report(s) found: 489
Center: Petroleum Research Center x

Synergistic effects of hydrogen sulfide and chloride on stress corrosion cracking of stabilized austenitic stainless steel - Phase II


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Ravindranath, Kanhriodan.

Subject(s):  Hydrogen sulfide ,  Rust ,  Sulfur ,  Temperatures ,  Refinery corrosion ,  Pitting corrosion. ,  Duplex stainless steel. ,  Heat treatment. ,  Microstructure ,  تآكل في المصافي ,  التكسر الاجهادي ,  التأكل النقري ,  الصلب الاوستيني المثبت الغير قابل للصدأ ,  الصلب الغير قابل للصدأ ديوبلكس

Project(s):  Synergistic Effects of Hydrogen Sulfide and Chloride on Stress Corrosion Cracking of Stabilized Austenitic Stainless Steel - Phase II

Project code:  PP 059C

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Analysis of produced fluides from the first eocene carbonate reservoir steam flood pilots in Wafra oil field


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Jose, Shibu.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Water ,  Oil ,  Oil ,  joint operations. ,  Large-scale steam flood pilot. ,  Produced water. ,  Crude oil. ,  Casing vapour cooling. ,  العمليات المشتركة ,  وحدة غمر البخار الكبيرة ,  المياة المصاحبة لانتاج ,  النفط الخام ,  أنابيب بخار التبريد

Project(s):  Analysis of Produced Fluides from the First Eocene Carbonate Reservoir Steam Flood Pilots in Wafra Oil Field

Project code:  PP 118S

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PVT, Phase behavior and viscosity measurements and modeling of upper burgan formation bottom hole sample well SA-201 T


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Marri, Salem.

Subject(s):  petroleum ,  Petroleum Engineering ,  Temperatures ,  Pressure ,  Phase behavior. ,  PVT. ,  Oil reservoir. ,  Equation of state.

Project(s):  PVT, Phase Behavior and Viscosity Measurements and Modeling of Upper Burgan Formation Bottom Hole Sample Well SA-201 T

Project code:  PP 052S

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PVT, Phase behavior and viscosity measurements and modeling of maudud formation bottom hole sample well SA-264


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Marri, Salem.

Subject(s):  Oil reservoir ,  Temperature ,  the device ,  the sample ,  Phase behavior. ,  PVT. ,  Oil reservoir. ,  Equation of state.

Project(s):  PVT, Phase Behavior and Viscosity Measurements and Modeling of Maudud Formation Bottom Hole Sample Well SA-264

Project code:  PP 058S

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Assessment and control of parameters for the Minagish water injection system (western Kuwait)


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 4

Contributor(s):  Abdullah, Abdulmajeed.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Water ,  Plant ,  Plant ,  Temperature ,  Temperature ,  Key Words: Effluent Water. ,  Suspended Solids. ,  Becteria. ,  Monitoring Program. ,  مياة متخلفة عن عمليات الانتاج ,  عوائق صلبة ,  بكتيريا ,  برنامج مراقبة

Project(s):  Assessment and Control of Parameters for the Minagish Water Injection System (Western Kuwait)

Project code:  PP 065S

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Optimization of the atmospheric residue desulfurization process using a new catalyst loading profile with heavier feedstock


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Bahzad, Dawoud.

Subject(s):  Crude Oil ,  Crude Oil ,  catalyst poisoning ,  catalyst poisoning ,  النفط الثقيل ,  تعطيل فعالية المواد الحفارة ,  العمر الزمني للمواد الحفارة ,  Heavy Crude Oil ,  catalyst deactivation ,  catalyst life cycle

Project(s):  Optimization of the Atmospheric Residue Desulfurization Process Using a New Catalyst Loading Profile wth Heavier Feedstock

Project code:  PF 054K

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An Integrated bioleaching and chemical oxidation process for enhance recovery of Metals (NI, V, MO) from spent Hydroprocessing catalysts


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Pathak, A.

Subject(s):  عملية نزع الكبريت بالهيدروجين ,  الترشيح الثنائي ,  المواد الحفازة المستهلكة والمستخدمة في عمليات الهيدروجينيه ,  Hydrodesulfurization

Project(s):  An Integrated bioleaching and chemical oxidation process for enhance recovery of Metals (NI, V, MO) from spent Hydroprocessing catalysts

Project code:  PF 095K

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Determination of the process operating conditions for efficient batch desalting heavy crude oil


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Hindi, Abdulwahab.

Subject(s):  Oil ,  Crude ,  Desalter. ,  Demulsifier. ,  Heavy Crude Oil. ,  Salt content. ,  عملية ازالة الأملاح ,  مستحلب ,  نفوط ثقيلة ,  محتوي الملح

Project(s):  Determination of the Process Operating Conditions for Efficient Batch Desalting Heavy Crude Oil

Project code:  PF 096K

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Synergistic effects of hydrogen sulfide and chloride on stress corrosion cracking of stabilized austenitic stainless steel - phase II


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Ravindranath, Kanhirodan.

Subject(s):  Hydrogen sulfide ,  Corrosion ,  temperature ,  Rust ,  Refinery corrosion ,  Pitting corrosion ,  Chloride hydrogen sulfide synergism ,  Duplex stainless steel ,  Sensitization ,  تآكل في المصافي ,  التكسر الاجهادي ,  التأكل النقري ,  التداخل بين كبريتيد الهيدروجين ,  كلوريد الصلب الغير قابل للصدأ ديوبلكس ,  قابلية تأكل السبائك

Project(s):  Synergistic Effects of Hydrogen Sulfide and Chloride on Stress Corrosion Cracking of Stabilized Austenitic Stainless Steel - Phase II

Project code:  PP 059C

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Identification of corrosion resistant materials and preventative treatment protocols

KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Akbar, Abdulmuhsen

Subject(s):  Oil ,  Oil ,  Corrosion ,  Corrosion ,  تآكل حلو ,  خزان برقان ,  مثبط تآكل

Project(s):  Identification of Corrosion Resistant Materials and Preventative Treatment Protocols

Project code:  PP 055C

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Identification of corrosion resistant materials and preventative treatment protocols


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 4

Contributor(s):  Akbar, Abdulmuhsen

Subject(s):  Oil ,  Oil ,  Corrosion ,  Corrosion ,  تآكل حلو ,  خزان برقان ,  مثبط تآكل ,  Sweet corrosion ,  Lower burgan reservoir ,  oil-soluble corrosion inhibitor

Project(s):  Identification of Corrosion Resistant Materials and Preventative Treatment Protocols

Project code:  PP 055C

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Identification of corrosion resistant materials and preventative treatment protocols


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 3

Contributor(s):  Akbar, Abdulmuhsen

Subject(s):  Oil ,  Oil ,  Corrosion ,  Corrosion ,  تآكل حلو ,  خزان برقان ,  Sweet corrosion ,  Lower burgan reservoir ,  oil-soluble corrosion inhibitor

Project(s):  Identification of Corrosion Resistant Materials and Preventative Treatment Protocols

Project code:  PP055C

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