report(s) found: 489
Center: Petroleum Research Center x

Mechanical and physical evaluation of high content waste/ virgin polyolefin blends exposed to natural and accelerated weathering.


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Salem, Sultan.

Subject(s):  Mechanical properties ,  Plastic ,  Plastic waste ,  Recycling ,  Climate ,  Waste ,  مخلفات بلاستيكية صلبة ,  اعادة التدوير بالطرق الميكانيكية ,  المناخ الخارجي ,  التجوية الطبيعية والمتسارعة ,  Plastic solid waste (PSW). ,  Mechanical recycling. ,  Climate ,  Natural and accelerated weathering.

Project(s):  Mechanical and Physical Evaluation of High Content Waste/ Virgin Polyolefin Blends Exposed to Natural and Accelerated Weathering

Project code:  PC 017C.

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Establishment of a testing facility for the measurement of polymer glass transition temperature under normal and severe conditions using three-point bending


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Enezi, Salah T.

Subject(s):  Polymers ,  Temperatures ,  Carbon dioxide ,  Glass transition ,  Polycarbonates ,  Polybropylene ,  Polyethylene ,  Sc CO2. ,  LVDT. ,  Thermoplastics. ,  Deflecting modeling of polymers. ,  درجة الليونة ,  غاز ثاني اكسيد الكربون ,  الأنحناءات الثلاث ,  البلاستيك الحراري ,  تقدير حسابي للأنحناء البلاستيكي

Project(s):  Establishment of a Testing Facility for the Measurement of Polymer Glass Transition Temperature under Normal and Severe Conditions using Three-point Bending

Project code:  PC 012K

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Assessment of plastic solid waste in Kuwait and methods of recycling.


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al-Samhan, M.

Subject(s):  Plastic solid waste. ,  KUEPA. ,  Inventory.

Project(s):  Assessment of Plastic Solid Waste in Kuwait and Methods of Recycling

Project code:  PC 001G

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Analysis of produced fluids from the first eocene carbonate reservoir steam flood pilots in Wafra oil Field-phase II


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Jose, Shibu.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Water ,  Oil ,  Oil ,  First eocene carbonate reservoirs. ,  Joint operations-Wafra. ,  Large-scale steam flood pilot. ,  Produced water. ,  Crude oil. ,  Casing vapor collection. ,  مكمن الأيوسين الأول الكربوني ,  العمليات المشتركة-الوفرة ,  الوحدة النمطية الكبيرة لغمر البخار ,  المياة المصاحبة للانتاج ,  النفط الخام ,  جمع بخار رؤوس الآبار

Project(s):  Analysis of Produced Fluids from the First Eocene Carbonate Reservoir Steam Flood Pilots in Wafra Oil Field-Phase II

Project code:  PP127S

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Cost of corrosion of crude unit No.11 at mab refinery


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Riad, W. T.

Subject(s):  Corrosion ,  Colander ,  Data collection ,  Distillation ,  Cost of corrosion. ,  Direct corrosion cost. ,  Indirect cost of corrosion. ,  Crude unit. ,  تكلفة التآكل ,  تكاليف التآكل المباشر ,  تكاليف التآكل الغير مباشر ,  وحدة التقطير

Project(s):  Cost of Corrosion of Crude Unit No.11 at Mab Refinery

Project code:  PP 128S

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Characterization of cruide oil, gas, and produced water from koc's five gathering centers


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Jose, Shiba.

Subject(s):  Oil ,  Oil ,  Production ,  Production ,  Kuwait Oil Company. ,  Gulf Spic. ,  Gathering Center. ,  Characterization. ,  شركة نفط الكويت ,  شركة سبيك الخليج ,  مراكز التجميع ,  تحاليل

Project(s):  Characterization of Cruide Oil, Gas, and Produced Water from Koc's Five Gathering Centers

Project code:  PP114S

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Characterization of jurassic light crude oil at epf 50 in north Kuwait oil field


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Mukadam, Shabbir.

Subject(s):  Oil ,  Crude ,  Jurassic zone. ,  Hydrogen sulfide. ,  Production facility. ,  المنطقة الجوارسية ,  النفط الخام ,  كبريتيد الهيدروجين ,  مرفق الأنتاج

Project(s):  Characterization of Jurassic Light Crude Oil At Epf 50 in North Kuwait Oil Field

Project code:  PP 124S

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Chemical screening assessment compatibility study Phase II.


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Mukadam, Shabbir.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Water treatment ,  Saltwater ,  Water tanks ,  heat ,  Pressure ,  Brackish water. ,  Scale inhibitor. ,  الفرز الكيميائي ,  المياه المنتجة ,  مانع ترسب

Project(s):  Chemical Screening Assessment Compatibility Study Phase II

Project code:  PP 119S

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Quality monitoring of transformer oils from Sabah Al Ahmed area electrical substations


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Jose, S.

Subject(s):  Corona ,  Corona ,  Copper ,  Copper ,  great corona ,  arcing ,  cooper corrosion ,  total acid number ,  الاكليل ,  الانحناء ,  تآكل النحاس ,  عدد الحمض الكلي

Project(s):  Quality Monitoring of Transformer Oils from Sabah Al Ahmed Area Electrical Substations

Project code:  PP 148S

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Screening of corrosion inhibitors for sour gas service


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Shalaby, H. M.

Subject(s):  Corrosion. ,  Sour gas corrosion. ,  Sour gas corrosion. ,  Corrosion ,  Corrosion ,  Sour gas corrosion. ,  Sour gas corrosion. ,  HDPE-lined carbon steel. ,  Carbon steel. ,  316L SS. ,  Ingibitors. ,  التاكل فى الغاز. ,  الحديد الكربوني المغلف بالبولي أثيلين على الكثافه. ,  الحديد الكربونى. ,  الصلب المقاوم للصدأ 316. ,  مثبطات التاكل.

Project(s):  Screening of Corrosion Inhibitors for Sour Gas Service

Project code:  PP 116S

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Reservoir sedimentology and reservoir quality study of the RA- 0419 well from Raudatain field, North Kuwait.


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Madi, Gamal.

Subject(s):  Petroleum ,  Deposits ,  Environment ,  Permeability ,  Porosity ,  Kuwait Oil Company. ,  Raudatain oil field. ,  Ratawi limestone. ,  Sequence stratigraphy. ,  Depositional controls. ,  شركة نفط الكويت ,  حقل الروضتين البترولي ,  مكمن الرتاوي ,  علم تعاقب الطبقات ,  البيئة الترسيبية

Project(s):  Reservoir Sedimentology and Reservoir Quality Study of the RA- 0419 Well from Raudatain Field, North Kuwait

Project code:  PP 129S.

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Routine PVT analysis for BG-0738.


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Rashed, Abeer.

Subject(s):  petroleum ,  Gas ,  Pressure ,  Size ,  Heat ,  Sampling ,  شركة نفط الكويت ,  السلوك الطوري ,  Kuwait Oil Company. ,  Reservoir fluid behavior.

Project(s):  Routine PVT Analysis for BG-0738

Project code:  PP 120S

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