report(s) found: 489
Center: Petroleum Research Center x

Comparison study between lightweight steel LPG cylinders and composite LPG cylinders


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Shalaby, Hamdi.

Subject(s):  Corrosion ,  Corrosion ,  Petrolem ,  Petrolem ,  Composite cylinders. ,  Safety. ,  Life of gas cylinders. ,  اسطوانات الغاز ,  السلامة ,  عمر اسطوانات الغاز

Project(s):  Comparison Study Between Lightweight Steel LPG Cylinders and Composite LPG Cylinders

Project code:  PC 005S

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Synergistic effect of UV-stabilizers and light transforming additives on polytehylene and polypropylene under Kuwait environmental conditions.


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al-Samhan, M.

Subject(s):  Chemical Engineering. ,  UV-stabilizers. ,  Light Transforming. ,  Natural Weathering. ,  Accelerated weathering.

Project(s):  Synergistic Effect of UV-Stabilizers and Light Transforming Additives on Polytehylene and Polypropylene Under Kuwait Environmental Conditions

Project code:  PC 007C

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Establishment of testing facility for measuring polymers glass transition (TG) under normal and severe conditions using 3-point bending technique,


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Enezi, Salah T.

Subject(s):  Thermoplastics. ,  Polymers ,  Sc CO2 ,  Softening. ,  LVDT.

Project(s):  Establishment of Testing Facility for Measuring Polymers Glass Transition (TG) under Normal and Severe Conditions using 3-point Bending Technique

Project code:  PC 012K

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Development of a polymer composition and a method for sand consolidation in oil wells.


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Lahalih, S.M.

Subject(s):  Sand consolidation. ,  Compressive strength. ,  Polymer compositions. ,  Polymer treatments of weak oil formation.

Project(s):  Development of a Polymer Composition and A Method for Sand Consolidation in Oil Wells

Project code:  PC 005C

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Enhanced oil recovery using polymer flooding :


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al-Saleh, M. A.

Subject(s):  Polymer flooding ,  Polymer fooding ,  Polymer flooding. ,  Enhanced oil recovery. ,  Rheological properties. ,  Thermal stability. ,  Mechanical degradation. ,  ضخ البوليمر. ,  تحسين استخراج النفط. ,  االخصائص الريولوجية. ,  الأستقرار الحرارى. ,  التحلل الميكانيكى.

Project(s):  Enhanced Oil Recovery Using Polymer Flooding Polymer Structure-Property Optimization and Selection

Project code:  PC 018K

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Enhanced Oil recovery using polymer flooding: polymer structure property optimization and selection.


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Saleh, Mohamed.

Subject(s):  petroleum ,  Polymer ,  Carbon dioxide ,  Projects ,  Data ,  Polyolefins. ,  EOR. ,  Oil recovery. ,  Mobility ratio. ,  البوليمر ,  البولي اوليفينات ,  استخراج النفط المحسن ,  نسبة الحركة

Project(s):  Enhanced Oil Recovery Using Polymer Flooding Polymer Structure-Property Optimization and Selection

Project code:  PC018

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Development of biodegradable polypropylene based hybrid nanocomposite films for food packaing applications


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Yussuf, Abdirahman.

Subject(s):  Food ,  Food ,  Production ,  Production ,  Industry ,  Industry ,  Nanocomposites. ,  Food Packaging. ,  Biodegradable. ,  Barrier. ,  Polyolefins. ,  نانو كومباسايت ,  تغليف المواد الغذائية القابلة للتحلل ,  الحاجز ,  البولي اوليفينات

Project(s):  Development of Biodegradable Polypropylene Based Hybrid Nanocomposite Films for Food Packaing Applications

Project code:  PC 014K

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Establishing and implementing quality management system (ISO 9001); using nanomaterials to enhance polypropylene properties


KISR Report

Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Al Enezi, Salah.

Subject(s):  Total quality management ,  Petrochemicals ,  Petroleum research ,  Nanotechnology ,  Polypropylene ,  Quality management system. ,  Nanomaterilas. ,  Petrochemical industry. ,  نظام ادارة الجودة ,  مكملات الناتو ,  صناعة البتروكيماويات

Project(s):  Establishing and Implementing Quality Management System (ISO 9001); using Nanomaterials to Enhance Polypropylene Properties

Project code:  PC 013K.

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Polypropylene-nanocomposite with ionic liquid modified montmorillonite clay for high temperature applications


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al-Samhan, M.

Subject(s):  Polypropylene ,  Polypropylen ,  Ionic liquid ,  Ionic liquid ,  Polypropylen. ,  Clay nanocompoiste. ,  Ionic Liquid. ,  Thermal properties. ,  النانو الطينى. ,  البولى بروبلين المحسن. ,  الخواص الحرارية.

Project(s):  Polypropylene Nanocompositive with Ionic Liquid Modified Montmorillonite Clay for High Temperature Applications

Project code:  PC 019K

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Enhanced oil recovery using polymer flooding :


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Saleh, Mohammad.

Subject(s):  Polymer ,  petroleum ,  Carbon dioxide ,  Projects ,  Rheological properties. ,  Thermal stability. ,  Mechanical degradation. ,  الخصائص الريولوجية ,  الأستقرار الحراري ,  التحلل الميكانيكي

Project(s):  Enhanced Oil Recovery Using Polymer Flooding Polymer Structure-Property Optimization and Selection

Project code:  PC 018K

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Failure investigations and testing by KISR for the three refineries :


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 9

Contributor(s):  Shalaby, Hamdy.

Subject(s):  Carbon steel ,  Refinery ,  Sediments ,  Corrosion ,  Thermal cracks. ,  Oxidation. ,  Microstructure. ,  Weld. ,  صدوع حرارية ,  أكسدة ,  البنية الدقيقة ,  لحام

Project(s):  Failure Investigation and Testing by KISR for Three Refineries

Project code:  PF 010S

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The effect of chemical aging of sea water and crude oil with high water cuts on the properties of glass reinforced composite pipes


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Samhan, Mashal.

Subject(s):  Pipes ,  Crude Oil ,  Chemical resistance ,  Plastics ,  Morphological. ,  Chemical ageing. ,  GRP pipes. ,  الأنابيب البلاستيكية ,  الخصائص المورفولوجية ,  التعتيق الكيميائي

Project(s):  The Effect of Chemical Aging of Sea Water and Crude Oil with High Water Cuts on the Properties of Glass Reinforced Composite Pipes

Project code:  PC 020C

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