report(s) found: 959
Center: Environment and Urban Development Division x

Improving rehabilitation skills and working environment for the disabled in Kuwait and the region,



Contributor(s):  Al Ghurair, Noora.

Subject(s):  Child development ,  Children with disabilities ,  Developmentally disabled children ,  Child development ,  Children with disabilities ,  Developmentally disabled children ,  Dyslexices ,  People with special needs. ,  Training program. ,  توفير دعم فني لذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة ,  الصم ,  إعاقة ذهنية ,  إعاقة جسدية ,  فرص عمل للمعاقين

Project code:  P-KISR-05-16

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Physical model study on wave reflection by harbor structures for validating KISR'S wave agitation model-phase I


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Salem, Khaled.

Subject(s):  Waves ,  Waves ,  Energy ,  Energy ,  Navigation. ,  Wave Energy Dissipaters. ,  Porous Vertical Structure. ,  Two-Dimensional Physical Model Study. ,  الملاحه ,  تفريق طاقة الموجه ,  مسامية البنية العمودية ,  دراسة نموذج ثنائي الابعاد

Project(s):  Physical Model Study on Wave Reflection by Harbor Structures for Validating

Project code:  EC 089K

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Kuwait bay three dimensional investigation on Hydrodynamic and Water quality characteristics in summer using field and numerical simulation analyses.


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Pokavanich, Tanosponj.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Water quality ,  Sea water ,  Hydrodynamica ,  Soil ,  Hydrodynamic. ,  Water quality. ,  Simulation. ,  Field survey. ,  Kuwait bay.

Project(s):  Kuwait Bay Three Dimensional Investigation of Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Characteristics in Summer using Field & Numerical Simulation Analyses

Project code:  EC 088K

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Indoor air quality and environmental assessment study for the new corporate oil sector complex.

KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Khan, A.R.

Subject(s):  Sick building syndrome. ,  Kuwait Petroleum Company. ,  HVAC. ,  Environmental impact assessment. ,  Pollutants.

Project(s):  Indoor Air Quality & Environmental Assessment Study for the New Corporate Oil Sector Complex

Project code:  EC 042C

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Assessment of indoor organic pollutants level in selected schools,

KISR Report

Final Report (Revised)

Contributor(s):  Al Awadi, Laila.

Subject(s):  Radon ,  Radon ,  Air quality ,  Air quality ,  Sick building syndrome ,  Sick building syndrome ,  Pollutants ,  Pollutants ,  Radon. ,  Hydrocarbons. ,  Indoor air quality. ,  Sick building syndrome. ,  Pollutants. ,  غاز الرادون ,  الهيدروكربونات (المركبات العضوية) ,  جودة الهواء الداخلي ,  مرض متزامنة المباني الغير صحية ,  الملوثات

Project(s):  Assessment of Indoor Organic Pollutant Levels in Selected Schools

Project code:  EC 045C

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Assessment of indoor organic pollutant levels in selected schools,


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Awadi, Layla.

Subject(s):  Radon ,  Air quality ,  Sick building syndrome ,  Pollutants ,  غاز الرادون ,  الهيدروكربونات (المركبات العضوية) ,  جودة الهواء الداخلي ,  مرض متزامنة المباني الغير صحية ,  الملوثات ,  Radon. ,  Hydrocarboons. ,  Indoor air quality. ,  Sick building syndrome. ,  Pollutants.

Project(s):  Assessment of Indoor Organic Pollutant Levels in Selected Schools

Project code:  EC 045C

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Kuwait National Seismic network :


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Jeri, Farah.

Subject(s):  Seismic networks ,  Seismic networks ,  Seismic prospecting ,  Seismic prospecting ,  النشاط الزلزالي ,  الشبكة الوطنية الكويتية لرصد الزلازل ,  زلازل محلية ,  Seismicity. ,  Local seismic activity.

Project(s):  Kuwait National Seismic Network: Data Analysis & Reporting

Project code:  EC 042G

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Indoor air quality and environmental assessment study for the new corporate oil sector complex.


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Khan, A.R.

Subject(s):  Adehyde. ,  Hydrocarbons. ,  Sick building syndrome. ,  Pollutants.

Project(s):  Indoor Air Quality & Environmental Assessment Study for the New Corporate Oil Sector Complex

Project code:  EC 042C

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World seismic activvites as recorded by Kuwit National seismic network (2008-2009).


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Abdel-fattah, Reda.

Subject(s):  Seismic activities ,  Seismic activities ,  Seismicity ,  Seismicity ,  Seismicity. ,  النشاط الزلزالى. ,  الشبكة الوطنية الكويتية لرصد الزلازل. ,  Local seismic activity.

Project(s):  World Seismic Activities as Recorded by Kuwait National Seismic Network (2008-2009)

Project code:  eC 031G

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Development of a feasible prototype floating breakwater for Kuwait marine conditions


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Neelamani, Subramaniam.

Subject(s):  Breakwater ,  Breakwater ,  Hydrodynamics ,  Hydrodynamics ,  حواجز أمواج عائمة صديقة للبيئة ,  موانئ بحرية في أعماق كبيرة ,  حماية الشواطئ من النحر ,  حركة المياة ,  Environment friendly floating breakwaters. ,  Deep water ports. ,  Shore protection against erosion. ,  Water circulation. ,  Aesthetically pleasing marine structures.

Project(s):  Development of a Feasible Prototype Floating Breakwater for Kuwait Marine Conditions

Project code:  EC 37C

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Development of a feasible prototype floating breakwater for Kuwait marine conditions.


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 3

Contributor(s):  Neelamani, Subramaniam.

Subject(s):  Marine environment ,  Waves ,  Breakwaters ,  Costal engineering ,  Territorial waters ,  Data analysis ,  Environmentally friendly floating breakwaters. ,  Deep water ports. ,  Shore protection against ,  Water circulation. ,  حواجز امواج عائمة صديقة للبيئة ,  مواني بحرية في أعماق كبيرة ,  حماية الشواطئ من النحر ,  حركة المياة

Project(s):  Development of a Feasible Prototype Floating Breakwater for Kuwait Marine Conditions

Project code:  EC 037C

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Potential wind power generation in the state of Kuwait.


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al-Nassar, Waleed.

Subject(s):  Wind energy. ,  Weibull distribution. ,  Wind data in Kuwait.

Project(s):  Potential Wind Power Generation in the State of Kuwait

Project code:  EC 043K

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