report(s) found: 489
Center: Petroleum Research Center x

A novel rig for testing the susceptibility of engineering materials to stress corrosion cracking in flowing fluid


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Rihan, Rayhan.

Subject(s):  Corrosion ,  Materials ,  Cracking ,  Cracking ,  Circumferential notched tensil (CNT) specimen. ,  Stress intensit factor (K1).معامل شدة الأجهاد. ,  Threshold stress intensity factor. ,  Crack growth rate. ,  العينات المشدودة المحزوزة محيطيا. ,  معامل شدة الأجهاد الأبتدائى. ,  معدل نمو الصدع.

Project(s):  A Novel Rig for Testing the Susceptibility of Engineering Materials to Stress Corrosion Cracking in Flowing Fluid

Project code:  PP 053K

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Assessment of Reservoir Response to Aquifer Water Injection-Marat Pilot Plant/South East Kuwait


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Dashti, Hameeda.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Water ,  Oil ,  Oil ,  Pilot Water Injection. ,  Marrat. ,  Aquifer. ,  Monitoring. ,  حقن فيضي ,  وارة ,  مياه تكوينية ,  مراقبة

Project(s):  Assessment of Reservoir Response to Aquifer Water Injection-Marat Pilot Plant/South East Kuwait

Project code:  PP 035C

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Microbial corrosion study of carbon steel in North seawater with aerobic bacteria at ph 8.2 and 37 C


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 3

Contributor(s):  Al Mazeedi, Hanaa Abdul Amir.

Subject(s):  Corrosion and anti-corrosives ,  Corrosion and anti-corrosives ,  Electrolytic corrosion ,  Electrolytic corrosion ,  Electronic measurements ,  Electronic measurements ,  Hydrogen sulfide ,  Hydrogen sulfide ,  Electrochemical Noise Technique ,  Electrochemical techniques ,  Pitting corrosion ,  Hydrogen sulfied ,  تقنية التموجات الكهروكيميائية ,  التقنيات الكهروكيميائية ,  التآكل النقري ,  غاز كبريتيد الهيدروجين

Project(s):  Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion of Carbon Steel in Sea and Effluent Water Injection Plants of North and West Kuwait Oil Field

Project code:  PP 029C

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Assessment of reservoir response to aquifer water injection Wara pilot plant, south east - Kuwait


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension 'A'

Contributor(s):  Dashti, Hameeda.

Subject(s):  Water quality ,  WAter quality ,  ground water ,  Ground water

Project(s):  Assessment of Reservoir Response to Aquifer Water Injection Wafra Pilot Plants

Project code:  PP 030C

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PVT, Phase Behavior and Viscosity Measurements and Modeling of Upper Burgan Formation Bottom Hole Sample Well ST-205 T


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Marri, Salem.

Subject(s):  Oil ,  Oil ,  Measurment ,  Measurment ,  Pressure ,  Pressure ,  Phase behavior. ,  PVT. ,  Oil reservoir. ,  Equation of state.

Project(s):  PVT, Phase Behavior and Viscosity Measurements and Modeling of Upper Burgan Formation Bottom Hole Sample Well ST-205 T

Project code:  PP 053S

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A novel rig for testing the susceptibility of engineering materials to stress corrosion cracking in flowing fluid.


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Omar Rihan, Rihan.

Subject(s):  Material ,  Corrosion ,  Samples ,  Oil industry ,  Power plants ,  Minerals ,  التآكل الإجهادي الصدعي ,  العينات المشدودة المحزوزة محيطيا ,  معامل شدة الأجهاد الأبتدائي ,  معدل نمو الصدع ,  Stress corrosion cracking. ,  Circumferential notched tensile (CNT) specimen. ,  Threshold stress intensity factor (Kiscc). ,  Crack growth rate.

Project(s):  A Novel Rig for Testing the Susceptibility of Engineering Materials to Stress Corrosion Cracking in Flowing Fluid

Project code:  PP 053K.

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A novel rig for testing the susceptibility of engineering materials to stress corrosion cracking in flowing fluid


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Rihan, Rihan Omar

Subject(s):  Crossion ,  Biotechnology ,  Corrosion and anti-corrosives ,  Chemistry, Technical ,  Crossion ,  Biotechnology ,  Corrosion and anti-corrosives ,  Stress crossion cracking ,  Circumferential tensile (CNT)specimen ,  Threshold stress ,  Intensity factor (KIscc) ,  Crack growth rate ,  التآكل الإجهادي الصدعي ,  العينات المشدودة المحزرة محيطيا ,  معامل شدة الإجهاد الإبتدائي ,  معدل نمو الصدع

Project(s):  A Novel Rig for Testing the Susceptibility of Engineering Materials to Stress Corrosion Cracking in Flowing Fluid

Project code:  PP 053K

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Study of Formation Damage Due to Corrosion Inhibtor in a Sea Water Injection System, at Upper Burgan Formation, in the North Kuwait Sabiriyah Field


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Qahtani, Mesfera.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Water ,  Corrosion ,  Corrosion ,  Permeability. ,  المانع للتآكل ,  تشكيل الأضرار ,  طبقة برقان العليا ,  الصابرية ,  شمال الكويت ,  حقن مياة البحر

Project(s):  Study of Formation Damage Due to Corrosion Inhibtor in a Sea Water Injection System, at Upper Burgan Formation, in the North Kuwait Sabiriyah Field

Project code:  PP 034K

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Consultancy services for failure investigation and testing for the three KNPC refineries.


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Shalaby, Hamdy.

Subject(s):  Petroleum ,  Petroleum refineries ,  Advisory services ,  Chemical analysis ,  Corrosion ,  Engineering consultancy. ,  Failure investigations. ,  Metallurgical evaluations. ,  Performance testing. ,  Materials selection. ,  الأستشارات الهندسية ,  الأنهيارات ,  التقييم الفلزي ,  اختبارات ,  الأداء ,  اختيار المواد

Project(s):  Consultancy Services for Failure Investigations and Testing for the Three KNPC Refineries

Project code:  PF 013S.

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Development of graphical user interface for ARDS model tool using MATLAB software


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Ebrahim, S.

Subject(s):  Numerical analysis ,  Numerical analysis ,  Stochastic processes ,  Stochastic processes ,  Graphic arts ,  Graphic arts ,  ARDS process ,  Matlab software ,  interface ,  Modeling ,  عملية غزالة الكبريت بالهيدروجين ,  برمجيات ماتلاب ,  جهة تعامل ,  محاكاة

Project(s):  Development of Graphical User Interface for ARDS model tool using Matlab Software

Project code:  PF 010G

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Establish an optimized method for aromatic type distribution using HPLC


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Bouresli, Rashed

Subject(s):  Aromatic compounds ,  Kerosene ,  Analysis ,  Treatment ,  Aromatics ,  method ,  HPLC ,  مركبات عطرية ,  طرق تحليل ,  فصل كروماتوغرافي باسخدام السوائل عالي الأداء

Project(s):  Establish an Optimized Method for Aromatic Type Distribution Using HPLC

Project code:  PF 009G

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Determination of bronsted and lewis acid sites of dealuminated zeolite by using probe molecule


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Sheeha, Hanady.

Subject(s):  Catalysts ,  Ions ,  Aluminum ,  Acidic ,  Acid base sites. ,  Catalysts. ,  المواقع الحمضية والقلوية ,  المواد الحفازة

Project(s):  Determination of Bronsted and Lewis Acid Sites of Dealuminated Zeolite by Using Probe Molecule

Project code:  PF 007G

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