report(s) found: 489
Center: Petroleum Research Center x

Preparation and characterization of graphene based polypropylene nanocomposites using melt compounding


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Saleh, Mohammed.

Subject(s):  Nano ,  Mechanical properties ,  Graphene ,  PP ,  مركبات النانو ,  الجرافين ,  بولي بروليى ,  Nanocomposite. ,  Graphene. ,  Polyproplene.

Project(s):  Preparation and Characterization of Graphene Based Polypropylene Nanocomposites Using Melt Compounding

Project code:  PC 023C

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Synthesis of large pore hydroprocessing support using Sol-Gel method


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Sairafi, Sakena H.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Hydrotherapy ,  Aluminum hydroxide ,  Nanoparticles ,  Acid- base sites. ,  Catalysts. ,  Catalysts support. ,  Support preparation. ,  الموقع الحمضي القاعدي ,  محفزات ,  دعم المحفزات ,  تحضير الداعم

Project(s):  Synthesis of Large Pore Hydroprocessing Support Using Sol-Gel Method

Project code:  PF 004G

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Failure analysis of chain block


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Ravindranath, Kanhirodan.

Subject(s):  Metal ,  Industries ,  Petrochemicals ,  Metallography ,  Chain link. ,  Failure investigation. ,  Fractography. ,  Metallography. ,  Shear. ,  الصلب الاوستيني الغير قابل للصدأ ,  التكسر الاجهادي ,  الكهروكيميائية ,  كبريتيد الهيدروجين الرطب ,  ايونات الكلوريد

Project(s):  Failure Analysis of Chin Block

Project code:  PF 016S

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Identification and quantification of aromatic compounds in Kuwaiti middle distillates


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Henayyan, Hisham.

Subject(s):  Diesel ,  Diesel ,  Oil ,  Oil ,  Supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC). ,  Two dimensional GC x GC. ,  Diesel fraction. ,  كروموتوجرافي السوائل فوق الحرجة ,  كروموتوجرافي السوائل فوق الحرجة ,  ديزل

Project(s):  Identification and Quantification of Aromatic Compounds in Kuwaiti Middle Distillates

Project code:  PF 008G

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Development of biodegradable polypropylene based hybrid nanocomposite films for food packaging applications


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Yussuf, Abdirahman.

Subject(s):  Food Packaging ,  Biodegradation ,  Polypropylene ,  Packaging ,  Mechanical properties ,  Mechanical. ,  Thermal. ,  Barrier. ,  Biodegradability. ,  الميكانيكية ,  والحرارية ,  الحاجز ,  التحلل البيولوجي

Project(s):  Development of Biodegradable Polypropylene Based Hybrid Nanocomposite Films for Food Packaging Applications

Project code:  PC 014K.

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Investigating the performance of PVDF based membranes modified with Co2-Philic Ionic liquids and nano-fillers for carbon dioxide separation


KISR Report

Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Al Enezi, Salah.

Subject(s):  Gas reservoirs ,  Gas reservoirs ,  Carbon ,  Carbon ,  Carbon nanotubes ,  Carbon nanotubes ,  PVDF ,  Polymer membrane ,  Gas Permeability ,  Separtion ,  Nanotubes ,  البولي (فلوريد الفينيليدين) ,  الأغشية البوليمرية ,  نفاذية الغاز ,  فصل ثاني اكسيد الكربون ,  حشوات الناتو

Project(s):  Investigating the Performance of PVDF Based Membranes Modified With Co2-Philic Ionic Liquids and Nano-Fillers for Carbon Dioxide Separation

Project code:  PC 021C

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The effect of chemical ageing of sea water and crude oil with high water cuts on the properties of glass reinforced composite pipes (GRP)


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Samhan, Mashal.

Subject(s):  Pipes ,  Crude Oil ,  Chemical resistance ,  Plastics ,  Corrosive gases. ,  Fatigue behavior. ,  Thermoset composite. ,  الغازات المسببة للتآكل ,  سلوك التعتيق الكيميائي ,  مركب بالحرارة

Project(s):  The Effect of Chemical Ageing of Sea Water and Crude Oil with High Water Cuts on the Properties of Glass Reinforced Composite Pipes (GRP)

Project code:  PC 020C

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Polypropylene nanocompositive with ionic liquid modified montmorillonite clay for high temperature applications


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Samhan, Meshaal.

Subject(s):  Polypropylene ,  Nanotechnology ,  temperature ,  X ray ,  Thermal properties. ,  Nano clay. ,  النانو الطيني ,  الخواص الحرارية

Project(s):  Polypropylene Nanocompositive with Ionic Liquid Modified Montmorillonite Clay for High Temperature Applications

Project code:  PC 019K

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Polypropylene-nanocomposite with Ionic liquid modified montmorillonite clay for high temperature applications


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Samhan, Meshal.

Subject(s):  Clay ,  Clay ,  Liquid ,  Liquid ,  Polypropylene. ,  Clay Nanocomposite. ,  Ionic Liquid. ,  Thermal Polymer.

Project(s):  Polypropylene Nanocompositive with Ionic Liquid Modified Montmorillonite Clay for High Temperature Applications

Project code:  PC 019K

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Investigating the performance of PVDF-based membranes modified with Carbon Dioxide-Philic Ionic liquids and nano-fillers for carbon dioxide separation


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Enezi, Salah

Subject(s):  Separation & Purification ,  Separation & Purification ,  البولي (فلوريد الفينيليدين) ,  الأغشية البوليمرية ,  نفاذية الغاز ,  فصل ثاني اكسيد الكربون ,  حشوات النانو ,  poly (vinylidene fluoride) membrane ,  Gas Permeability ,  Separation ,  Nanotubes

Project(s):  Investigating the Performance of PVDF-Based Membranes Modified With Carbon Dioxide-Philic Ionic Liquids And Nano-Fillers for Carbon Dioxide Separation

Project code:  PC 021C

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Nanoparticles for quantification of downhole Hydrogen sulfide content


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Safa, Muhieddine

Subject(s):  Hydrogen sulfide ,  oil fields ,  Nanoparticles ,  water ,  Hydrogen sulfide ( H2S) ,  Nanotechnology ,  Nanoparticles ,  Hydrocarbon fluids ,  كبريتيد الهيدروجين ,  تكنولوجيا النانو ,  الجسيمات النانوية ,  المحاليل الهيدروكربونية

Project(s):  Nanoparticles for Quantification of Downhole Hydrogen Sulfide Content

Project code:  PP 070C

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Detection of the Scale in oil industry pipelines using Gamma mobile system


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Ebrahim, S.

Subject(s):  Oil ,  Oil ,  Petroleum Pipelines ,  Petroleum Pipelines ,  Scale ,  Scintillation ,  detector ,  الرواسب ,  كاشف الجرمانيوم

Project(s):  Detection of the Scale in oil industry pipelines using Gamma mobile system

Project code:  PF 097K

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