report(s) found: 441
Center: Petroleum Research and Studies Center x

Hydroisomerization of light Naphtha using molybdenum and tungsten based catalyst ,


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Jassem, Fatema.

Subject(s):  Hydrogenation ,  Hydrogenation ,  Isomerization ,  Isomerization ,  Isomerization. ,  Isomerization catalyst. ,  Paraffin isomerization. ,  Naphtha hydroisomerization. ,  MoO3/TiO2 catalyst. ,  عمليات الأزمرة ,  المواد الحافزة لعمليات الأزمرة ,  أزمرة المواد البرافينية ,  الأزمرة الهيدروجينية للنافثا

Project(s):  Hydroisomerization of Light Naphtha Using Molybdenum and Tungsten Based Catalysts

Project code:  PF 032C

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Oil field water injection/compatibility study in South east Kuwait


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Dashti, Hameeda

Subject(s):  Water ,  Underground water ,  Reservoir ,  Porosity ,  Marrat formation. ,  Produced. ,  Formation Water. ,  4th sand frmation. ,  Core flooding clay. ,  Filtration. ,  Corrosion permeability. ,  مكمن مرات ,  الماء المصاحب ,  الماء الجوفي ,  الطبقة الرملية الرابعة ,  الفيض الصخري ,  الطمي ,  التنقية ,  التآكل ,  النفاذية

Project(s):  Oil Field Water Injection/ Compatibility Study in South East Kuwait

Project code:  PP 022C

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H2S survey for greater Burgan area


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al-Mutairi, F. H.

Subject(s):  Gas phase. ,  Gathering Centers. ,  Crude properties. ,  API gravity.

Project(s):  H²S Survey for Greater Burgan

Project code:  PP 013C

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Synthesis of mxene supported MoS, catalyst for hydrodesulfurization


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Vinoba, M.

Subject(s):  Catalystic cracking ,  Catalystic cracking ,  Hydrotreating catalysts ,  Hydrotreating catalysts ,  Hydroprocessing ,  ammonium thiomolybdate ,  Metal carbid ,  molybdenum disulfide ,  عمليات المعالجة الهيدروجينية ,  ثيومولوبدات الامونيوم ,  كربيد المعدن ,  ثاني كبريتيد المولبدينوم

Project(s):  Synthesis of Mxene Supported MoS2 Catalyst for Hydrodesulfurization

Project code:  PF 085K

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Optimization of the atmospheric residue desulfurization process using a new catalyst loading profile wth heavier feedstock


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Bahzad, Dawood.

Subject(s):  Petroleum ,  Hydrotreating catalysts ,  Heavy oil ,  Catalysts ,  Heavy Crude Oil. ,  catalyst deactivation. ,  catalyst life cycle. ,  النفط الثقيل ,  تعطيل فعالية المواد الحفازة ,  العمر الزمني للمواد الحفازة

Project(s):  Optimization of the Atmospheric Residue Desulfurization Process Using a New Catalyst Loading Profile wth Heavier Feedstock

Project code:  PF 054K

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Selected processes for recovery of crude oil in Kuwait. Phase I. Preliminary study


KISR Report

Amendment "C

Contributor(s):  Salman, Mohammad.

Subject(s):  EOR research. ,  Crude oil.

Project(s):  Selected Processes for Recovery of Crude Oils in Kuwait

Project code:  PP 005C

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Assessment and control of parameters for Minagish water injection system (West Kuwait)


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 3

Contributor(s):  Dashti, Hameeda

Subject(s):  Water quality ,  WAter quality ,  Water quality monitoring ,  Minagish field west Kuwait ,  Aquifer ,  Effluent Water ,  Tss data ,  oil-in-water ,  Injectivity indices ,  مراقبة نوعية المياه ,  حقل المناقيش ,  غرب الكويت ,  مياة تكوينية ,  مياة مصاحبة للنفط ,  الجزيئات العالقة ,  معدل النفط في الماء ,  معدلات الحقن

Project(s):  Assessment and Control of Parameters for MinaGish Water Injection System ( West Kuwait )

Project code:  PP 024C

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Pigging of transfer line, sabriya and raudhatain headers north Kuwait seawater injection facility (January- December 2006)


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 7

Contributor(s):  Carew, John.

Subject(s):  Water quality ,  Pollution ,  Bacteria ,  Sea Water ,  Pigging operations. ,  North Kuwait seawater injection facility. ,  SRB. ,  GAB. ,  GAnB. ,  MIC and total suspended solids. ,  عمليات الكشط ,  معدات حقن مياه البحر في شمال الكويت ,  بكتريا مختزلة للكبريت ,  بكتريا هوائية ,  تآكل ميكروبي ,  مجموع الأجسام الصلبة المعلقة

Project(s):  Assessment and Control of Water Quality Parameters in Seawater Injection System (North Kuwait)

Project code:  PP 023C

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Study of combibed nonoxidative regeneration methods for deactivated hydroprocessing catalysts


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Ghaloum, Narges.

Subject(s):  Catalyst ,  Catalyst ,  Oil ,  Oil ,  Coke. ,  Oxidation. ,  Spent Catalyst. ,  المواد الحفازة المثبطة ,  الفحم الكربوني ,  عملية الأكسدة

Project(s):  A Study of Combined Nonoxidative Regeneration Methods for Deactivated Hydroprocessing Catalysts

Project code:  PF 051K

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Consultancy services for failure investigation and testing for the three KNPC refineries,


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 10

Contributor(s):  Riad, W. T.

Subject(s):  Welding ,  Corrosion resistant materials ,  Intergranular corrosion, charge heater, feed heater ,  تأكل مابين الحبيبات; السخان الشاحن; السخان المغذي

Project(s):  Consultancy Services for Failure Investigations and Testing for the Three KNPC Refineries

Project code:  PF 013S

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Consultancy services for failure investigation and testing for the three KNPC refineries. :


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 9

Contributor(s):  Shalaby, H.M

Subject(s):  Scanning electron microscopy ,  Microscopy. ,  High temperature, crude oil, cause of failure ,  الحرارة المرتفعة; الزيت الخام;سبب العطب

Project(s):  Consultancy Services for Failure Investigations and Testing for the Three KNPC Refineries

Project code:  PF 013S

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H2S survey for grater Burgan area


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al-Mutairi, F.

Subject(s):  Greater Burgan area. ,  H2S survey.

Project(s):  H²S Survey for Greater Burgan

Project code:  PP 013C

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