report(s) found: 959
Center: Environment and Urban Development Division x

Assessment and analyses of data required for selecting potential sites for nuclear power plant on the shoreline of the state of Kuwait,

KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Banaa, Khaled

Subject(s):  Electric power ,  Electric power plants ,  Geological, hydrological, topographical, geotechnical, geomorphologic, seismic, hydrodynamic, oceanographic, meteorological ,  الجيولوجيه; الهيدروجية;الطبوغرافية;الجيومورفولوجية;السيزمية;الجيوتقنية;الهيدروديناميكية;الاشونوغرافيةhglkhodm

Project code:  EC 083C

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On-Shore environmental impact assessment of AZ-Zour north co-generation (power&distillation) plant,


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Rashidi, Muferh Saeed.

Subject(s):  Air pollution ,  Environmental impact analysis ,  Air pollution, nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide, numerical model, combined cycle, gas turbine ,  تقيم المردود البيئي; النموذج العددي; تلوث الهواء; محطة توليد الطاقة; ثاني أكسيد الكبريت;أكسيد النيتروجين

Project(s):  On-Shore Environmental Impact Assessment of AZ-Zour North Co-Generation (Power & Distillation) Plant

Project code:  EC 075C

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Air quality assessment in the Ali Sabah Al-Salem Urban community, Phase II,


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Rashidi, Muferh Saeed.

Subject(s):  Air quality. ,  Air ,  Ambient air pollution. ,  Health risk assessment. ,  Industrial pollution. ,  VOCs. ,  المركبات العضوية المتطايرة. ,  تلوث الهواء الجوي. ,  تقييم المخاطر الصحية. ,  تقييم المردود البيئي. ,  التلوث الصناعي.

Project(s):  Air Quality Assessment in the Ali Sabah Al Salem Urban Community

Project code:  EC 084C

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Enhancing Numerical Modeling Capabilities at KISR in the Field of Coastal Engineering.


KISR Report

Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Rakha, Karim

Subject(s):  نماذج العددية لحساب ارتفاعات الامواج ; نماذج هيدروديناميكيه ; اطلس الامواج ; واجهة للبرامج العددية ,  Wave Models ; Hydrodynamic Models ; RMA-10 ; Wave Atlas ; GUI

Project(s):  Enhancing Numerical Modeling at KISR in the Field of Coastal Engineering

Project code:  EC 079K

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Extension of the MFD marina at Ras Al-Ardh


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Banaa, Khaled.

Subject(s):  Sea wave modeling project ,  Coastal ecology ,  Marina design, wave agitation, wave modeling ,  تصميم مارينا; ارتفاعات الأمواج داخل مارينا ; نمذجة ارتفاعات الأمواج

Project(s):  Extension of the MFD Marina at Ras Al-Ardh

Project code:  EC 080K

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Field monitoring of the coastal area around Qaroh island


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Hulail, Faisal.

Subject(s):  Fishes ,  Fishes ,  Island ,  Island ,  Sefiment movements. ,  Erosion. ,  Curents. ,  Beach profile. ,  Reef units. ,  حركة الرواسب ,  النحر ,  التيارات البحرية ,  منسوب الشاطي ,  كاسرات الأمواج

Project(s):  Field Monitoring of the Coastal Area around Quaroh Island

Project code:  EC 072K

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Assessment of seismic effcts of selected sites in Kuwait city,


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Abdel Fattah, Reda.

Subject(s):  Earthquakes ,  Earthquakes ,  Seismic waves ,  Seismic waves ,  Seismological ,  Seismological ,  Crustal ,  Crustal ,  Sediment ,  Sediment ,  Ground movements ,  Ground movements ,  Seismic wave. ,  Dominant frequencies. ,  Shear wave velocity. ,  Site amplification factor. ,  مدينة الكويت ,  الموجات السيزمية ,  الترددات السائدة ,  معامل التكبير للموقع

Project(s):  Assessment of Seismic Effects of Selected Sites in Kuwait City

Project code:  EC 081C

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Extreme wind atlas for Kuwait


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Neelamani, Subramaniam.

Subject(s):  Wind power ,  Wind power ,  Winds ,  Winds ,  Wind speed and direction. ,  Tall structures. ,  Gumbel distribution. ,  Return periods. ,  Safe and economic design of structures. ,  سرعة الريح واتجاهة. ,  المبانى العالية الشاهقة. ,  توزيع كمبل. ,  فترات زمنية. ,  تصميم امن واقتصادى للمباني.

Project(s):  Extreme Wind Atlas for Kuwait

Project code:  EC 078C

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Assessment and analyses of data required for selecting potential sites for nuclear power plant on the shoreline of the State of Kuwait


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Banaa, Khaled.

Subject(s):  data analysis ,  nuclear reactor ,  Information ,  Natural Resources ,  الهيدرولوجية والجيولوجية ,  الجيوموفولوجية ,  السيزمية والجيوتقنية ,  الهيدروديناميكية والاشونوغرافية ,  المناخية ,  Geological. ,  Hydrological. ,  Topographical. ,  Geotechnical. ,  Geomorphologic. ,  seismic. ,  Hydrodynamic. ,  Oceanographic. ,  Meteorological.

Project(s):  Assessment & Analyses of Data Required for Selecting Potential Sites for Nuclear Power Plant on the Shoreline of the State of Kuwait

Project code:  EC 083C

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Suitability of district cooling for Kuwait


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Hajiah, A.E.

Subject(s):  Chilled water system ,  Cooling storage ,  Peak power reduction ,  Energy efficiency

Project(s):  Suitability of District Cooling for Kuwait

Project code:  EU 007K

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development of effective and water-efficient condenser precooling system


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al-Hadban,Y

Subject(s):  air-conditioning system with sir-cooled condenser ,  condenser pre-cooling system

Project(s):  Development of Effective & Water-Efficient Condenser Precooling System (2004-10-01)

Project code:  EU 024C

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Recycling of concrete and masonry


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  El-Hawary, M.M.

Subject(s):  Recycling concrete. ,  Masonry. ,  Lime-silica bricks.

Project(s):  Recycling of Concrete & Masonry

Project code:  EU 022C

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