report(s) found: 358
Center: Water Research Center x

Assessment of nanofilteration memebrane system for concentrating seawater reverse osmosis brine /


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Haji, Ahmad.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Water desalination ,  Marine environment ,  Ions ,  Desalination ,  Zero Liquid Discharge ,  Pretreatment ,  تحلية المياه ,  تحلية المياه من دون مياه عادمة ,  معالجة أولية

Project(s):  Assessment of Nanofiltration Membrane System for Concentrating Seawater Reverse Osmosis Brine

Project code:  WT 036G

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Characterization and assessment of industrial wastewater in Kuwait /


KISR Report

Revised Annual Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al Haddad, Adel.

Subject(s):  Industrial ,  Wastewater ,  sample collection. ,  Categorization. ,  Field survey. ,  Digital database. ,  Quality control programs. ,  Treatment. ,  جمع العينات ,  تصنيف ,  مسح ميداني ,  قاعدة بيانات رقمية ,  برامج مرافية الجودة ,  المعالجة

Project(s):  Characterization and Assessment of Industrial Wastewater in Kuwait

Project code:  WT 036C

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Assessment of viability and effectiveness of forward osmosis membranes and polymer draw solutions for seawater desalination :


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Ahmed, Mansour

Subject(s):  Sea water ,  Fresh water ,  Natural Resources ,  Population growth ,  تقنيات التحلية التقليدية ,  تقنية التحلية المبتكرة ,  عمليات الفصل الغشائي ,  الغشاء ذات الألياف الدفيقة المجوفة ,  Conventional desalination technologies ,  Innovative desalination technology ,  Membrane separation processes ,  Hollow fiber membrane

Project(s):  Assessment of Viability and Effectiveness of Forward Osmosis Membranes and Polymer Draw Solutions for Seawater Desalination: Pilot Plant

Project code:  WT 060C

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Assessing submarine groundwater discharge in Kuwait using radioisotopes /


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Bhandary, H.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Water ,  Undergroundwater ,  Undergroundwater

Project(s):  Assessing Submarine Groundwater Discharge in Kuwait Using Radioisotopes

Project code:  WM 0668C

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Field Assessment of the use of ro-treated wastwater for artificial recharge of Dammam formation aquifer in Kuwait /


KISR Report

Proposal Amendment - C

Contributor(s):  Mukhopadhyay, Amitabha.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Groundwater ,  Environment. ,  Climate. ,  تخزين واسترجاع المياه من المكمن ,  أداء الحقن

Project(s):  Field Assessment of the Use of RO-Treated Wastewater for Artificial Recharge of Dammam Formation Aquifer in Kuwait

Project code:  WM 037C

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Study of palaeogroundwater potential offshore of Kuwait /


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Kotwicki, Vincent.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Groundwater ,  Marine sediments ,  Soil ,  Hydrology. ,  Water resources. ,  Arabian Gulf. ,  Persian Gulf. ,  Palaeowater. ,  Fossil water. ,  Time domain electromagnetic method. ,  Failaka island. ,  Bubiyan Islan. ,  الهيدروجيولوجيا. ,  مصادر المياة. ,  الخليج العربى. ,  مياة قديمة. ,  مياة أحفورية. ,  تقنيات الكترومغناطيسية زمنية. ,  جزيرة فيلكا. ,  جزيرة بوبيان.

Project(s):  Study of Palaeogroundwater Potential Offshore of Kuwait

Project code:  WM 044C

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Field assessment of the use of ro-treated wastewater for artificial recharge of Dammam formation aquifer in Kuwait /


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No. 3

Contributor(s):  Mukhopadhyay, Amitabha.

Subject(s):  Wastewater ,  Reservoir ,  Pipes ,  Samples ,  تخزين واسترداد المياه في المكامن ,  مياه الصرف المعالجة بنظام الأغشية ,  آبار استرداد شحن المياه ,  Aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) ,  Membrane treated wastewater ,  ASR well Design

Project(s):  Field Assessment of the Use of RO-Treated Wastewater for Artificial Recharge of Dammam Formation Aquifer in Kuwait

Project code:  WM 037C

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Assessing submarine groundwater discharge in Kuwait using radioisotopes /


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Bhandary, Harish.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Industry ,  Radium. ,  Isotopes. ,  Offishore gradient. ,  Box model. ,  Nutrient. ,  الراديوم ,  النظائر ,  التدرج البحري ,  نموذج الصندوق ,  المغذيات

Project(s):  Assessing Submarine Groundwater Discharge in Kuwait Using Radioisotopes

Project code:  WM 068C

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Removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals and polishing of effluents of Kuwait's municipal wastewater treatment plants by electron beam irradiation /


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Abusam, A.

Subject(s):  Energy ,  Water ,  Activated sludge ,  Sludge bulking and foaming ,  Advance treatment ,  Water reuse ,  Radiation technology ,  الحمأة المنشطة ,  ضخامة الحمأة وزيادة الرغوة ,  المعالجة المتقدمة ,  اعادة استخدام المياه ,  تكنلوجيا الأشعاع

Project(s):  Removal of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and Polishing of Effluents of Kuwait's Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants by Electron Beam Irradiation

Project code:  WT 008S

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Assessment and prediction of urbanization impacts on subsurface groundwater levels and quality in Kuwait /


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Murad, Mohammad.

Subject(s):  Water Supply ,  Water Supply

Project(s):  Assessment and Prediction of Urbanization Impacts on Subsurface Groundwater Levels and Quality in Kuwait

Project code:  WM 047C

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Treatment of oilfield produced water using adsorption desalinatiion (AD) technology:


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Al Nuwaibit, Ghada.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Oil ,  Adsorbent. ,  Evaporation. ,  Condensation. ,  Silica gel. ,  Adsorption cycle. ,  Produced water. ,  Zero Liquid Discharge. ,  ممتز ,  تبخير ,  تكثيف ,  سيلكات هلامية ,  دورة الأمتصاص ,  مياة منتجة ,  بدون سوائل عادمة

Project(s):  Treatment of Oilfield Produced Water Using Adsorption Desalination Technology : Lab-Scale Investigation

Project code:  WT 039K

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Field assessment of the use of reverse OSMOSIS (RO) -treated wastewater for artificial recharge of DAMMAM formation Aquifer in Kuwait/


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No.5

Contributor(s):  Mukhopadhyay, A.

Subject(s):  Aquifer storage recovery ,  Aquifer storage recovery ,  Groundwater recharge ,  Groundwater recharge ,  تخزين واستيراد مياه المكمن ,  مياة الصرف المعاجة بنظام الأغشية ,  تقييم البيانات ,  النمذجة الرقمية ,  فعالية الاسترداد ,  Aquifer storage and recovery ,  membrance treated wastewater ,  data evaluation ,  Numerical modeling ,  Recovery efficiency

Project(s):  Field Assessment of the Use of RO-Treated Wastewater for Artificial Recharge of Dammam Formation Aquifer in Kuwait

Project code:  WM 037C

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