report(s) found: 358
Center: Water Research Center x

Appraisal of extraction of valuable minerals from concentrated Brine - Phase -1


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Ahmed, M.

Subject(s):  Seawater ,  Groundwater flow ,  Groundwater flow ,  Seawater ,  محطات تحلية مياه البحر ,  تناضح عكسي ,  قابلية الذوبان ,  ترسيب ,  تركيز المعادن ,  مغنيسيوم ,  seawater desalination plants ,  Reverse osmosis ,  solubility precipitation ,  concentration of minerals ,  magensium

Project(s):  Appraisal of Extraction of Valuable Minerals from Concentrated Brine – Phase 1

Project code:  WT 038K

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Assessment of the viability and efficiency of membrane contactors for deaeration-bench scale study.


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Tabtabaei, Mohammad.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Broilers ,  Feed Water ,  distillation ,  Multistage flash ,  Boilers. ,  Feedwaters. ,  Oxygen removal. ,  تبخير متعدد المراحل ,  غلايات ,  مياه تغذية ,  نزع الاوكسجين

Project(s):  Assessment of the Viablity and Efficiency of Membrane Contactors for Deaeration

Project code:  WT 030K

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Construction of a mobile control system for reverse osmosis desalination units


KISR Report

Technical report

Contributor(s):  Al Haji, Ahmad.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Water ,  Production ,  Production ,  Operational variables. ,  Monitoring. ,  Performance. ,  Programming. ,  متغيرات التشغيل ,  مراقبة ,  كفائة الأداء ,  برمجة

Project(s):  Construction of a Mobile Control System for Reverse Osmosis Desalination Unit

Project code:  WT 031G

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Feasibility study for treatment and effective usage of high salinity oilfield prodused water in Kuwait:


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  El Sayed, Essam.

Subject(s):  Oil ,  Oil ,  Production ,  Production ,  Microfiltration. ,  Ceramic Membrane. ,  Evaporation. ,  Distillation. ,  Crystallization. ,  Zero Liquid Discharge. ,  Chloralkali. ,  Electrolysis. ,  فلترة دقيقة ,  أغشية سيراميك ,  تبخير ,  تقطير ,  بلورة ,  بدون ماء عادم ,  كلور الكلاي ,  التحليل الكهربائي

Project(s):  Feasibility Study for Treatment and Effective Usage of High Salinity Oilfield Produced Water in Kuwait

Project code:  WT 037C

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Laboratory analyses of water samples from brine treatment pilot plants at Slaibiya, Phase II,


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Bhandary, Harish.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Seawater ,  Tides ,  Water ,  Seawater ,  Tides

Project(s):  Laboratory Analysis of Water Samples from Brine Treatment Pilot at Sulaibiya – Phase II

Project code:  WM 108S

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Forward osmosis process:


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Ahmed, Mansour.

Subject(s):  Osmosis ,  Osmosis ,  Saline Water Conversion ,  Saline Water Conversion ,  Revers Osmosis ,  Revers Osmosis ,  Seawater ,  Seawater ,  Distilled Water ,  Distilled Water ,  Sodium Chloride ,  Sodium Chloride ,  Desalination. ,  Draw solution. ,  Osmotic pressure. ,  Internal Concentration. Polarization. ,  تحلية المياه ,  محاليل ساحبة ,  ضغط أسموزي ,  تراكيز استقطابية

Project(s):  Forward Osmosis Process: Bench-scale Laboratory Investigation - Phase 1

Project code:  EA 049K

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Laboratory analyses of Water Samples.


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Bhandary, Harish.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Seawater ,  Tides ,  Solids ,  Depth ,  المواد الصلبة العالقة المتطايرة ,  البحر ,  ميناء الفاو ,  المد والجزر ,  Suspended Solids. ,  Volatile. ,  Marine. ,  Faw port. ,  Tides.

Project(s):  Laboratory Analyses of Water Samples

Project code:  WM 079S

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Assessing submarine groundwater discharge in Kuwait using radioisotopes.


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Bhandary, Harish.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Underground water ,  Sea ,  Radioisotopes ,  الراديوم ,  النظائر ,  الملوثات ,  بيئي ,  الرادون ,  Radium. ,  Isotopes. ,  Contaminants. ,  Invironmental. ,  Radon.

Project(s):  Assessing Submarine Groundwater Discharge in Kuwait Using Radioisotopes

Project code:  WM 068C

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Assessment of the effects of anthropogenic activities in northern Kuwait on natural groundwater recharge.


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Akber, Abdul Muhsen.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Groundwater ,  Surface water ,  Freshwater ,  Rain and rainfall ,  Soils ,  Terrain ,  Aquifers. ,  Runoff. ,  Infiltration. ,  Recharge. ,  Safe yield. ,  مكامن ,  جريان ,  تسرب ,  تغذية ,  حدود آمنة

Project(s):  Assessment of the Effects of Anthropogenic Activities in Northern Kuwait on Natural Groundwater Recharge

Project code:  WM 035C

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Field assessment of the use of ro-treated wastewater for artificial recharge of Dammam formation aquifer in Kuwait,


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Mukhopadhyay, Amitabha.

Subject(s):  Wastewater ,  Wastewater treatment ,  Reservoir ,  Pipes ,  Research ,  تخزين واسترداد المياة في المكامن ,  نمذجة المكمن ,  تصميم بئر تخزين وأسترداد المياة ,  Aquifer storage and recovery(ASR). ,  Aquifer modeling. ,  ASR well Design.

Project(s):  Field Assessment of the Use of RO-Treated Wastewater for Artificial Recharge of Dammam Formation Aquifer in Kuwait

Project code:  WM 037C

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Fabrication of fouling control forward osmosis membranes for Kuwait seawater desalination


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Kumar, Rajasree.

Subject(s):  Salt ,  Salt ,  Energy ,  Energy ,  Membrane fabrication. ,  Characterization. ,  Flux. ,  Salt rejection. ,  صناعة الأغشية ,  خصائص الأغشية ,  تدفق ,  الأملاح المسترجعة

Project(s):  Fabrication of Fouling Control Forward Osmosis Membranes for Kuwait Seawater Desalination

Project code:  WT 044K

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Assessment and prediction of urbanization impact on subsurface groundwater levels and quality in Kuwait


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Murad, Mohammad.

Subject(s):  Water Supply ,  Water Supply ,  Slurry ,  Slurry ,  حضاري ,  مياة جوفية ,  النوعية ,  خفض منسوب المياة ,  تسرب ,  نموذج ,  مياه مصاحبة ,  Urban ,  Quality ,  Dewatering ,  Leakage ,  Oil ,  Model ,  product water

Project(s):  Assessment and Prediction of Urbanization Impacts on Subsurface Groundwater Levels and Quality in Kuwait

Project code:  WM 047C

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