report(s) found: 959
Center: Environment and Urban Development Division x

Speciation and distribution of selected heavy metals in Kuwait's marine sediments


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Shemmari, Hassan.

Subject(s):  Environment ,  Environment ,  Sewage ,  Sewage ,  Environmental impact. ,  Adsorption coefficients. ,  Chemical species. ,  Adsorption coefficients. ,  Industrial activities. ,  Sewage effluents. ,  المردود البيئي ,  عامل الامتصاص ,  الخواص الكيميتئية ,  الأنشطة الصناعية ,  مخلفات المجاري

Project(s):  Speciation & Distribution of Selected Heavy Metals in Kuwait's Marine Sediments

Project code:  EM 050C

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High resolution historical records of trace metals and organic pollutants from sediments and coral reefs in Kuwait


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Gevao, Bondi.

Subject(s):  Marine Environment ,  Pollutants ,  Sediment quality. ,  Radiochemicals. ,  Sedimentation rate. ,  Organic pollution. ,  جودة الرواسب البحرية ,  النظائر المشعة ,  معدل الترسب ,  التلوث العضوي

Project(s):  High Resolution Historical Records of Trace Metals & Organic Pollutants from Sediments & Coral Reefs in Kuwait

Project code:  EM 051C

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Measurement of surface resistivity / conductivity of metallic alloys in aqueous solutions by optical interferometry techniques


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Habib, khaled

Subject(s):  Metal ,  Direct current ,  Mechanochemistry ,  Optical Interferometers ,  Optical interferometry ,  Electrical resistivity ,  Electrical conductivity ,  Metallic alloys ,  تقنية التداخل الضوئي ,  عامل المقاومة للتيار المباشر ,  عامل التوصيل للتيار المباشر ,  سبائك المعادن

Project(s):  Measurement of Surface Resistivity / Conductivity of Metallic Alloys in Aqueous Solutions by Optical Interferometry Techniques

Project code:  EM 053K

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Measurement of surface resistivity / conductivity of metallic alloys in aqueous solutions by optical interferometry techniques


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Habib, khaled.

Subject(s):  Metal ,  Direct current ,  Mechanochemistry ,  Optical Interferometers ,  Electrical resistivity. ,  Electrical conductivity. ,  عامل المقاومة للتيار المباشر ,  عامل التوصيل للتيار المباشر

Project(s):  Measurement of Surface Resistivity / Conductivity of Metallic Alloys in Aqueous Solutions by Optical Interferometry Techniques

Project code:  EM 053K

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High resolution historical records of trace metals and organic pollutants from sediments and coral reefs in Kuwait

KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Gevao, Bondi.

Subject(s):  Marine sediments ,  Marine Sediments ,  Trace metal ,  Trace metal ,  Pollution ,  Pollution ,  Hydrocarbons ,  Hydrocarbons ,  Ethers ,  Ethers ,  Environmental pollution. ,  Sediment. ,  Chronology. ,  Marine environment. ,  التلوث البيئي ,  الرواسب البحرية ,  التسلسل الزمني ,  البيئة البحرية

Project(s):  High Resolution Historical Records of Trace Metals & Organic Pollutants from Sediments & Coral Reefs in Kuwait

Project code:  EM 051C

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Integrated energy demand side management and photovoltaic systems for Schools in Kuwait


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Mulla, Ahmad.

Subject(s):  Building-integrated photovoltaic system ,  Building-integrated photovoltaic system ,  Power electronics ,  Power electronics ,  Centralized remote control system. ,  Demand side management. ,  Air-conditioning. ,  Photovoltaic. ,  التحكم المركزي عن بعد ,  إدارة الطلب على الطاقة ,  أجهزة التكييف ,  الخلايا الضوئية

Project(s):  Integrated Energy Demand Side Management & Photovoltaic Systems for Schools in Kuwait

Project code:  EU 070C

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Utilization of sulphur extended asphalt (THIOPAVE) to improve asphalt paving mixtures in Kuwait.


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension 'A'

Contributor(s):  Al-Bahar, Souad.

Subject(s):  Asphalt pavement ,  Sulfur ,  Petroleum ,  Paving ,  Sulphur. ,  Sulphur extender. ,  Asphalt concrete. ,  الكبريت ,  مادة محسنة ,  الخرسانة الأسفلتية

Project(s):  Utilization of Sulphur Extended Asphalt (THIOPAVE) to Improve Asphalt Paving Mixtures in Kuwait

Project code:  EU 069C

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Utilization of sulphur extended asphalt (THIOPAVE) to improve asphalt paving mixtures in Kuwait,


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Abduljaleel, Anwar.

Subject(s):  Utilization ,  Utilization ,  Metal ,  Metal ,  Asphaltene ,  Asphaltene ,  Petroleum ,  Petroleum ,  Sulphur. ,  Sulphur extender. ,  Asphalt concrete. ,  الكبريت ,  مادة محسنة ,  الخرسانة الأسفلتية

Project(s):  Utilization of Sulphur Extended Asphalt (THIOPAVE) to Improve Asphalt Paving Mixtures in Kuwait

Project code:  EU 069C

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non-destructive evaluation of anodized aluminum alloys in aqueous solutions by optical interferometry-phase 3.


KISR Report

Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Habib,K.

Subject(s):  Metallic oxides. ,  Metals -- Anodic oxidation. ,  تقنية التداخل الضوئي ; مطياف المقاومة الكهروكيميائية ; سماكة طبقة الالمنيوم ; خواص الكهروكيميائية ,  holographic interferometry ; electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) ; thickness of the oxide layer ; electrochemical parameters

Project(s):  Non-Destructive Evaluation of Anodized Aluminium Alloys Aqueous Solutions by Optical Interferometry - Phase III (Field Applications)

Project code:  EM 046K

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Non-destructive evaluation of anodized aluminium alloys aqueous solutions by optical interferometry-phase III (field applications)


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Habib, khaled.

Subject(s):  Oxide ,  Oxide ,  Industry ,  Industry ,  Holographic Interferometry. ,  Thickness of the Oxide Layer. ,  Electrical Resistance. ,  A.C. Impedance, Double Layer-Capacitance. ,  Field Study. ,  تقنية التداخل الضوئي ,  سماكة طبقة اكسيد الألمنيوم ,  مقاومة المعدن للتيار المباشر ,  مقاومة المعدن للتيار المتناوب ,  الشحنة الكهربائيه ,  دراسة ميدانية

Project(s):  Non-Destructive Evaluation of Anodized Aluminium Alloys Aqueous Solutions by Optical Interferometry - Phase III (Field Applications)

Project code:  EM 046K

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Secular variation of mineralogical contents in the bottom sediments of Sulaibikhat bay


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Shamroukh, Dalal.

Subject(s):  Sediments ,  Sediments ,  Hight temperatures ,  Hight temperatures ,  Interidal sediments. ,  Aeolian dust. ,  Mixing process. ,  رواسب منطقة المد والجزر ,  الرواسب الريحية ,  خلط الرواسب نتيجة للعوامل الطبيعية

Project(s):  Secular Variation of Mineralogical Contents in the Bottom Sediments of Sulaibikhat Bay

Project code:  EM 046G

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Metallothionein in Biota from Kuwait's marine area-a biomarker of trace elements pollution


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Beg, Mirza U.

Subject(s):  Trace elements ,  Pollution ,  Marine environment ,  Fishes ,  Health indicators ,  Oysters ,  Zinc ,  Copper ,  Fish. ,  Clams. ,  Gills. ,  Digestive gland. ,  Liver. ,  Oxidative stress. ,  Trace metals. ,  الأسماك ,  الأصداف البحرية ,  الخياشيم ,  الغدة الهضمية ,  الكبد ,  الإجهاد الأكسجيني ,  المعادن النزرة

Project(s):  Metallothionein in Biota from Kuwait's Marine Area - A Biomarker of Trace Elements Pollution

Project code:  EM 048C

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