report(s) found: 959
Center: Environment and Urban Development Division x

Naturally occurring radioactive materials produced by the Oil industry in Kuwait


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Jakes, Jaroslav.

Subject(s):  Radioactive materials ,  Oil ,  Natural gas ,  Calcium ,  Radionuclides emitting alpha Radiation. ,  Gamma ray spectrometry. ,  Naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM). ,  النظائر المصدرة لإشعاعات ألفا ,  أشعة غاما ,  المواد المشعة المتواجدة بشكل طبيعي

Project(s):  Naturally Occuring Radioactive Materials Produced by the Oil Industry in Kuwait

Project code:  EA 026C

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examining bulding under demolition to assess concrete durability in Kuwait


Revised Proposal

Contributor(s):  Al Otaibi, Saud.

Subject(s):  Concrete ,  Concrete ,  Building ,  Building ,  Compressive Strength. ,  Demolishing. ,  Deterioration. ,  Non-destructive testing. ,  هدم المباني ,  قوة تحمل الخرسانة ,  الأختبارات غير المتلفة ,  تدهور الخرسانة

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Development of inovative and renewable energy resources program for Kuwait,


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Maheshwari, G.P.

Subject(s):  Power resources ,  Energy transfer ,  Pil and natural gas, solar systems, wind, bio-mass, fuel cell ,  النفط والغار الطبيعي ; النظم الشمسية; رياح; خلايا وقود

Project(s):  Development of Innovative and Renewable Energy Resources Program for Kuwait

Project code:  EU 022G

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Examining Building Under Demolition to Assess Concrete Durability in Kuwait


KISR Report

Revised Proposal

Contributor(s):  Al Otaibi, Saud.

Subject(s):  Concrete ,  Concrete ,  Building ,  Building ,  Compressive Strength. ,  Demolishing. ,  Deterioration. ,  Non-destructive testing ,  هدم المباني ,  قوة تحمل الخرسانة ,  الاختبارات غير المتلفة ,  تدهور الخرسانة

Project(s):  Examining Building Under Demolition to Assess Concrete Durability in Kuwait

Project code:  EU 043K

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Assessment of climatological charactristic in Kuwait.


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al-Awadi, L.

Subject(s):  Weather data. ,  8 climatological stations. ,  Wind Rose.

Project(s):  Asessment of Climatological Characteristics in Kuwait

Project code:  EC 003G

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Evaluation of Kuwait's raw materials for production of Portland cement Phase II /


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Bahar, Soad

Subject(s):  Evaluation ,  Cement ,  Portland

Project(s):  Evaluation of Kuwait's Raw Materials for Production of Portland Cement

Project code:  EB 006C

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Investigating concrete durability in Kuwait by examining buildings under demolition /


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Otaibi, Saud

Subject(s):  Concrete ,  Constructions ,  Rust ,  Data collection ,  Concrete Durability ,  Concrete deterioration ,  Non destructive tests ,  ديمومة الخرسانة ,  تدهور الخرسانة ,  الأختبارات غير المتلفة

Project(s):  Investigating Concrete Durability in Kuwait by Examining Buildings Under Demolition

Project code:  EU 043K

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Durability of concrete incorporating slag under Kuwaiti environmental conditions /


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al Otaibi, Saud.

Subject(s):  Soil ,  Climate ,  Sea water ,  Concrete ,  Ground granulated blast flag ,  Strength development. ,  Durability ,  Chloride penetration ,  Sulphate attack ,  خبث الحديد ,  قوة الخرسانة ,  ديمومة الخرسانة ,  الكبريتات ,  الكلوريدات

Project(s):  Durability of Concrete Incorporating Slag Under Kuwaiti Environmental Conditions

Project code:  EU 028K

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دراسة بيئة دولة الكويت باستخدام الاستشعار عن بعد/


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  الدوسري، علي

Subject(s):  Hydrological Assessment. ,  Flash Flood. ,  Environmental Assessment.

Project(s):  منظومة متكاملة لإدارة السيول والحد من مخاطرها في منطقة الشعيبة الصناعية ومحيطها

Project code:  EC 055C

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examining bulding under demolition to assess concrete durability in Kuwait /


Revised Proposal

Contributor(s):  Al Otaibi, Saud.

Subject(s):  Concrete ,  Concrete ,  Building ,  Building ,  Compressive Strength. ,  Demolishing. ,  Deterioration. ,  Non-destructive testing. ,  هدم المباني ,  قوة تحمل الخرسانة ,  الأختبارات غير المتلفة ,  تدهور الخرسانة

Project code:  EU 043K

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Structural evaluation of KISR old library building in Salmiya./


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Sadek, A.W.

Subject(s):  Load test. ,  Durability. ,  Structural analysis.

Project(s):  Structural Evaluation of KISR Old Library Building in Salmiya

Project code:  EU 015G

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Improvement of ventilation system in a welding shop at Mina abdulla refinery/


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Hajiah, A.E.

Subject(s):  Fumes extraction ,  Energy efficiency ,  Indoor air quality ,  Filters

Project(s):  Improvement of Ventilation System in a Welding Shop at Mina Abdulla Refinery

Project code:  EU 033C

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