report(s) found: 441
Center: Petroleum Research and Studies Center x

Studying the corrosion behavior of carbon steel in Minagish Aquifer water by electrochemical noise techniques


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al-Mazeedi, H.

Subject(s):  Electrochemical analysis--congress. ,  Corrosion and anti corrosive --measurement--congress. ,  Corrosion potential ; EIS ; LPR ; SEM/EDS analysis ; Surface morphology ,  الجهد الكهربائي ; تقنية المقاومة الخطية ; تقنيه قياس طيف المقاومة الكهروكيميائية ; الدراسة المجهرية للسطح المتآكل

Project(s):  Using Electrochemical Noise Technique in Studying the Inhabition of Carbon Steel in Oil- Field Water

Project code:  PP 026C

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Studies of corrosion rate as a function of water-cut in the Umm Gudair oil field, West Kuwait


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Carew, John.

Subject(s):  Corrosivity. ,  L80 carbon steel. ,  Acidic gases. ,  Water-cut. ,  Burgan oil fields.

Project(s):  Studies of Corrosion Rate as A Function of Water-Cut In the Umm Gudair Oil Field, West Kuwait

Project code:  PR 011C

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Studies on the deactivation mechanism of hydroprocessing catalysts using Kuwaiti feedstocks


KISR Report

Progress Report No.2

Subject(s):  Atmospheric residue desulfurization. ,  Catalyst deactivation. ,  Modeling.

Project(s):  Studies on the Deactivation Mechanism of Hydroprocessing Catalysts Using Kuwaiti Feedstocks

Project code:  PF 010C

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Stability and rheological properties of crude oil emulsions in north Kuwait-Sabriyah reservoirs and Al-Khafji joint operation.


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Ghloum, E. F.

Project(s):  Investigation of the characteristics and treatment of kuwaiti crude oil emulsions

Project code:  PP 021C

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Conventional routine core analysis for well BH-26


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Mehanna, Yousef

Subject(s):  Bahrah field. ,  Mauddud reservoir. ,  Upper burgan reservoir. ,  Gamma ray. ,  Permeability. ,  Porosity. ,  Grain density.

Project(s):  Routine Core Analysis

Project code:  PP 023S

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KOC crude oil quality assurance study


KISR Report

Amendment "A

Contributor(s):  Al-Mutairi, F.

Subject(s):  Crude oil.

Project(s):  KOC Crude Oil Quality Assurance Study

Project code:  PP 012C

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Small steam flood test (SST) monitoring, sampling and analysis Wafra oil field : characteristics of the steam injection and produced water


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Carew, John.

Subject(s):  Steam flooding ,  Pilot plant ,  Oil and gas composition ,  Produced wells ,  Produced water composition ,  Residual chemical inhibitor ,  API gravity and viscosity structure measurement

Project(s):  Small Steam Flood Test (SST) Monitoring, Sampling and Analysis Wafra Oil Field

Project code:  PP 033C

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Investigating the tendency boundaries of solvent deasphalting of Kuwait petroleum Vacuum residues using normal heptane


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Tarkait, F.

Subject(s):  Oil ,  petroleum ,  Crudes ,  Plant ,  Solvent Deasphalting. ,  Deasphalted Oil. ,  Pitch. ,  Asphaltene. ,  Normal Heptane. ,  الفصل بواسطة المذيبات العضوية. ,  الهيدروكربونات المفصولة. ,  الاسفلتين. ,  المخلف الاسفلتيني. ,  الهيبيتين العادي.

Project(s):  Investigating the tendency boundaries of solvent deasphalting of Kuwait petroleum Vacuum residues using normal heptane

Project code:  PF 108K

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Investigation of catalytic cracking for direct production of olefins from heavy crude oil


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report no. 1

Contributor(s):  Al Samhan, M.

Subject(s):  Oil ,  Crude ,  Catalytic ,  Industry ,  olefin. ,  zeolite. ,  Petrochemical. ,  Heavy oil. ,  Cracking. ,  النفط الثقيل. ,  زيوليت. ,  اوليفيتات. ,  عمليات التكسير. ,  البتروكيماويات.

Project(s):  Investigation of catalytic cracking for direct production of olefins from heavy crude oil

Project code:  PF 100K

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A comparative study of the characteristics and reactivities of asphaltenes present in atmospheric residue of three Kuwaiti crudes


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 5

Contributor(s):  Hauser, A.

Subject(s):  Catalyst ,  Crude ,  Production ,  Oil ,  Atmospheric residue. ,  Desulfurization. ,  Catalyst Deativation. ,  Kuwait export crude. ,  المخلفات النفطية. ,  ازالة الكبريت. ,  فقد فعالية المواد الحفازة. ,  النفط الكويتي المصدر.

Project(s):  A comparative study of the characteristics and reactivities of asphaltenes present in atmospheric residue of three Kuwaiti crudes

Project code:  PF 025C

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In situ thermal decomposition for the preparation of nanosized metallic sulfide catalysts


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Perez, A.

Subject(s):  Catalysts ,  Petroleum ,  Oil ,  Thermal ,  z ,  Organometalic Complex. ,  Emulsion. ,  Thermal Decomposition. ,  الموليبدينوم. ,  البترول. ,  كبريتيد

Project(s):  In situ thermal decomposition for the preparation of nanosized metallic sulfide catalysts

Project code:  PF 046C

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Characterization of heavy distillates from Kuwaiti crude oils


KISR Report

Interim report no. 3

Contributor(s):  Al Othman, A.

Subject(s):  Oil ,  Gasz ,  Database ,  System ,  Chromatography. ,  vacuum gas oil. ,  Access. ,  Databse. ,  زيت الغاز الفراغي ,  قاعدة معلومات ,  ميكروسوفت اكسس

Project(s):  Characterization of Heavy Distillates from Kuwaiti Crude Oils

Project code:  PF 008C

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