report(s) found: 1491
Center: Environment and Life Sciences Research Center x

Environmental rehabilitation study of the Liyah refilled quarries-Phase II


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al-Dousari, Ali Mohammad.

Subject(s):  Wildlife conservation ,  Wildlife conservation ,  Environmental protection ,  Environmental protection ,  Aeolian activities. ,  Native plants. ,  Tissue Culture. ,  الأنشطة الريحية. ,  النباتات الفطرية. ,  الزراعة الأنسجة.

Project(s):  Environmental Rehabilitation Study of the Liyah Refilled Quarries

Project code:  EC 085C

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Air Quality assessment in the Ali Sabah Al Salem Urban Community :


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Rashidi, Muferh Saeed.

Subject(s):  Urbanization ,  Urbanization ,  Air ,  Air ,  Air Quality ,  Air quality ,  Ambient air pollution. ,  Health risk assessment. ,  Industrial pollution. ,  VOCs ,  الملوثات الهوائية ,  تقييم المخاطر الصحية ,  الملوثات الصناعية ,  المركبات الهيدروكربونية

Project(s):  Air Quality Assessment in the Ali Sabah Al Salem Urban Community

Project code:  EC 084C

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Extreme wind atlas for Kuwait


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Neelamani, Subramaniam.

Subject(s):  Towers ,  Towers ,  Wind Turbines ,  Wind Turbines ,  Wind speed and direction ,  Tall structures ,  Gumbel distribution ,  Return periods ,  Safe and economic design of structures ,  سرعة الريح واتجاه ,  (المباني العالية (الشاهقة ,  توزيع كمبل ,  فترات زمنية

Project(s):  Extreme Wind Atlas for Kuwait

Project code:  EC 078C

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Enhancing numerical modeling Kuwait institute for scientific research (KISR) in the field of coastal engineering


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Rakha, Karim.

Subject(s):  Oil ,  Oil ,  Wave ,  Wave ,  Wave Models. ,  Hydrodynamic Models. ,  RMA-10. ,  Wave Atlas. ,  Oil Spill Model. ,  GUI. ,  نماذج لحساب ارتفاعات الأمواج ,  نماذج هيدروديناميكيه ,  أطلس أمواج ,  التنبؤ بحركة البقع النفطية ,  واجهة للبرامج العددية

Project(s):  Enhancing Numerical Modeling at KISR in the Field of Coastal Engineering

Project code:  EC 079K

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Geochemical and mineralogical study of sand and carbonates for the glass industry in Kuwait


KISR Report

Final Report (Revised)

Contributor(s):  Al Dousari, Ali.

Subject(s):  Industries ,  Glass manufacture ,  Sand ,  Raw materials ,  Carbonates ,  Aeolian. ,  Sand dunes. ,  Silica. ,  العوامل الريحية ,  الكثبان الرملية ,  السيليكا

Project(s):  Geochemical & Mineralogical Study of Sand & Carbonates for the Glass Industry in Kuwait

Project code:  EC 077C

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Probability and statistical analysis of total suspended atmospheric particulate matter in Kuwait


KISR Report

Contributor(s):  Neelamani, Subramaniam.

Subject(s):  Rain and rainfall ,  Rain and rainfall ,  Visibility ,  Visibility ,  Probability Density. ,  Probability of Exceedence of Dust. ,  Visibility. ,  Rainfall. ,  Extreme dust. ,  احتمالية الحدوث. ,  الرؤية الأفقية. ,  الأمطار الموسمية. ,  عاصفة غبارية.

Project(s):  Probability & Statistical Analysis of Total Suspended Atmospheric Particulate Matter in Kuwait

Project code:  EC 082C

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Extreme wind Atlas for Kuwait


Final Report (Revised)

Contributor(s):  Neelamani, Subramaniam.

Subject(s):  Social development ,  Infrastructure ,  Investments ,  Wind speed ,  Wind and gust speed and direction. ,  Tall structures. ,  Gumbel distribution. ,  Rerurn periods. ,  Safe and economic disign of structures. ,  سرعة الريح واتجاهه ,  المباني العالية(الشاهقة ,  توزيع كمبل ,  فترات زمنية ,  تصميم آمن و أقتصادي للمباني

Project(s):  Extreme Wind Atlas for Kuwait

Project code:  EC 078C

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Evaluation of techniques to enhance seed germination and evaluation of seedling establishment in selected native plants


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Khalil, Majda.

Subject(s):  Seeds ,  Environment ,  Seeding vigor. ,  Revegetation. ,  Priming. ,  Physical dormancy. ,  Physical dormancy. ,  Imbibition curve. ,  النباتات الفطرية ,  اعادة الغطاء النباتي ,  تحضير البذور ,  الكمون الطبيعي ,  منحى تشرب البذور

Project(s):  Evaluation of Techniques to Enhance Seed Germination & Evaluation of Seedling Establishment in Selected Native Plants

Project code:  FA 125C

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Evaluation of techniques to enhance seed germination and evaluation of seedling establishment in selected native plants


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Khalil Suleiman, Majda.

Subject(s):  Seeds ,  Seedlings ,  Vegetation ,  Storage ,  re-vegetation ,  Seed priming ,  Seed Storage ,  Longevity ,  Germination ,  إعادة الغطاء النباتي ,  تحضير البذور ,  تخزين البذور ,  البقاء ,  الإنبات

Project(s):  Evaluation of Techniques to Enhance Seed Germination & Evaluation of Seedling Establishment in Selected Native Plants

Project code:  FA 125C

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Influence of light emitting diodes (LED) light on the productivity and quality of selected crops in a closed plant factory system


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Sugumaran, Krishna.

Subject(s):  Plants ,  Plants ,  Agricultural ,  Agricultural ,  Modular agricultural production sysytem. ,  Hydroponics. ,  Growth. ,  Nutritional quality. ,  وحدات نظام الأنتاج الزراعي ,  الزراعة المائية ,  النمو ,  نوعية التغذية

Project(s):  Influence of Light Emitting Diodes (LED) Light on the Productivity & Quality of Selected Crops in a Closed Plant Factory System

Project code:  FA 142K

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Evaluation of techniques to enhance seed germination and evaluation of seedling establishment in selected native plants


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Khalil Suleiman, Majda.

Subject(s):  Seeds ,  Seedlings ,  Vegetation ,  Storage ,  تقنيات البذور ,  التجهيز ,  التقييم الحقلي ,  التخزين ,  Seed techniques. ,  Priming ,  Field evaluation ,  Storage.

Project(s):  Evaluation of Techniques to Enhance Seed Germination & Evaluation of Seedling Establishment in Selected Native Plants

Project code:  FA 125C

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Irrigation studies in date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) Phase II:

KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Bhat, Narayana.

Subject(s):  Palm ,  Palm ,  Irrigation ,  Irrigation ,  تبخر الماء من النبات ,  الري المنظم ,  الري المتغير ,  أنتاجية المياه ,  Regulated deficit irrigation ,  Evapotranspiration ,  Variable rate irrigation ,  Water productivity

Project(s):  Irrigation Studies in Date Palm (Phoenix Dactylifera L.) - Phase II: Development of Precision Irrigation Scheduling under Kuwait's Environmental Conditions

Project code:  FA 126C

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