report(s) found: 358
Center: Water Research Center x

Sustainability of Industrial Wastewater treatment using microbial fuel cell


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Almatouq, Abdullah

Subject(s):  Wastewater treatment ,  Wastewater treatment ,  معالجة مياة الصرف ,  مصانع الالبان ,  الكهرباء ,  مصافي البترول ,  Wastewater treatment ,  Dairy factories ,  Electricity ,  Refineries

Project(s):  Sustainability of Industrial Wastewater treatment using microbial fuel cell

Project code:  WT 066C

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Prediction of the impact of climatic changes on the fresh/ usable Groundwater accumulation at the northern watershed of Kuwait


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Qallaf, H.

Subject(s):  Groundwater ,  Underground water ,  Temperatures ,  Rain ,  نموذج المناخ الإقليمي ,  نمذجة عشوائية للمطر ,  طريقة توازن كتلة الكلوريد ,  مستوي المياه الجوفية ,  Regional climate model ,  Rainfall stochastic model ,  Chloride mass balance method ,  groundwater levels

Project(s):  Prediction of the Impact of Climatic Changes on the Fresh/Usable Groundwater Accumulations at the Northern Watershed of Kuwait

Project code:  WM 050C

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Pilot study for energy generation from sludge using Anaerobic treatment


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Almatouq, Abdullah

Subject(s):  Wastewater treatment ,  Wastewater treatment ,  Anaerobiosis ,  Anaerobiosis ,  Wastewater treatment ,  sludge ,  Energy generation ,  معالجة الصرف الصحي ,  الحمأة ,  انتاج الطاقة ,  المعالجة اللاهوائية

Project(s):  Pilot study for energy generation from sludge using Anaerobic treatment

Project code:  WT 063C

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Prediction of the impact of climatic changes on the fresh/ usable Groundwater accumulation at the northern watershed of Kuwait


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Qallaf, H.

Subject(s):  Groundwater ,  Underground water ,  Temperatures ,  Rain ,  نموذج المناخ الأقليمي ,  نمذجة عشوائية للمطر ,  طريقة توازن كتلة الكلوريد ,  مستوي المياه الجوفية ,  Regional climate model ,  Rainfall stochastic model ,  Chloride mass balance method ,  groundwater levels

Project(s):  Prediction of the Impacts of Climatic Changes on the Fresh/Usable Groundwater Accumulation at the Northern Watershed of Kuwait

Project code:  WM 050C

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Usage of groundwater Isotopes to reconstruct the paleoclimate of Kuwait for water resaources management strategies


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Rashid, T.

Subject(s):  Groundwater flow ,  Groundwater flow ,  Groundwater recharge ,  Groundwater recharge ,  مكمن مجموعة الكويت ,  مكمن تكوين الدمام ,  المياة الجوفية ,  الغازات النبيلة ,  درجات الحرارة أثناء الشحن ,  Kuwait group aquifer ,  Dammam formation aquifer ,  groundwater ,  Nobel gases ,  Recharge temperatures

Project(s):  Usage of Groundwater Isotopes to Reconstruct the Paleolimate of Kuwait for Water Resources Management Strategies

Project code:  WM 112S

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Assessment of newly fabricted thin-film composite Nanofiltration membranes for seawater treatment


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Kumar, R.

Subject(s):  Morphology ,  Morphology ,  Polymers ,  Polymers ,  علم التشكل ,  تدفق المياه ,  طرد الاملاح ,  مادة البوليميرات ,  جسيمات نانوية ,  Morphology ,  water flux ,  Salt rejection ,  Polymers ,  Nanoparticles

Project(s):  Assessment of Newly Fabricated Thin-Film Composite Nanofiltration Membranes for Seawater Treatment

Project code:  WT 057K

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Assessment of groundwater quality change in water fields of Kuwait


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Rashid, T.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Water ,  Groundwater ,  Groundwater ,  جودة المياة الجوفية ,  التوصيف ,  الملوحة ,  التطور الزماني والمكاني ,  Groundwater Quality ,  Characterization ,  Salinity ,  spatio-temporal evolution

Project(s):  Assessment of Groundwater Quality Change in Water Fields of Kuwait

Project code:  WM 069C

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Removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals and polishing of effluents of Kuwait's municipal wastewater treatment plants by electron beam irradiation


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Abusam, A.

Subject(s):  Energy ,  Energy ,  Water ,  Water ,  الحماة المنشطة ,  ضخامة الحماة وزيادة الرغوة ,  المعالجة المتقدمة ,  إعادة إستخدام المياه ,  تكنولوجيا الإشعاع ,  Activated sludge ,  Sludge bulking and foaming ,  Advance treatment ,  Water resue ,  Radiation technology

Project(s):  Removal of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and Polishing of Effluents of Kuwait's Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants by Electron Beam Irradiation

Project code:  WT 008S

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Establishment of central seawater desalination plant for the production of high quality freshwater at KISR


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Odwani, A.

Subject(s):  Water-supply ,  Water-supply ,  Fresh water ,  Fresh water ,  Water shortages ,  permanent solution performance ,  Reliability ,  Design ,  Membrane ,  integrated solution ,  Installation ,  Operation ,  Quality control

Project(s):  Establishment of Central Seawater Desalination Plant for the Production of High Quality Freshwater at KISR

Project code:  WT 064K

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Pilot Hybrid biofilm reactor for treatment of industrial wastewater


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Ahmed, M.E.

Subject(s):  Biological monitoring ,  Biological monitoring ,  Growth factors ,  Growth factors ,  biological filters ,  attached growth processes ,  retrofitting industrial wastewater treatment plants ,  المرشحات البيولوجية ,  المعالجة بواسطة الرقاقة العالقة ,  تحديث محطات معالجة مياة الصرف الصناعي

Project(s):  Pilot Hybird Biofilm Reactor for Treatment of Industrial Wastewater

Project code:  WT 046C

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Assessment of the potential Dibdibba as a Shared/Regional Aquifer


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Aliewi, A.

Subject(s):  Water-supply ,  Water-supply ,  Hydrologic models ,  Hydrologic models ,  Hydrogeology ,  groundwater ,  Recharge ,  Numerical modeling ,  الهيدروجيولوجيا ,  المياة الجوفية ,  التغذية ,  النمذجة الرقمية

Project(s):  Assessment of the Potential of Dibdibba as a Regional/Shared Aquifer

Project code:  WM 066C

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Evaluation of surface runoffs along the wadis of north Kuwait


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Mukhopadhyay, Amitabha.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Rain ,  Data ,  Valleys ,  حصاد المياه ,  قناة نهرية جافة ,  أجهزة تسجيل بيانات ,  قياس عن بعد ,  Water harvesting ,  dry river channel ,  Data logger ,  Telemetry

Project(s):  Evaluation of Surface Runoff along the Wadis of North Kuwait

Project code:  WM 061C

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