report(s) found: 16
Center: Food Resources Division x

Project title: Shrimp Fisheries Management Project x

Shrimp Fisheries Management Project


KISR Report

Semi Annual Report

Subject(s):  Fish management areas ,  Fish management areas

Project(s):  Shrimp Fisheries Management Project

Project code:  MB 29

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The development of the Kuwait shrimp fishery and a preliminary analysis of its present status


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  van Zalinge, N. P.

Subject(s):  Artisanal fisheries. Industrial fishery.

Project(s):  Shrimp Fisheries Management Project

Project code:  MB 29

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Infestation of the shrimp penaeus semisulcatus (de haan) by the bopyrid epipenaeon elegans (chopra) in Kuwait


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  El-Musa, M.

Subject(s):  Shrimp parasite. Bopyrid infestation.

Project(s):  Shrimp Fisheries Management Project

Project code:  MB 29

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Shrimp fisheries management project. Phase ll


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Mathews, C. P.

Subject(s):  Shrimp fisheries management and population dynamics.

Project(s):  Shrimp Fisheries Management Project

Project code:  MB 29

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Observation on the biology of the exploited species of shrimps of Kuwait


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Mohamed, K. H.

Subject(s):  Penaeus shrimp biology. Kuwait.

Project(s):  Shrimp Fisheries Management Project

Project code:  MB 29

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Shrimp stock evaluation and management project-1979


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Food Resources Division.

Subject(s):  Shrimp stock assessment. Kuwait.

Project(s):  Shrimp Fisheries Management Project

Project code:  MB 29

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Mark-recapture experiments on the Gulf shrimp penaeus semisulcatus de-haan in Kuwait waters


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Mohamed, K. H.

Subject(s):  Shrimp tagging. Mortality. Migration. Kuwait.

Project(s):  Shrimp Fisheries Management Project

Project code:  MB 29

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Recommendation of shrimp fisheries management workshop (19 January 1981)


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Mathews, C. P.

Subject(s):  Shrimp. Fisheries. Management. Kuwait.

Project(s):  Shrimp Fisheries Management Project

Project code:  MB 32

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Kuwait's artisanal fisheries :


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  van Zalinge, N. P.

Subject(s):  Shrimp landings. Artisanal shrimp fisheries.

Project(s):  Shrimp Fisheries Management Project

Project code:  MB 29

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Estimates of mortality rate and population size for shrimp in Kuwait waters


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Jones, R.

Subject(s):  Estimate. Mortality. shrimp population. Growth.

Project(s):  Shrimp Fisheries Management Project

Project code:  MB 29

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An experimental design for marking shrimp with reference to the shrimp fishery in the Gulf between Iran and the Arabian Peninsula


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Jones, R.

Subject(s):  mShrimp marking. Arabian Peninsula.

Project(s):  Shrimp Fisheries Management Project

Project code:  MB 29

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Fishery and oceanographic grid for Kuwait waters


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Mohamed, K. H.

Subject(s):  Oceanography. Kuwait.

Project(s):  Shrimp Fisheries Management Project

Project code:  MB 29

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