report(s) found: 13
Center: Environmental and Earth Sciences Division x

Project title: Marine Plankton BioIndicator Project x

Marine bacteria bioindicator project


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al-Mossawi, M. A.

Subject(s):  Mutagens. Fluctuation test. Ames test. Fecal coloforms(FC). Antibiotic resistant fecal coliform (ABR-FC).

Project(s):  Marine Plankton BioIndicator Project

Project code:  EES 11c

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Trace organic pollutants project


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Shunbo, F.

Subject(s):  Organic pollutants. Chromatography. Background contamination. Training.

Project(s):  Marine Plankton BioIndicator Project

Project code:  EES 11a

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A study of tar pollution on beaches of Kuwait


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Anderlini, V.

Subject(s):  Tar pollution. Beaches. Ras Al-Ard. Kuwait.

Project(s):  Marine Plankton BioIndicator Project

Project code:  EES 11

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Oceanographic observations for Kuwait


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Anderlini, V.

Subject(s):  Oceanographic data. Oceanographic parameters.

Project(s):  Marine Plankton BioIndicator Project

Project code:  EES 11

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Marine pollution-environmental assessment programme, Phase I


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al-Abdul-Razzaq, S.

Subject(s):  Toxic compouns. Petroleum Hydrocarbons. Chlorinated hydrocarbons. Toxic trace elements. Raw sewage. Environmental pollutants.

Project(s):  Marine Plankton BioIndicator Project

Project code:  EES 11d

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Distribution of hydrocarbons in the oyster (pinctada margaratifera), along the coast of Kuwait


KISR Report

Special Report

Contributor(s):  Anderlini, V.

Subject(s):  Hydrocarbons. Oysters. Petroleum type hydrocarbons. Kuwait oysters.

Project(s):  Marine Plankton BioIndicator Project

Project code:  EES 11a

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Marine bacteria bioindicator project


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al-Mossawi, M. A.

Subject(s):  Toxic compouns. Petroleum Hydrocarbons. Chlorinated hydrocarbons. Toxic trace elements. Raw sewage. Environmental pollutants.

Project(s):  Marine Plankton BioIndicator Project

Project code:  EES 11c

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Sewage pollution project "MPP II"


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al-Mossawi, M.

Subject(s):  Sewage pollution. Seawater. Treated sewage.

Project(s):  Marine Plankton BioIndicator Project

Project code:  EES 11

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Trace organic pollutants project


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al-Kazily, M. F.

Subject(s):  Organic pollutants. Toxic compounds. Toxic trace elements. Petroleum hydrocarbons. Chlorinated hydrocarbons.

Project(s):  Marine Plankton BioIndicator Project

Project code:  EES 11a

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Preliminary sedimentological investigation of the marine bottom sediments of Kuwait


KISR Report

Interim Report

Contributor(s):  Khalaf, F.

Subject(s):  Marine bottom sediments. Sedimentological investigation. Silt. Sand. Silty sand. Silty clay. Sandy silt. Clayey silt. Muddy sand.

Project(s):  Marine Plankton BioIndicator Project

Project code:  EES 11

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Trace elements in marine sediments of Kuwait-upper Arabian Gulf


KISR Report

Special Report

Contributor(s):  Anderlini, V. C.

Subject(s):  Marine sediments. Trace elements. Pollutant. Mercury.

Project(s):  Marine Plankton BioIndicator Project

Project code:  EES 11b

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Observations on the plankton and related features of the Kuwait waters


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Jacob, P. G.

Subject(s):  Plankton. Ocenograohy parametrs. Marine plankton.

Project(s):  Marine Plankton BioIndicator Project

Project code:  EES 11

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