report(s) found: 489
Center: Petroleum Research Center x

Determination of the petrophysical properties of well ug-155 in tayarat formation of umm gudair field in western in Kuwait


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  AL Bazzaz, Waleed.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Water ,  Electrical ,  Electrical ,  KOC. ,  Porosity. ,  Permeability. ,  Grain density. ,  Electrical properties. ,  Wettability. ,  Initial (iirreducible) water saturation. ,  شركة نفط الكويت ,  مكمن التيارات الكربوني ,  المسامية والنفاذية والكثافة النوعية للصخر ,  الخواص الكهربائية للصخر ,  درجة قابلية التصاق السائل بالصخر

Project(s):  Determination of the Petrophysical Properties of Well Ug-155 in Tayarat Formation of Umm Gudair Field in Western in Kuwait

Project code:  PP 092S

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Ratqa dump flooding core flood and compatibility study, north west Kuwait.


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Ali Jomaa, Mohammad.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Rocks ,  Salts ,  Permeability ,  Sediment ,  Water compatibility. ,  Emulsion. ,  Upper zubair. ,  ( Burgan). ,  المستحلب ,  البرقان ,  توافق المياه ,  طبقة الزبير

Project(s):  Ratqa Dump Flooding Core Flood and Compatibility Study, North West Kuwait

Project code:  PP 0101S.

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Pvt, phase behavior and viscosity measurements and modeling of upper burgan formation bottom hole sample well sa-144


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Marri, Salem.

Subject(s):  Oil ,  Oil ,  Fraction ,  Fraction ,  Phase behavior. ,  PVT. ,  Oil reservoir. ,  Equation of state.

Project(s):  Pvt, Phase Behavior and Viscosity Measurements and Modeling of Upper Burgan Formation Bottom Hole Sample Well Sa-144

Project code:  PP 054S

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Routine core analysis study for Wara and Mauddud formation of well BG-778.


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Mehanna, Yousef.

Subject(s):  Rocks ,  Oil Reservoir ,  Porosity ,  Permeability ,  Geological Survey ,  Burgan field. ,  Wara and mauddud reservoir. ,  Grain density. ,  Permeability. ,  Porosity.

Project(s):  Routine Core Analysis Study for Wara and Mauddud Formation of Well BG-778

Project code:  PP 106S.

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Routine core analysis study for mauddud formation of well RA-0424


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Madi, Gamal.

Subject(s):  Rock analysis ,  Geologocal Specimens ,  حقل الروضتين ,  مكمن المودود ,  حجم الحبيبات ,  المسامية ,  النفاذية

Project(s):  Routine Core Analysis Study for Mauddud Formation of well RA-0424

Project code:  PP104S

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PRC Petroleum pilot plant distributed control system Phase III

KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Chehadeh, Dduha.

Subject(s):  Oil ,  Industry ,  Catalysts ,  technology ,  الوحدات النمطية للبترول ,  نظام التحكم الموزع ,  Petroleum pilot plant. ,  Distributed control system.

Project(s):  PRC Petroleum Pilot Plant Distributed Control System Phase III

Project code:  PF 077K

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PRC petroleum pilot plant distributed control system :


KISR Report

Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Chehadeh, Dooha.

Subject(s):  Petroleum refineries ,  Petrleum refineries ,  Petroleum pilot plant. ,  Distributed control system. ,  الوحدات النمطية للبترول. ,  نظام التحكم الموزع.

Project(s):  PRC Petroleum Pilot Plant Distributed Control System Phase III

Project code:  PF 077K

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Modeling thermal cracking kinetics of vacum residue by discrete lumping


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 4

Contributor(s):  Al Humaidan, Faisal.

Subject(s):  Cracking ,  Cracking ,  Petroleum ,  Petroleum ,  Kinetic Model ,  نمذجة رياضية ,  التكسير الحراري ,  مخلفات البترول الثقيلة

Project(s):  Modeling Thermal Cracking Kinetics of Vacum Residue by Discrete Lumping

Project code:  PF 049C

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Compatibility study of injected alkaline steam Water with heavy Oil formation Water.


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Mukadam, Shabbir.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Water quality ,  Sediment ,  Calcium sulfate ,  Barium ,  Hydrogen sulfide ,  Compatibility. ,  Salt precipitation. ,  Reservoir water. ,  مكامن المياه ,  ترسب الملح ,  (انسجام)

Project(s):  Compatibility Study of Injected Alkaline Steam Water With Heavy Oil Formation Water

Project code:  PP 103S

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Development of a novel oxidative desulfurization process for production of ultra-clean diesel


KISR Report

Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Safa, M.

Subject(s):  Sulfur ,  Hydrogen treatment ,  Gas ,  Petroleum ,  Oxidative desulfurization (DOS). ,  Sulfur compounds. ,  Selective oxidation. ,  Adsorption ,  إزالة الكبريت باللأكسدة(ODS) ,  مركبات الكبريت ,  الأكسدة الانتقائية ,  الإدمصاص

Project(s):  Development of a Novel Oxidative Desulfurization Process for Production of Ultra-Clean Diesel

Project code:  PF 075K

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Consultancy services for failure investigation and testing for the three KNPC refineries :


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 6

Contributor(s):  Riad, Wafaa.

Subject(s):  petroleum ,  Petroleum refineries ,  Advisory services ,  Chemical analysis ,  Corrosion ,  Cracked nozzle. ,  Stress corrosion cracking. ,  Root cause. ,  Failure analysis. ,  فوهة مكسورة ,  التآكل الإجهادي ,  السبب الأصلي ,  تحليل الأعطاب

Project(s):  Consultancy Services for Failure Investigations and Testing for the Three KNPC Refineries

Project code:  PF 013S

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Routine core analysis for the Ratawi Limestone and Minagish Oolite formation of well UG-203,

KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Mahdi, Gamal.

Subject(s):  Rocks ,  Rocks ,  Prosity ,  Prosity ,  Permeability ,  Permeability ,  Samples ,  Samples ,  Analyses ,  Analyses ,  حقل ام غدير ,  أشعة جاما ,  مكمن رتاوي ومناقيش ,  حجم الحبيبات ,  لمسامية ,  النفاذية ,  Umm Gudair field. ,  Ratawi Limestone and Managish Oolite reservoir. Grain density. ,  Permeability.

Project(s):  Routine Core Analysis for the Ratawi Limestone and Minagish Oolite Formation of Well UG-203

Project code:  PP 105S

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