأرجان ,  شجرة متعددة الأغراض ,  زراعة علي نطاق واسع ,  جودة المياه ,  Argan. ,  Multipurpose tree. ,  Water quality.

Project(s):  Establishment of a Large Scale Plantation of Argan Trees in Kuwait: Evaluation of Performance in the Open Field

Project code:  FA 085C

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Establishment of a large scale plantation of argan trees in Kuwait: evaluation of performance in the open field,


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Menaie, Habeeba Saud.

Subject(s):  Agriculture ,  Trees ,  Climate ,  Soil ,  Water ,  WAter quality ,  Irrigation. ,  Salinity. ,  الري ,  الملوحة

Project(s):  Establishment of a Large Scale Plantation of Argan Trees in Kuwait: Evaluation of Performance in the Open Field

Project code:  FA 085C

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Effects of adding black seeds on the immune responseand production performance of broiler chicks,


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Khalil, Faten.

Subject(s):  Seeds ,  Seeds ,  Cells ,  Cells ,  Mortality. ,  White blood cells count (WBC). ,  النفوق ,  خلايا الدم البيضاء ,  أعضاء لمفية ,  Lymphoid organs.

Project(s):  Effects of Adding Black Seeds on the Immune Response & Production Performance of Broiler Chicks

Project code:  FA 085G

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Asurvey of artificial sweeteners; perception and consumption patterns among female students at college of life sciences Kuwait university.


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Mutairi, Anwar.

Subject(s):  Artificial Sweeteners ,  Perception ,  Obesity ,  Calories ,  Sugar ,  Food ,  Drug ,  تغذية ,  السمنه ,  Obesity. ,  nutrition.

Project(s):  A survey of “Artificial Sweeteners”; Perception & Consumption Patterns Among Female Students at College of Life Sciences Kuwait University

Project code:  FB 070G

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Enzyme identification of Polycyclic aromatic compounds degraders for potential applications in Bioremediation


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Akbar, A.

Subject(s):  Pollution ,  Pollution ,  Genetic toxicology ,  Genetic toxicology ,  Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon ,  Mutagenic effect ,  sequencing technique ,  bioremediation ,  الظروف البيئية ,  المجموعات الميكروبية ,  الملوثات البيئية ,  المعالجة الحيوية

Project(s):  Enzyme Identification of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds Degraders for Potential Applications in Bioremediation

Project code:  FB 142K

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Exploring the potential of algae for the production of feed supplement and bioproducts


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Kumar, Vinod.

Subject(s):  Protein ,  Food ,  Algal biotechnology. ,  Microalgae. ,  Phytoplanktons. ,  Secondary metabolites. ,  التكنولوجيا الحيوية للطحالب ,  الطحالب الدقيقة ,  العوائق النباتية ,  المستقبلات الثانوية

Project(s):  Exploring the Potential of Algae for the Production of Feed Supplement and Bioproducts - Phase 1

Project code:  FB 127K

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Evaluation of serological and molecular techniques for detection of pathogenic viruses infecting some crops in Kuwait.


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Ben Hajji, Ahmad.

Subject(s):  Agricultural Production ,  Virus ,  Crops ,  Diseases ,  Samples ,  سلسلة التفاعل البوليمرية ,  مقايسة الممتز المناعي المرتبط بالأنزيم ,  فايروس الذبول المبقع للطماطة ,  فيروس التفاف وأصفرار اوراق الطماطم ,  فيروسات البطاطس(X,Y) ,  TYLCV. ,  ToMoV. ,  PVX. ,  PCR. ,  ELISA.

Project(s):  Evaluation of Serological & Molecular Techniques for Detection of Pathogenic Viruses Infecting Some Crops in Kuwait

Project code:  FB 071G

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Improvement of growth performance and disease resistance of the nile tilapia oreochromis niloticus through autochthonous probiotic bacteria


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Ridha, Mohammad.

Subject(s):  Bacteria ,  Bacteria ,  Disease ,  Disease ,  Bacillus Subtilis. ,  Lactobacillus. ,  FCR. ,  Yield. ,  LD50. ,  Challenge. ,  Benefit-to-cost ratio. ,  Rate of return. ,  Immunity. ,  محثات حيوية ,  باسيلاس ,  لاكتوباسلاس ,  النمو ,  التحول الغذائي ,  الانتاج ,  نسبة العوائد بالنسبة للمصروفات ,  الايرادات ,  المناعة

Project(s):  Improvement of Growth Performance & Disease Resistance of the Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) through Autochthonous Probiotic Bacteria

Project code:  FM 067C

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Biodiversity and taxonomy of Kuwait's marine benthic dinoflagellates (microalgae)


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension 'A'

Contributor(s):  Al Rashed, Wafa'a

Subject(s):  Water ,  Water ,  species ,  species ,  Environment. ,  Grass ,  Toxic.

Project(s):  Biodiversity & Taxonomy of Kuwait's Marine Benthic Dinoflagellates (Microalgae)

Project code:  FM 073C

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Biodiversity and taxonomy of Kuwait's marine benthic dinoflagellates (microalgae)


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Al-Rashed, Waffa.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Microalgal ,  Phytoplankton ,  Photoplankton ,  العوالق النباتية. ,  الطحالب. ,  الطحالب الكبيرة. ,  الأعشاب البحرية. ,  ثنائية الأسواط. ,  المرجان. ,  Phytoplankton. ,  Algae. ,  Macroalgae. ,  Seagrass. ,  Dinoflagelattes. ,  Corals.

Project(s):  Biodiversity & Taxonomy of Kuwait's Marine Benthic Dinoflagellates (Microalgae)

Project code:  FM 073C

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A Pilot study on the community structure and abundance of neustonic and planktonic zoooplankton, Fish Eggs and Larvae in Kuwait waters,


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Al Yamani, Faiza.

Subject(s):  Fish ,  Fish ,  Water ,  Water ,  Bacteria ,  Bacteria

Project(s):  A Pilot Study on the Community Structure & Abundance of Neustonic & Planktonic Zooplankton, Fish Eggs & Larvae

Project code:  FM 078K

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Testing the feasibility of culturing two local copepod species as live food


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Enezi, Y.

Subject(s):  Aquaculture ,  Aquaculture ,  Live food ,  Live food ,  عوائق بحرية ,  غذاء حي ,  بارفوكالانوس ,  الاستزراع المائي ,  Zooplankton ,  Live food ,  P. crassirostris ,  Aquaculture

Project(s):  Testing the Feasibility of Culturing Two Local Copepod Species as Live Food

Project code:  FM 060G

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