report(s) found: 441
Center: Petroleum Research and Studies Center x

Gas sampling and analysis of tank vapours in south east Kuwait (SEK)


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Mohammad, A. A. A.

Subject(s):  Gas. ,  Tank vapour. ,  CRU. ,  GC. ,  SEK. ,  Chromatography.

Project(s):  Gas Sampling and Analysis of Tank Vapours in SEK

Project code:  PP 041S

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Failure analysis of internally coated elbow,

KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al-Hadaj, M.GH.

Subject(s):  Petroleum ,  Protective coatings ,  Corrosion-fatigue, cracking, turbulent flow, erosion ,  تآكل; إجهاد;تصدع; تدفق مضطرب; نحت

Project(s):  Consultancy Services for Failure Investigations and Testing for the Three KNPC Refineries

Project code:  PF 013S

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Consultancy Services for Failure Investigation and Testing for the Three KNPC Refineries Failure Inveatigation of Tubes From Waste Heat Boiler at the Mina Al-Ahmadi Refinery.


KISR Report

Technical Report No.15

Contributor(s):  Riad, W. T.

Subject(s):  التدفق الحراري ; تشوه انابيب المرجل ; زيادة التسخين ,  heat flux ; boiler tube deformation ; overheating

Project(s):  Consultancy Services for Failure Investigations and Testing for the Three KNPC Refineries

Project code:  PF 013S

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Laboratory and on-site studies of effluent and aquifer water injection in the Minagish field,


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al-Bazzaz, W.

Subject(s):  Water quality ,  Water quality--Measurement ,  Water quality, West Kuwait, effluent water, Tss, oil-in-water, injectivity indices ,  نوعية المياه; غرب الكويت; المياه المصاحبة للأنتاج; الجزيئات الصلبة العالقة; النفط في الماء;مرجعية الحقن

Project(s):  Laboratory and On-Site Studies of Effluent and Aquifer Water Injection in the Minagish Field

Project code:  PP 065S

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Evaluation of the high temperature hydrogen attack susceptibility of V-02-01A and E-02-01 at Shuaiba refinery


KISR Report

Technical Report No.1

Contributor(s):  Ravindranath, K.

Subject(s):  Hydrogen attack. ,  C-0.5 Mo steel. ,  Remaining life. ,  Safety. ,  Reliability. ,  Refinery equipment. ,  In-situmetallography.

Project(s):  Consultancy Services for Failure Investigations and Testing for the Three KNPC Refineries

Project code:  PF 013S

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Control of Seawater quality for injection system in north Kuwait Oil field. (under Kisr KOC contract No. 12050860).


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 4

Contributor(s):  Dabir, Maqsood.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Seawater ,  Underground water ,  Petroleum ,  Chemicals ,  Hydrogen sulfide ,  Enhancement of Oil recovery. ,  Solids generation. ,  Sabriya and Raudhatain oil fields. ,  Producer oil wells. ,  Seawater injection. ,  Biofilm model. ,  Pigging operation. ,  Compatibility of produced and formation water. ,  تعزيز انتاج النفط ,  تشكل المواد الصلبة ,  حقلي نفط الصابرية والروضتين ,  المنتجةالأبار ,  حقن مياه البحر ,  نموذج الغشاء الحيوي ,  عملية التنظيف ,  توافق المياه الجوفية مع المياه المصاحبة

Project(s):  Control of Seawater Quality for Injection System in North Kuwait Oil Field. (Under Kisr KOC Contract No. 12050860)

Project code:  PP 117S

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Asphaltene deposition and formation damage in Kuwaiti oil Reservoir- SEK


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Jumma, Mohammad Ali

Subject(s):  Asphaltene ,  Asphaltene ,  Oil refining ,  Oil refining ,  Asphaltene onset point. ,  bubble point. ,  ضغط نقطة تكون الأسفلت

Project(s):  Asphaltene deposition and formation damage in Kuwaiti oil Reservoir- SEK

Project code:  PP 040K

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Microbiologically influenced corrosion of carbon steel in sea and effluent water injection plants of North and West Kuwait oil field


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension 'A'

Contributor(s):  Al-Mazeedi, Hanny.

Subject(s):  Oil fields ,  Oil fields ,  Chemical. ,  Corrosion. ,  Carbon steel. ,  Microbiology.

Project(s):  Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion of Carbon Steel in Sea and Effluent Water Injection Plants of North and West Kuwait Oil Field

Project code:  PP 029C

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Conventional Routine Core Analysis for Well UG-155.


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Mehanna, Yousef

Subject(s):  حقل ام قدير ; اشعة جاما ; مكمن التيارات النفطي ; المسامية ; النفاذية ,  umm gudair field ; tayarat reservoir ; gamma ray ; permeability ; porosity ; grain density

Project(s):  Conventional Routine Core Analysis for Well UG-155

Project code:  PP 069S

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Crude and H2S properties evaluation study greater Burgan area: (Magwa, Burgan and Ahmadi) Phase VI.


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al-Qallaf, A.

Subject(s):  Hydrogen sulfide ,  Crude oil ,  H2S phase ; Gathering centers ; Crude properties ; and Percentage of water cut ,  الحالة الغازية ; المياه المصاحبة ; مركز التجمع

Project(s):  Crude and H2S Properties Evaluation Study Greater Burgan Area (Magwa, Burgan and Ahmadi) Phase VI

Project code:  PP 064S

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Ards catalyst selection: validation of performance assessment methodology,


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension 'A'

Contributor(s):  Bahzad, D.

Subject(s):  Catalysts--Directories ,  Catalysts industry--Directories

Project(s):  Ards Catalyst Selection Validation of Performance Assessment Methodology

Project code:  PF 033C

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Analysis of system injection (Small-Scale Project and Large-Scale Project) producer wells in Wafra oil fields,


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Carew, John.

Subject(s):  heat--conduction--measurment ,  Viscosity --measurment ,  LSP and SST steam flooding pilot plants, oil and gas composition, produced wells, produced water composition, residual chemical inhibitor, API gravity and viscosity and viscosity structure measurement. ,  وحدات نمطية صغيرة وكبيرة; تركيب النفط والغاز ; الابار المنتجة; تركيب المياة المنتجة;بقايا المثبطات الكيماوية; قياس الكثافة واللزوجة للنفط

Project(s):  Analysis of System Injection (Small-Scale Project and Large-Scale Project) Producer Wells in Wafra Oil Fields

Project code:  PP 063S

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