report(s) found: 479
Center: Water Resources Division x

Characterization and Treatment of Dairy Processing Wastewater Effluent for Reuse


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Bou Hamad, Samir.

Subject(s):  Wastewater ,  Wastewater ,  Wastewater-Treatment and Disposal ,  Wastewater-Treatment and Disposal ,  Environment Protection ,  environment protection ,  Detergents ,  Detergents ,  WAter quality ,  WAter quality ,  Water-Analysis ,  Water-Analysis ,  أغشية مغمورة ,  فلتر كربوني ,  خزان تهوية ,  غسيل عكسي ,  Submerged membranes. ,  Carbon filter. ,  Aeration tank. ,  Backwash.

Project(s):  Characterization and Treatment of Dairy Processing Wastewater Effluent for Reuse

Project code:  WT 021C

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Effect of fluctuating sewater level on groundwater table.


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Naseeb, H.

Subject(s):  Tide. ,  Groundwater levels. ,  Regression analysis.

Project(s):  Effect of Fluctuating Seawater Level on Groundwater Table

Project code:  WM 026K

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Development of Decision support maps for ground water protection in Kuwait


KISR Report

Progress Report No.2

Contributor(s):  Fadlelmawla, Amr.

Subject(s):  Underground water ,  Pollution ,  data analysis ,  Reservoir ,  قابلية المياه الجوفية للتلوث ,  تقييم المخاطر ,  ترتيب المخاطر ,  Groundwater vulnerability. ,  Hazard ranking. ,  Risk assessment.

Project(s):  Development of Decision Support Maps for Groundwater Protection in Kuwait

Project code:  WM 014C

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Assessment of electrical power generation and water desalination plants/


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  El Sayed, Essam.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Water desalination ,  Electricity generation ,  Distillation ,  Rating ,  Quality ,  محطات بخارية ,  تقطير فجائي متعدد المراحل ,  تقييم الأداء ,  الأداء الأقتصادي ,  مقارنة بمقاييس استرشادية ,  Steam plant. ,  Multistage flesh. ,  Performance evaluation. ,  Economic performance. ,  Benchmarking.

Project(s):  Assessment of Electrical Power Generation and Water Desalination Plants

Project code:  WT 023C

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Assessment and prediction of urbanization impacts on subsurface grounfwater levels and quality in Kuwait


KISR Report

Revised Proposal

Contributor(s):  Al-Murad, M.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Water ,  Environment ,  Environment ,  Water table rise. ,  Numerical modeling. ,  Monitoring. ,  Geastatistics. ,  ارتفاع منسوب المياة الحرة ,  مياة جوفية ,  نموذج رياضي ,  مراقبة ,  احصاء جيولوجي

Project(s):  Assessment and Prediction of Urbanization Impacts on Subsurface Groundwater Levels and Quality in Kuwait

Project code:  WM 047K

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Assessment of potential ground water contamination and associated environmental impacts at PIC plants in Shuaiba, Kuwait


KISR Report

Interim Report

Subject(s):  Test holes. ,  Sampling. ,  Analyses. ,  Ammonia. ,  Urea. ,  Nitrate. ,  Total petroleum hydrocarbons. ,  Total coliform bacteria.

Project(s):  Assessment of Potential Groundwater Contamination and Associated Environmental Impacts at PIC Plants in Shuaiba, Kuwait

Project code:  WM 015C

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Technical feasibility of long term wastewater treatment using natural aquifer


KISR Report

Progress Report No.3

Contributor(s):  Akber, A.

Subject(s):  Monitoring wells. ,  Ceramic cups. ,  Water levels. ,  Soil. ,  Geophysical logs.

Project(s):  Technical Feasibility of Long-term Wastewater Treatment Using Natural Aquifer

Project code:  WM 003C

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Assessment of usable groundwater reserve in northern kuwait.


KISR Report

Revised Final Report.

Contributor(s):  Fadlelmawla, Amr.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Water storage ,  Underground water ,  Salinity ,  rain water ,  Wells ,  Underground reservoir ,  الأستشعار عن بعد ,  إعادة الشحن ,  ARCGIS ,  المياة الجوفية ,  المخزون الأستراتيجي ,  توازن الكلوريد ,  Remote Sensing. ,  groundwater. ,  ArcGIS. ,  Strategic reserve. ,  Clorid balance.

Project(s):  Assessment of Usable Groundwater Reserve in Northern Kuwait

Project code:  WM 027C

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Initial assessment of the potential of eutectic freeze crystalization for desalting oil-corproduced saline water using batch tests


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Tabtabaei, Mohammed.

Subject(s):  Oil ,  Oil ,  Water ,  Water ,  Suspended Solids. ,  Nonconventional Approach. ,  Experiments. ,  High Purity. ,  NaC1, ice. ,  عوائق صلبة ,  نهج غير تقليدي ,  تجارب مخبرية ,  نقاوة عالية ,  كلوريد الصوديوم ,  جليد

Project(s):  Initial Assessment of the Potential of Eutectic Freeze Crystallization for Desalting Oil-Coproduced Saline Water Using Batch Test

Project code:  WT033G

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Monitoring and assessment of the natural attenuation of hydrocarbon pollution of fresh groundwater resources in Kuwait


KISR Report

Progress Report No.2

Contributor(s):  Mukhopadhyay, Amitabha.

Subject(s):  Biodegradation ,  Biodegradation ,  Pollutants ,  Pollutants ,  Biogeochemistry ,  Biogeochemistry ,  التحليل البيولوجي ,  النمذجة البيولوجية ,  معالجة ,  Biodegradation. ,  Biogeochemical modelling. ,  Remediation.

Project(s):  Monitoring and Assessment of the Natural Attenuation of Hydrocarbon Pollution of Fresh Groundwater Resources in Kuwait

Project code:  WM 045C

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Change in treated wastewater quality through soil aquifer treatment


KISR Report

Interim Report

Contributor(s):  Al-Awadi, E.

Subject(s):  Petrography. ,  Mineralogy. ,  Soil columns. ,  Tertiary effluent. ,  Infiltration.

Project(s):  Change in Treated Wastewater Quality through Soil Aquifer Treatment

Project code:  WW 002C

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Assessment of the water rise problem at Al Qurain residential area


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Hadi, Khaled.

Subject(s):  Groundwater ,  Groundwater ,  Water quality ,  WAter quality ,  well water ,  well water

Project(s):  Assessment of the Water Rise Problem at Al-Qurain Residential Area

Project code:  WM 028C

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